We are in a full dive down everyone. Commercials, products fully woke and teaching children full perversions.

Mental illness cannot be accommodated at all. Did you ever see pictures of Karen Carpenter before she died? No one would have agreed that she was fat just to accommodate her delusion.

The tantrums that the trans throw has nothing to do with they way they feel. They can feel they are the wrong sex until the end of time. What they want is for everyone else to believe their delusion. Trans women demand the world accept the authenticity of their lived experience. They need not be real women if they can be authentic women. You must believe.

Right, no one cares if how individuals feel, privately. It's when they "do it in the road and scare the horses" that we have a problem. When they demand that we respect their delusion by cooperating with it, by lying, by remembering and using phony pronouns. I don't like to lie: in fact, I won't do it if I know it's lying.

Your example of a person ill with anorexia nervosa, looking like a concentration camp victim because they think they are "fat," is one that I've seen people use in books about this. Anorexia people (mostly women, but I know one man so afflicted) want you to cooperate with their delusion and not hospitalize them, not bother them about eating. I'm fine with that --- everybody can go to hell in their own way, I guess --- but I won't be forced to collude with them about how they are really fat, fat, fat. I would just avoid the whole situation. If they demanded I help keep them on their diet, or prompt them to throw up after meals, or whatever craziness such a person might want, I guess I'd lose my job, if that were the situation. We don't have to tell lies because leftwingers want us to. If we are resolute in not cooperating with the craziness, maybe they'll stop, because it might get to be too much trouble. That's my hope.
I am not sure you understand what gender dysphoria is. From a medical point of view it is not the mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. It is the the sense of unease caused by that mismatch. Seems just on the surface if society did not condemn them, they would have less feelings of unease.
"These poor people, the .0002% feel oppressed because a decent moral society with established boundaries sort of forbids them from acting on bizarre, deviant urges."
BooooFuckingHoooo......we also forbid poor pedophiles from acting on bizarre urges, we forbid whackos from fucking their Labrador, we think it's sick, twisted and inappropriate when a 50 year old man is fucking a 17 year old girl.
PEOPLE....this is the shit that societies full of decent people do.
Poor children are being bombarded with woke shit from all angles

Yeah those conservative kids in Christian schools are taught Creationism, anti-science bullshit, and that being gay or black makes you inferior. All of which are holding these kids back in the real world.

The left will of course attack the messenger. Not be bothered by this one bit.

Any idiot with a smart phone can make a video and upload it to YouTube. These aren't sources you're posting. They're other deranged clowns just like you.
Yeah those conservative kids in Christian schools are taught Creationism, anti-science bullshit, and that being gay or black makes you inferior. All of which are holding these kids back in the real world.

Any idiot with a smart phone can make a video and upload it to YouTube. These aren't sources you're posting. They're other deranged clowns just like you.
You're fcking annoying
Mental illness cannot be accommodated at all. Did you ever see pictures of Karen Carpenter before she died? No one would have agreed that she was fat just to accommodate her delusion.

The tantrums that the trans throw has nothing to do with they way they feel. They can feel they are the wrong sex until the end of time. What they want is for everyone else to believe their delusion. Trans women demand the world accept the authenticity of their lived experience. They need not be real women if they can be authentic women. You must believe.


Trans people aren't throwing tantrums. It's you fools who are completely deranged about trans people. I guess that now that gays have rights which have been affirmed by the Supreme Court, time after time, you have to find another group to vilify and condemn with your hate.

Hate attacks against trans people are now rising because of your tantrums against the trans.

Lots of people accommodated Karen Carpenter's illness before she died or she would not have been allowed to die. As long as she could sing and they could make money off her, they accommodated her illness. Ditto Amy Winehouse and her addictions. Elvis, Michael Jackson, Sid Vicious, Prince - all of these people's illnesses were accommodated and indulged because other people were making millions of dollars off these people, and continue to do so.
Trans people aren't throwing tantrums. It's you fools who are completely deranged about trans people. I guess that now that gays have rights which have been affirmed by the Supreme Court, time after time, you have to find another group to vilify and condemn with your hate.

Hate attacks against trans people are now rising because of your tantrums against the trans.

Lots of people accommodated Karen Carpenter's illness before she died or she would not have been allowed to die. As long as she could sing and they could make money off her, they accommodated her illness. Ditto Amy Winehouse and her addictions. Elvis, Michael Jackson, Sid Vicious, Prince - all of these people's illnesses were accommodated and indulged because other people were making millions of dollars off these people, and continue to do so.
You smell like fart so much that you even type fart smell. There should be hate attacks against people who smell like fart.
You're fcking annoying

The truth just sticks in your craw. But hey!! Canada is now the preferred nation for international investment in the North American Free Trade Zone, and we're making out like bandits here.

1. We are now running a trade surplus in hard goods with the USA of $29 billion as of August of this year. It was only $11 billion when Trump was elected. Trump's new NAFTA Deal is just the BEST!!! For Canada.

2. We don't have to rebuild or upgrade our infrastructure and we have WIFI all across the country. We've been building and maintaining it all along, although the government is looking at more investment.

3. Our education system is one of the best in the world, and our population is one of the best educated in the first world.

4. Our government is stable. Our nation is vaxxed. There hasn't been an insurrection since the Riel Rebellion.

5. Gun Control, universal health care, and a sane population.
You smell like fart so much that you even type fart smell. There should be hate attacks against people who smell like fart.

I guess you started drinking early today, Tipsy. Didn't you once claim to be a retired lawyer???? How'd you make out in court with arguments like this?

This is what passes for intellect amongst members of the Trump Cult.
I guess you started drinking early today, Tipsy. Didn't you once claim to be a retired lawyer???? How'd you make out in court with arguments like this?

This is what passes for intellect amongst members of the Trump Cult.
I love making fun of you. You deserve no respect or even consideration. All you deserve is a spray of Raid and a D-Con cocktail.
The truth just sticks in your craw. But hey!! Canada is now the preferred nation for international investment in the North American Free Trade Zone, and we're making out like bandits here.

1. We are now running a trade surplus in hard goods with the USA of $29 billion as of August of this year. It was only $11 billion when Trump was elected. Trump's new NAFTA Deal is just the BEST!!! For Canada.

2. We don't have to rebuild or upgrade our infrastructure and we have WIFI all across the country. We've been building and maintaining it all along, although the government is looking at more investment.

3. Our education system is one of the best in the world, and our population is one of the best educated in the first world.

4. Our government is stable. Our nation is vaxxed. There hasn't been an insurrection since the Riel Rebellion.

5. Gun Control, universal health care, and a sane population.
Sadly for you I stopped reading your racist rants long ago, fruitcake

A lot of you are outraged even though you didn't watch the video. Here it is in its entirety.
Are you sure you want to live in an anything goes, no boundaries type of society....is such a place really sustainable?

I think a "you do not bother me and I will not bother you" is a very sustainable place to live.
I know what will NOT be on my grocery list....Doritos and Twix.

Frito Lay and Mars? Maybe. Maybe not.

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