We are in a full dive down everyone. Commercials, products fully woke and teaching children full perversions.

They aren't selling products anymore. They are selling propaganda.
This is true. I wonder why they think it's a GOOD idea? I never notice WHAT they are selling anymore, just what kind of miscegenation they are pushing in this ad, right before I switch it off.

I'd think they would rather sell their products; very strange behavior by advertisers.

The only "straight" commercial I've seen lately is that one by an insurance company that makes fun of a blond white man who looks just like his Afghan hound. I think that's pretty sad.
Because it results in boys wearing skirts so they can sodomize high school girls in restrooms.

Sadly boys were sodomizing high school girls in restrooms long before this became an issue. The fact that some sick people take advantage of this seems no reason to blame it on those that do not do such things
I am not sure you understand what gender dysphoria is. From a medical point of view it is not the mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. It is the the sense of unease caused by that mismatch. Seems just on the surface if society did not condemn them, they would have less feelings of unease.

I am a live and let live type of guy. If someone thinks their biological sex and their gender identity are not in alignment, how does that affect me in any way? And if it does not affect me, why should I care or condemn them or attack them and tell them they are fucking crazy?
That's exactly what I'm saying. They are uneasy because of their personal mental health issue and society's effect on said unease.

What is easier to fix? A personal mental health issue, or an entire society?

The first step in solving a problem is it admitting that there is a problem.

A lot more people would have sympathy if the transgender community would actually admit that they have a problem and quit trying to cram a round peg into square hole.

Most people recognize and accommodate mental illness. I have no hate for those who feel uneasy about the conflict between their gender identity and their actual sex. I do have a problem with them insisting that I change who I am to accommodate their personal problem when they themselves will not admit that it is their problem, not mine.

There's not a whole lot of live and let live come in the other direction. There's a whole lot of demanding that I changed, and nothing else.

This advertising campaign does not fix anything. It probably does more damage than good.
Doritos is trying to convince Mexicans that many of their dead relatives were closeted fags.

That makes me want to BUY CHIPS!!
That's exactly what I'm saying. They are uneasy because of their personal mental health issue and society's effect on said unease.

What is easier to fix? A personal mental health issue, or an entire society?

The first step in solving a problem is it admitting that there is a problem.

It is the same reason that gay people used to have these same problems, because so many folks condemned them for being gay. They were told they are mentally ill or that they were being possessed by demons. But now pretty much as a society we accept that some people are gay and they are not the end of the world as we know it, and much of the mental health issues with it have gone away.

If we went your way we would still as a society be ostracizing those that are gay.
Where was this ‘diagnosis’ 20 years ago?
Look, somehow, someway, progressives write the PC rule book…in partnership with the DNC they concoct / cultivate bizarre factions of ‘people’ that break the traditional mould....that’s what they do, that’s their sole purpose.…the DNC then compartmentalizes said factions, exploits the living fuck out of them for political gain while manifesting and fostering a ‘Hate Traditional America’ coalition comprised of whackos and bleeding heart, LOVE EVERYBODY fools like yourself. Surely you‘re wise enough to see this happen under your nose...right?
Following the Frankfurt School Critical Theory playbook to a T.

The left will of course attack the messenger. Not be bothered by this one bit.

I and others like me—long serving Army veterans—have been warning fellow Americans for years about what would happen if We The People failed to take up arms against the encroachment of the Cultural Marxists into every aspect of our civilization. Almost no one listened or took us seriously. Low and behold the Cultural Marxists have won. You see a commercial with a little boy in a princess dress but what you all fail to realize is the people behind such psychotic fuckery do not believe in transgenderism. What they do believe in is DESTROYING America by any means necessary. Meanwhile, the Marxists get left wing Americans to actually believe in WOKENESS like it is some kind of new age fucking religion. All the while the Marxists are laughing off their asses, watching America burn down, toasting marshmallows over the flames of our nation's ashes. American leftists who worship and/or go along with Wokeness are some of the dumbest fucking human beings in human history.
It is the same reason that gay people used to have these same problems, because so many folks condemned them for being gay. They were told they are mentally ill or that they were being possessed by demons. But now pretty much as a society we accept that some people are gay and they are not the end of the world as we know it, and much of the mental health issues with it have gone away.

If we went your way we would still as a society be ostracizing those that are gay.
There's a fundamental difference here.

Gays never asked anything of me.

I was perfectly fine with them having the right to get married, as long as the state usurped authority over such an institution.

It's much easier to live and let live when nothing is required.

And they still feel the need cram the gay shit down our throats all the fucking time.
We don't accommodate any other dysphoria. We don't tell people with body integrity dysphoria that they would be better off with no arms and legs. We do not agree with anorexics that they are really obese. Those with gender dysphoria need treatment not accommodation.
We don't accommodate any other dysphoria. We don't tell people with body integrity dysphoria that they would be better off with no arms and legs. We do not agree with anorexics that they are really obese. Those with gender dysphoria need treatment not accommodation.
I would settle for treatment to accompany accommodation. I am not a heartless bastard, even though I play one on USMB. But no accommodation without treatment. The rest of us should not be required bear 100% of the burden.
I and others like me—long serving Army veterans—have been warning fellow Americans for years about what would happen if We The People failed to take up arms against the encroachment of the Cultural Marxists into every aspect of our civilization. Almost no one listened or took us seriously. Low and behold the Cultural Marxists have won. You see a commercial with a little boy in a princess dress but what you all fail to realize is the people behind such psychotic fuckery do not believe in transgenderism. What they do believe in is DESTROYING America by any means necessary. Meanwhile, the Marxists get left wing Americans to actually believe in WOKENESS like it is some kind of new age fucking religion. All the while the Marxists are laughing off their asses, watching America burn down, toasting marshmallows over the flames of our nation's ashes. American leftists who worship and/or go along with Wokeness are some of the dumbest fucking human beings in human history.
And THAT is the real issue.
I would settle for treatment to accompany accommodation. I am not a heartless bastard, even though I play one on USMB. But no accommodation without treatment. The rest of us should not be required bear 100% of the burden.
Mental illness cannot be accommodated at all. Did you ever see pictures of Karen Carpenter before she died? No one would have agreed that she was fat just to accommodate her delusion.

The tantrums that the trans throw has nothing to do with they way they feel. They can feel they are the wrong sex until the end of time. What they want is for everyone else to believe their delusion. Trans women demand the world accept the authenticity of their lived experience. They need not be real women if they can be authentic women. You must believe.

“We use the term "surrogate activity" to designate an activity that is directed toward an artificial goal that people set up for themselves merely in order to have some goal to work toward, or let us say, merely for the sake of the "fulfillment" that they get from pursuing the goal. Here is a rule of thumb for the identification of surrogate activities. Given a person who devotes much time and energy to the pursuit of goal X, ask yourself this: If he had to devote most of his time and energy to satisfying his biological needs, and if that effort required him to use his physical and mental faculties in a varied and interesting way, would he feel seriously deprived because he did not attain goal X? If the answer is no, then the person's pursuit of goal X is a surrogate activity.”
“In modern industrial society only minimal effort is necessary to satisfy one's physical needs. It is enough to go through a training program to acquire some petty technical skill, then come to work on time and exert the very modest effort needed to hold a job. The only requirements are a moderate amount of intelligence and, most of all, simple OBEDIENCE.”
“Many people who pursue surrogate activities will say that they get far more fulfillment from these activities than they do from the "mundane" business of satisfying their biological needs, but that is because in our society the effort needed to satisfy the biological needs has been reduced to triviality. More importantly, in our society people do not satisfy their biological needs AUTONOMOUSLY but by functioning as parts of an immense social machine. In contrast, people generally have a great deal of autonomy in pursuing their surrogate activities.”
Uncle Ted Kaczynski Industrial Society and It’s Future
Nope, sorry life is great. The wife and I make more money than we ever thought we would and thanks to having two functioning adult children we now have less expenses than we have had in our married life. My kids are doing great, both are thriving in the world, hell my 26 year old makes 6 figures base salary with a uncapped for commissions and has not even finished her Bachelors yet.

Oh, and this summer I got my handicap down to a new personal low.
You don't even hear the irony in what you post do you?
You and your family are thriving because those before you fought to hand you down the same America they inherited.
Think rationally, why would you want to deprive your children of that very same America?
(this is where you'll need to fight that urge to inject silly semantics)
Mental illness cannot be accommodated at all. Did you ever see pictures of Karen Carpenter before she died? No one would have agreed that she was fat just to accommodate her delusion.

The tantrums that the trans throw has nothing to do with they way they feel. They can feel they are the wrong sex until the end of time. What they want is for everyone else to believe their delusion. Trans women demand the world accept the authenticity of their lived experience. They need not be real women if they can be authentic women. You must believe.


YES. Thank you. Transgenderism is a bunch of assholes playing make believe.
I am a live and let live type of guy. If someone thinks their biological sex and their gender identity are not in alignment, how does that affect me in any way? And if it does not affect me, why should I care or condemn them or attack them and tell them they are fucking crazy?
Harmonious, unified, productive, safe first world societies are comprised of likeminded folks whom share the same language and value systems...they create standards and expectations, (Leftist kryptonite) from that comes established normalities.
Are you sure you want to live in an anything goes, no boundaries type of society....is such a place really sustainable?

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