'We are living like animals': Sandy victims hit out after being forced to spend 12 da

Here we are 12 days later, why isn't this being reported like Katrina was reported?

It is. The power companies have allowed infrastructure to fall behind. President Obama can not make electricity flow out of his ass, but he has heard you can.

Of course and neither could Bush but that didn't stop the left.
Obama got reelected so they best get used to doing without.
What a bunch of whinners!
Bush took heat for his personal response, and for FEMA. I agree, any heat about government handling of Sandy should go to Obama. However, there has been almost no criticism of FEMA's handling of Sandy. Experts have praised them, Cris Christie has praised them,local officals have praised them.

You keep saying their response and timing were the same, but you haven't posted anything that shows that.

the way i see it... the FEMA response is the very same. It took the mayor of NO and the governor of LA days to request FEMA to respond.

You cant blame FEMA for following the request chain in the katrina response.

FEMA has a chain of command for Sandy, and they have procedures as to whose in charge in any given situation.

During Katrina they were under a new system, which aided in the mismanagement. FEMA during Katrina was a hydra, it had too many heads doing different things, it was uncoordinated, to the point of actually refusing much needed help and the new red tape procedures in place were severely detrimental.

and i still see the same response time...... so nothing much has changed.
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Ok, I'm listening.

Please show where you are getting that Obama and FEMA have had the same response and timing to Sandy that Bush and FEMA did to Katrina.

I have an idea. Why don't you tell us just exactly what President Bush should have done immediately after Katrina? It's not as if he had the power to order a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans. That power belonged to Blanco and Nagin. So tell us what President Bush should have done.

Bush failed to cut his vacation short before Katrina hit
Bush failed to stay connected to state government
Bush failed to include some of the hardest hit areas in Katrina emergency plans
Bush appointed Brown.

Those are off the top of my head.

Bush like obama is fully informed no matter where he is.
The city and state government failed to stay in connection with the federal government.
It is not Bushes job to include or or ignore... it is the local governments who must ask for help.

thats off the top of my head.

See... you are still trying to blame bush for katrina response... when obama is just the same.
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Agreed. It's interesting how Bush got lambasted by the media for the way the feds handled Katrina, yet the media is silent about how poorly the Obama administration has handled Sandy.

FEMA doesn't put the power on.

And the president isn't handling it badly and didn't handle it badly

No matter how much anyone wants to pretend that he and baby bush were equally bad

Jillian has spoken thus all should now be silent because of her partisan brilliance. Bow down to her unlinked and uninformed opinion. DO IT NOW!

I have an idea. Why don't you tell us just exactly what President Bush should have done immediately after Katrina? It's not as if he had the power to order a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans. That power belonged to Blanco and Nagin. So tell us what President Bush should have done.

Bush failed to cut his vacation short before Katrina hit
Bush failed to stay connected to state government
Bush failed to include some of the hardest hit areas in Katrina emergency plans
Bush appointed Brown.

Those are off the top of my head.

Bush like obama is fully informed no matter where he is.
The city and state government failed to stay in connection with the federal government.
It is not Bushes job to include or or ignore... it is the local governments who must ask for help.

thats off the top of my head.

See... you are still trying to blame bush for katrina response... when obama is just the same.

repeating "Obamas response was the same", doesn't make it true. I'm blaming Bush, for his own failures.

Do you see no Bush failures in Katrina?
Bush failed to cut his vacation short before Katrina hit
Bush failed to stay connected to state government
Bush failed to include some of the hardest hit areas in Katrina emergency plans
Bush appointed Brown.

Those are off the top of my head.

Bush like obama is fully informed no matter where he is.
The city and state government failed to stay in connection with the federal government.
It is not Bushes job to include or or ignore... it is the local governments who must ask for help.

thats off the top of my head.

See... you are still trying to blame bush for katrina response... when obama is just the same.

repeating "Obamas response was the same", doesn't make it true. I'm blaming Bush, for his own failures.

Do you see no Bush failures in Katrina?

sure i see the failures.... the very same failures that obama is having.
Bush like obama is fully informed no matter where he is.
The city and state government failed to stay in connection with the federal government.
It is not Bushes job to include or or ignore... it is the local governments who must ask for help.

thats off the top of my head.

See... you are still trying to blame bush for katrina response... when obama is just the same.

repeating "Obamas response was the same", doesn't make it true. I'm blaming Bush, for his own failures.

Do you see no Bush failures in Katrina?

sure i see the failures.... the very same failures that obama is having.

Sandy isn't Katrina.

Things are progressing. This isnt the movies, life will not return to normal 5 min. After a disaster.

Good point.
Katrina was a Cat 3 hurricane when it made landfall, Sandy was a tropical storm when it made landfall.
Guess which one was stronger.
I went reading the Trenton and NY papers a few days back folks. This is just not as bad. Lucky geography I bet. New Orleans is a stupid place to have a city in a large country. NY is acceptable.

Ask the govenor of Jersey. He will loudly tell you good and bad in his odd opinion.

I spent 5 days w/o power a few years back because idiot property rights folks did not let the utility enforce their right of way and got outsmarted by their trees. Not even a legendary storm.
Here we are 12 days later, why isn't this being reported like Katrina was reported?

It is. The power companies have allowed infrastructure to fall behind. President Obama can not make electricity flow out of his ass, but he has heard you can.

why not, you all thought Bush could stop the levees from breaking

No, I thought Bush was a big government welfare loving idiot for allowing them to rebuild.

To place blame we have to talk about if they were state or corpse of engineer levees then talk about design and maintenance. Really I think NO is a stupid place to have a modern city. Not like there is not land above sea level in this country. By forcing ourselves to maintain costlier to maintain land we lose our competitive edge as a nation.

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