We are in a full dive down everyone. Commercials, products fully woke and teaching children full perversions.

and what is "the actual cause"?
The hip to be weird, indecent and immoral bullshit pushed by “PROGRESSIVES”. Anything to buck against the traditional American value system is AWESOME!
Where were all these whackos 20 years ago before CNN said it was cool?
If Don Lemon, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots said people who fuck their Labradors are sooooooo cool and progressive we’d suddenly see a bunch people ‘come out‘ as Labrador fuckers.
Cool…that said I’m certain you have the data..show us those predominantly dark communities, cities, states and nations that are on the up and up?
Look, we have to stop saying things because it FEELZ good to say because it follows the PC programming….we need to say shit because theres data behind it.
Do you have a solution that's possible?
They succeeded the minute math is racist and stem subjects were replaced with critical race theory.

If we cannot overthrow wokeness then we are done as a country and a people.

Yes. If we can't handle these brainwashed snowflakes, China is going to fuck us up.

The WUHAN LAB LEAK was intentional in my opinion.
Mental illness.

Gender dysphoria is a personal mental health condition, not a society problem.


I am not sure you understand what gender dysphoria is. From a medical point of view it is not the mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. It is the the sense of unease caused by that mismatch. Seems just on the surface if society did not condemn them, they would have less feelings of unease.

I am a live and let live type of guy. If someone thinks their biological sex and their gender identity are not in alignment, how does that affect me in any way? And if it does not affect me, why should I care or condemn them or attack them and tell them they are fucking crazy?
It starts with holding politicians accountable and changing public opinion.

How do we do this when both sides will only vote for their party no matter how much they fuck things up?

The only way of holding politicians accountable is to remove them from office, yet we reelect incumbents at a greater than 90% rate in this country.

So, sure while it sounds great, it will never happen due to you folks that are too loyal to your party on both sides.
It is, but reasonable and pragmatic people do need to actually think things through and be honest about what's a waste of time to think about and what's not.
Well, that’s the difference between the Left and the Right. Maybe the Right has been to “pragmatic“ for a few decades.
The Left is diligent as hell and pushes their agenda like their lives depend on it…who would have thought they could shove chicks with dicks on us like they have.
Well, that’s the difference between the Left and the Right. Maybe the Right has been to “pragmatic“ for a few decades.
The Left is diligent as hell and pushes their agenda like their lives depend on it…who would have thought they could shove chicks with dicks on us like they have.
Bitching and whining on internet message boards is not going to get anything changed.
Well, that’s the difference between the Left and the Right. Maybe the Right has been to “pragmatic“ for a few decades.
The Left is diligent as hell and pushes their agenda like their lives depend on it…who would have thought they could shove chicks with dicks on us like they have.
I think life is pretty good in the United States. A lot of people are entitled and lack perspective. I think the news is making people crazy.
I used to pay attention to commercials. But now Everytime I see one 9 out of 10 times it pandering to kids or trannies or gays or blacks or just in general green haired 20 year olds. And they are always dumb and pointless. It shows either kids celebrating something like WW2 just ended, or they are just saying catchphrase words. It's all just so mind numbing dumb that I feel stupider for watching it. And most of the time the commercials have nothing to do with the product they are selling.
They aren't selling products anymore. They are selling propaganda.
Yes. If we can't handle these brainwashed snowflakes, China is going to fuck us up.

The WUHAN LAB LEAK was intentional in my opinion.
Intentional!!!!! Shitstain obama paid for it. The democrat communists could not do what they are doing without covid. It was the necessary lynchpin.
I am not sure you understand what gender dysphoria is.
Where was this ‘diagnosis’ 20 years ago?
Look, somehow, someway, progressives write the PC rule book…in partnership with the DNC they concoct / cultivate bizarre factions of ‘people’ that break the traditional mould....that’s what they do, that’s their sole purpose.…the DNC then compartmentalizes said factions, exploits the living fuck out of them for political gain while manifesting and fostering a ‘Hate Traditional America’ coalition comprised of whackos and bleeding heart, LOVE EVERYBODY fools like yourself. Surely you‘re wise enough to see this happen under your nose...right?
Lefties should support conservatives home schooling, teaching through COOPS and private schools.

More resources for THEIR children to be indoctrinated into communism.
Mental illness.

Gender dysphoria is a personal mental health condition, not a society problem.

This shit survives, endures, spreads only because it is tolerated. It is a measure of affluence that such nonsense takes root. Only an affluent people have the leisure to engage in foolishness rather than simply struggling to get through the next day.
I am a live and let live type of guy. If someone thinks their biological sex and their gender identity are not in alignment, how does that affect me in any way? And if it does not affect me, why should I care or condemn them or attack them and tell them they are fucking crazy?
Because it results in boys wearing skirts so they can sodomize high school girls in restrooms.

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