"...We are going to start slitting throats on day one,"

The right wing loons remind me of a commercial I once heard on the radio for a company called Administaff--a temp agency.

Alex Trebek (sp?) of Jeopardy! fame was hosting a game show on the commercial. There were two contestants, a man and a woman. As is probably predictable, Alex started asking these questions about common office tasks such as accounts payable, avoiding discrimination, and showing up for work. The woman is killing it. Eventually the male contestant asks, "When are we going to get to the strength events?" I forget what Alex said but it was basically a dismissal on the grounds of his not realizing what he was doing there.
Hoping so. To restore the Country after what has been done starting with the half-white muslim days will require a heavy handed approach.

If the OP was really true? It a top-ten dirty filthy POS commee lying dirtbag.
Let me tell you something about real history, fool. Vidkun Quisling was a longterm Norwegian politician, a reactionary in the “Agrarian Party,” who later became a radical fascist, stooge and puppet “leader” of Norway after the Nazis occupied the country. He wanted to make Norway “great again.”

You can do what you want. I know fully well who the man was.

He collaborated with an occupying force. He was a traitor.

Thus the term.

Besides. You lost any credibility that you may have had in demonstrating your very fragmented, compartmentalized, agenda driven perception of history in that Lincoln thread...
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GOP Hopeful Ron DeSantis stated this in New Hampshire today.

The entire quote...

"We’re going to have all of these deep state people, you know, we are going to start slitting throats on day one," DeSantis said. Not fire people; not force resign..."slitting throats".

This will, of course, make folks on the right very happy for some perverse reason.

The big story for DeSantis out of New Hampshire is how bad his campaign is doing. Local media covered this BBQ event he was having up there--sponsored by former Mass. Senator Scott Brown (remember him???).

The original tickets were being sold for $50. There was such apathy that the price was dropped to $1 at the door. Usually prices are more at the door...not in the case of Ron's campaign....

There is a certain amount of schadenfreude going on here, I admit. I like to see bad people fail. He's among the worst on the national stage without question.

He should have said "treat the Deep Staters like El Salvador treats their criminal gangs"
He was using a METAPHOR!
That is exactly what fragile minded right-wing cucks are still doing, 8 years later....behind what this woman said...

Imagine if that scary black woman talked about slitting throats....this is why so-called Conservatives are the biggest pussies on the planet..
Let me tell you something about real history, fool. Vidkun Quisling was a longterm Norwegian politician, a “radical” reactionary in the “Agrarian Party,” who later became an open fascist, stooge and puppet “leader” of Norway after the Nazis occupied the country. He wanted to make Norway “great again.”

And yes, not only were statues of him torn down, but after the war he was put on trial, found guilty of charges including embezzlement, murder and high treason against the Norwegian state, and sentenced to death. He was executed by firing squad at Akershus Fortress, Oslo, on 24 October 1945.
Which is also why the term "Quislings" is an insult....but right-wingers don't read, so this is over their head
That is exactly what fragile minded right-wing cucks are still doing, 8 years later....behind what this woman said...

Imagine if that scary black woman talked about slitting throats....this is why so-called Conservatives are the biggest pussies on the planet..

Doesnt change what I said, Derpy.
Remember the time when HL Mencken predicted a moron in the White House?

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

Remember the time when HL Mencken predicted a moron in the White House?

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

And, did you hear... that moron is trying again to be president. Honest.
Remember the time when HL Mencken predicted a moron in the White House?

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

A quote very applicable to our ex-President, entertainer & demagogue-in-chief par excellence … Donald Trump.
A quote very applicable to our ex-President, entertainer & demagogue-in-chief par excellence … Donald Trump.
yeah the guy that cant talk or doesnt have the capacity to follow a sidewalk is not a moron, right? :lol:
And people like you call the other side cultists LOL. There is ZERO difference between you guys. Zero.
A quote very applicable to our ex-President, entertainer & demagogue-in-chief par excellence … Donald Trump.

Well. I find the applicability to be more conducive in illustrating the pathetic state of the electorate, historically speaking.

You can wag your peckers back and forth at each other as much as you want if that's your schtick, but I see no value in it. I don't really see much more than a nickel's worth of difference. And that's collectively speaking.
"my guy isnt a moron, yours is!"
"nuh-uh, your guy is! Mine is a stable genius!"
Fucking kids, man.
Hoping so. To restore the Country after what has been done starting with the half-white muslim days will require a heavy handed approach.

If the OP was really true? It a top-ten dirty filthy POS commee lying dirtbag.
Muslims don't go to church for 20 years, stupid.
“My guy” is definitely not 80-year-old Joe Biden. But Biden is surrounded by professionals who are at least reasonably competent and dedicated to institutional “rule of law.” The grifters and unstable incompetents who make up Trump’s surviving “team” (is there one?) are now mostly rank lunatics and conspiracy theorists, many of whom would throw out rule of law entirely if they could, as they consider how many liberal & “socialist” throats to slash.

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