We are experiencing/witnessing the greatest .....

Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.

As compared to how many "My butt still hurts from Trump winning in 2016 and we're going to get him any day now" threads? Do you not count those, too?
Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.

As compared to how many "My butt still hurts from Trump winning in 2016 and we're going to get him any day now" threads? Do you not count those, too?

Yeah, there are about 2 of those to every 5 Trump worshiping threads. And then when you add in the "we're going to get her any day now" threads they outnumber the other by about 10 to 1
How is a guy that divested himself of his control of all of his companies, and then took a $1.00 in salary to be President when he is a Billionaire and could do What The Fuck he wanted without all of this hatred being heaped upon him, enriching himself?

Just about the only thing he has accomplished as President is enriching himself and fellow millionaires. Everything else has been a glaring failure.

hes a fucking clown - F Trump

Brilliant retort! /sarcasm

Can any of you Trump worshipers give me a list of five things in your own words that are better because of Trump.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I'm no "Trump worshipper" but I'll take a crack at it.

1) Investor confidence. Some people were ready to take their money and leave if Hillary won.

2) ISIS is all but decimated without the purple-lip jughead giving them money and arms.

3) I can finally find the .22 bullets I like for sale at Walmart every once in a blue moon.

4) Foreign trade negotiations are underway that will benefit America.

5) Leftist daily butthurt and delusion is Schadenfreudingly delicious!
Do any trump worshippers know why mexico hasn't sent the billions to build the wall yet? Trump was very specific about this many many times. "Whose going to pay for the wall?" he said to his base. "Mexico" was always the answer. Dozens of times. How can a guy be great if he can't deliver on the biggest item in his bag of promises? He only won the electoral vote, not the popular vote, because he seemed to stink a little less than hillary by the way. He was the least bad of the worst at the time is all.
NOW the POS lying scumbag says he's going to shut down govt if he doesn't get the money for the wall
She lost by winning 3,000,000 more votes.

You have not heard of the electoral college ? Snowflakes cannot comprehend , and are ignorant of the letter and spirit of American law. Don’t Listen To The Mob. Long Live The Electoral college. Now go light a candle losers.


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Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.
it balances out all the "i hate trump" ones....

To a point this is true, but on this forum at least, the Trump worshipers far outnumber any other group
well when obama was in, there were many of those types worshiping him too in this forum,to the point many times, if you had the gall and audacity to disagree with the guy,it was because he was black,i mean what other reason could there be?......

And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.

But there is a great difference between the men. One cares about the job and the nation—Obama and the other one cares about himself only—Trump
How is a guy that divested himself of his control of all of his companies, and then took a $1.00 in salary to be President when he is a Billionaire and could do What The Fuck he wanted without all of this hatred being heaped upon him, enriching himself?

Just about the only thing he has accomplished as President is enriching himself and fellow millionaires. Everything else has been a glaring failure.

hes a fucking clown - F Trump

Brilliant retort! /sarcasm

Can any of you Trump worshipers give me a list of five things in your own words that are better because of Trump.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I'm no "Trump worshipper" but I'll take a crack at it.

1) Investor confidence. Some people were ready to take their money and leave if Hillary won.

2) ISIS is all but decimated without the purple-lip jughead giving them money and arms.

3) I can finally find the .22 bullets I like for sale at Walmart every once in a blue moon.

4) Foreign trade negotiations are underway that will benefit America.

5) Leftist daily butthurt and delusion is Schadenfreudingly delicious!

Link to people taking their money out? I lost with Bush, made a pot full while Obama was in office.

Am now watching it go up and down like a yo-yo. Experts are predicting a Recession later this year. But I am prepared to ride it out until another Democrat gets in.
Trump will go down in history as the greatest president this nation has ever seen....he's a doer not a status quo keeper....

I'm not prepared to make that kind of claim yet.

I will never be prepared to make that statement!

Trump is an embarrassment to my country. Nothing will change that!

Kim Dung had his Nuclear site implode. He is out of money for more tests and bribery money so is now playing nice. China laid him out on the secret train trip.Suckers! Not the first time we fell for it.
Republican hypocrisy:
-Obama makes executive orders: He is a dictator! We must defend the constitution!
-Trump doubles the amount of executive orders Obama made in eight years in less than two: Well it's because of Obama, deep state!
-Obama a loyal husband with one wife: She is a tranny! dumfukconservatard.com proves it! His daughters don't look exactly alike they aren't legitimate!
-Trump has three wives, it's hard to keep track the mother of each child, cheats on wife with an ex porn star while she is pregnant, also other ex porn stars and they get an abortion: He is a good christian so it's ok. Hey look over here! conservaderp.com says Clintons run a sex ring! They worse so trump is good!
I'm no "Trump worshipper" but I'll take a crack at it.

1) Investor confidence. Some people were ready to take their money and leave if Hillary won.

2) ISIS is all but decimated without the purple-lip jughead giving them money and arms.

3) I can finally find the .22 bullets I like for sale at Walmart every once in a blue moon.

4) Foreign trade negotiations are underway that will benefit America.

5) Leftist daily butthurt and delusion is Schadenfreudingly delicious!

Thank you for the reply.

1. This was a plus for Trump, till he started making actual decisions. From the day after the election till the day he signed the tax cut bill into law we saw this in a big way, the market was booming. In the last 123 days we have seen basically zero growth in the markets. This is a troubling trend if it continues much longer.

2. ISIS is defeated, I will give you that one.

3. Not sure how that deals with Trump

4. I feel his trade war will hurt the US, not help it. Most agree with me...time will tell.

5. :290968001256257790-final:
Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.
it balances out all the "i hate trump" ones....

To a point this is true, but on this forum at least, the Trump worshipers far outnumber any other group
well when obama was in, there were many of those types worshiping him too in this forum,to the point many times, if you had the gall and audacity to disagree with the guy,it was because he was black,i mean what other reason could there be?......

And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
Republican hypocrisy:
-Obama makes executive orders: He is a dictator! We must defend the constitution!
-Trump doubles the amount of executive orders Obama made in eight years in less than two: Well it's because of Obama, deep state!
-Obama a loyal husband with one wife: She is a tranny! dumfukconservatard.com proves it! His daughters don't look exactly alike they aren't legitimate!
-Trump has three wives, it's hard to keep track the mother of each child, cheats on wife with an ex porn star while she is pregnant, also other ex porn stars and they get an abortion: He is a good christian so it's ok. Hey look over here! conservaderp.com says Clintons run a sex ring! They worse so trump is good!

Question here. Has anyone complained about Melania staying with Trump after his many Affairs while she had a new baby at home?

They sure like to complain about Hillary not leaving her one and only husband. Are 3RD wives immune?
Republican hypocrisy:
-Obama makes executive orders: He is a dictator! We must defend the constitution!
-Trump doubles the amount of executive orders Obama made in eight years in less than two: Well it's because of Obama, deep state!
-Obama a loyal husband with one wife: She is a tranny! dumfukconservatard.com proves it! His daughters don't look exactly alike they aren't legitimate!
-Trump has three wives, it's hard to keep track the mother of each child, cheats on wife with an ex porn star while she is pregnant, also other ex porn stars and they get an abortion: He is a good christian so it's ok. Hey look over here! conservaderp.com says Clintons run a sex ring! They worse so trump is good!

Question here. Has anyone complained about Melania staying with Trump after his many Affairs while she had a new baby at home?

They sure like to complain about Hillary not leaving her one and only husband. Are 3RD wives immune?
The amount of piddly hypocritical outrage from republicans regarding the Obamas was hilarious. Now almost everything they hated Obama for Trump does twice as much (golfing, etc.) and you wont hear a peep from them except defending their messiah. Republicans truly are an obedient cult.
Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.
it balances out all the "i hate trump" ones....

To a point this is true, but on this forum at least, the Trump worshipers far outnumber any other group
well when obama was in, there were many of those types worshiping him too in this forum,to the point many times, if you had the gall and audacity to disagree with the guy,it was because he was black,i mean what other reason could there be?......

And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.

As compared to how many "My butt still hurts from Trump winning in 2016 and we're going to get him any day now" threads? Do you not count those, too?

I do not think it is the fact Trump won the Electoral vote, it is the fact she won the popular vote. We need reform of some kind so that people’s votes count, not a bunch of chosen Electorals.

That was created when only landowners could vote and blacks were considered less than a person,
Republican hypocrisy:
-Obama makes executive orders: He is a dictator! We must defend the constitution!
-Trump doubles the amount of executive orders Obama made in eight years in less than two: Well it's because of Obama, deep state!
-Obama a loyal husband with one wife: She is a tranny! dumfukconservatard.com proves it! His daughters don't look exactly alike they aren't legitimate!
-Trump has three wives, it's hard to keep track the mother of each child, cheats on wife with an ex porn star while she is pregnant, also other ex porn stars and they get an abortion: He is a good christian so it's ok. Hey look over here! conservaderp.com says Clintons run a sex ring! They worse so trump is good!

Question here. Has anyone complained about Melania staying with Trump after his many Affairs while she had a new baby at home?

They sure like to complain about Hillary not leaving her one and only husband. Are 3RD wives immune?
The amount of piddly hypocritical outrage from republicans regarding the Obamas was hilarious. Now almost everything they hated Obama for Trump does twice as much (golfing, etc.) and you wont hear a peep from them except defending their messiah. Republicans truly are an obedient cult.
You may call them obedient and while that may be true I call them a vile group of hypocrites Bowing to kiss that pos trumps butt ?? How can they look at themselves in a mirror?
it balances out all the "i hate trump" ones....

To a point this is true, but on this forum at least, the Trump worshipers far outnumber any other group
well when obama was in, there were many of those types worshiping him too in this forum,to the point many times, if you had the gall and audacity to disagree with the guy,it was because he was black,i mean what other reason could there be?......

And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....

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