We are into our fourth week. How come it's worse today than on day one?



Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
Opinions and hypocritical statements. 8 years of ignoring Obama's wacky antics and you Libs are already spitting blood over Trump and he hasn't even been in a couple of months. Its called pacing lefties at this rate you guys are going to bleed out before Trump hits 100.

8 years and its going to end up being a Liberal apocalypse.I do hope you guys make it and don't slow down though a super majority for anti-establishment Republicans sounds beautiful and Dems losing every other state except for the wackadoodles in Cali and NY is a win win for the right.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.

Yes it would seem your butt hurt is worse now that day 1.

So, YES, Trump is making America Great again by that metric.
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I don't see that anything is worse...settle down, you'll be alright.
Give the man a chance.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
I bet you weren't embarrassed for eight years, while your treasonous train wreck of a president lied, bullied, bombed, and looted his way through his regime.

Fuck off whiner.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
I bet you weren't embarrassed for eight years, while your treasonous train wreck of a president lied, bullied, bombed, and looted his way through his regime.

Fuck off whiner.

No one's vote is going to have any impact on the bombing, that's just who we are, war is business, amd we'll allow society to erode totally before we redirect our attention homeward.
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.

"How come it's worse than on day one?"

Tip of the iceberg, will get much, much worse until the Resistance ends this charade

Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
Even though I reluctantly voted for PRESIDENT Trump, I have been greatly impressed with his presidency so far. I'm greatly encouraged.
For most leftie bums, yes, things haven't changed. The whiney, smelly assholes were protesting and rioting in the streets before the election, and they're still doing it after.
No one's vote is going to have any impact on the bombing, that's just who we are, war is business, amd we'll allow society to erode totally before we redirect our attention homeward.
I didn't say anything about voting. I pointed out a sad, pathetic party man hack, who incidentally knows that he's a sad, pathetic party man hack.

And don't hand me that "just who we are" bullshit, as though the worst aspects of warmongers and political hacks applies to me or "us", as a matter of course. You speak for yourself, nobody else.
The best way for leftie commies to "feel" the results of a Trump presidency even though it's been only a few weeks, is to lube up their index fingers and stick it up their anuses. For more "feel", try it without the lube, or even multiple fingers. :rofl:
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.

I thought by now mentally deranged Trump would had pressed the red button and nuked half the world? Aren't women's rights abolished yet?
Amazing how scandal free the Obama Administration was sandwiched between The Bush disaster and the Trump debacle.

Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.

call us when you're space ship lands
Does anyone see it getting any better?

There seems to be about an average of two disasters a day.

And all the Trump lies. How long before even his base starts to be embarrassed? Something almost impossible.

Ethics - Treason and everything in between.
I predicted this shit on day one, the thread is out there, check it out. You can not reform a bipolar narcissistic maniac by giving him power...anyone with a working brain cell knew Trump would be a night mare and that electing him to white house would get you shit like this. When people show you who they really are....you gotta believe them. And he showed nothing but a arrogant know it all on day one and that's what we're getting and his white neo nuts love him for it.

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