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‘We are losing our nation to lies about the necessity of war’

Control over dueling pipelines for oil and gas from the Caspian region seems to me the best explanation for the US occupation of Afghanistan.

The Russian pipeline would run west to Turkey for loading onto tankers. The Chinese seek pipelines running east from the Caspian and northeast from Iran.

The US counter is a north-south petroleum catheter from the Caspian spilling out at tanker ports expected to be built on the Pakistani coast.

"Then the US Navy could 'guard' such oil embarkation points, and just as conveniently be in position to block..the exit of the Persian Gulf by the Iranian coast.

"The point of the game is not about consuming oil, although that is certainly a lavish benefit of having a winning position; the point is to be in control of the sources of oil that EVERYBODY has to rely on.

"Whoever achieves that becomes the world's zookeeper: who doles out the food to the captive beasts, and can reward and punish those that resist being trained for the tricks to be performed in the master's circus."

The enemy is terrorism, not Islam. [...]
What uniform does terrorism wear?

When that question is answered the obvious next question is, then how do we recognize our enemy?

And if we cannot recognize him, how do we fight him?

Terrorism is neither an organization nor an identifiable entity. It is a method of resistance fighting which has been employed throughout history by oppressed people to strike at their oppressor. Terrorism was used effectively against the British occupier during the American Revolution. It was used against the Nazi occupier by the French, the Dutch and the Norwegians. It was used by the various Native American tribes against the U.S. Army.

So to suggest that our shamefully exploited military is fighting against "terrorism" is to perpetuate the utterly moronic propaganda put forth by George W. Bush, the elitist sonofabitch ex-President who put this nation on the road to ruin and who deserves to be hanged for his cynical crimes.
We're fighting a war on terrorists, not a war on Islam. Even W. said the same. Obviously, it's a war we can't win thanks to Bush' doublespeak.

Thus our strategy must match our means to two ends: dismantling the al
Qaeda network and, in the long term, prevailing over the ideology that contributes
to Islamist terrorism.
page 22 of 31 of 911 summary
In addition to making anticipated findings on the 2001 plot and recommendations for homeland security, the commission offered a series of foreign policy prescriptions to correct what it suggests is an unbalanced global strategy. The effort is to shift the government away from focusing on what the report calls a "generic evil," and toward a more precise definition of the threat.

The report argues that the nation's enemy consists of two parts: al Qaeda -- a stateless network of terrorists that is "weakened but continues to pose a grave threat" -- and a radical ideological movement in the Islamic world that "is gathering and will menace Americans and American interests long after" Osama bin Laden is gone.

"The enemy goes beyond al-Qaeda to include the radical ideological movement inspired in part by al-Qaeda that has spawned other terrorist groups," the report said. It calls not only for the dismantling of al-Qaeda but an ideological battle against fundamentalist Islam.
I tend to agree we are wasting time money and lives fighting the wrong war in the wrong place.
The enemy is Islam , the front line in in the USA. It is incompatible with western culture.
We haven't even tried to make a case the the west is better than Islamic sharia.

The enemy is terrorism, not Islam. We have Muslims who are law abiding, tax paying and societally contributing Americans.

The views in your post reflect bigotry.
Islamic scripture calls for the death of all non muslims ,It commands the use to terrorism rape and lies to achieve the goal of control ,to complete that genocide.
Objecting to that policy is not bigotry .
Kuffar are the only ones who spread lies about Islam. Stay out of our business and you won't be bothered other than with da'wah. If you want to make Islam your enemy on the battlefield as well, we're happy to oblige.

We are a lot more likely to lose our nation by not vigilantly protecting it than we are by over protecting it.

Not that we're over protective now.
billions are being sent into afgh to be distributed to warlords and other corrupt regimes. why are we still there? what point does it serve?

Kucinich: ‘We are losing our nation to lies about the necessity of war’ | Raw Story

There's the 1.1 trillion dollar question.

I understood the point of invading to get rid of the Taliban.

I even understood the point of installing a government Ad Hoc.

I do NOT understand why we're there now.

We should have started with a couple 1 kt nukes and said if they ever try to pull that kind of shit on our homeland again we will incrementally increase the yeild. :evil:

Not being a military stategist, I won't argue that point.

However, I do wonder if we even knew what target to drop those proposed bombs on in AFghanistan.

Give that the Taliban wasn't especially loved by the Afghanistani people, indescriminant slaughter of civilians doesn't sound like a very effective approach to me.

I mean face it, the Taliban didn't much like the Afghanistan people, either.

Hell those idiots were beheading Afgthanis in the sport stadiums by the thousands before we took over.
communist LOFL, Christians killed more than communist before communism even came about.
The enemy is terrorism, not Islam. We have Muslims who are law abiding, tax paying and societally contributing Americans.

The views in your post reflect bigotry.
Islamic scripture calls for the death of all non muslims ,It commands the use to terrorism rape and lies to achieve the goal of control ,to complete that genocide.
Objecting to that policy is not bigotry .

And yet, we find in The Bible:

Numbers 1:51: "...when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death." A non-Israelite who comes too close to the Jewish temple is to be executed.

Numbers 3:10: "...they shall wait on their priest's office, and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death."

Numbers 18:7: "...the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death."

Deuteronomy 17:2-5: "If there be found among you...[a] man or woman...[who] hath gone and served other gods and worshipped them...then shalt though bring forth that man or that woman...and shalt stone them with stones, till they die."

You simply can't use cherry-picked verses the militant Islamists use to justify their actions. Not when there are 6,346 verses in the Qu'ran and only 111 refer to jihads.

Fitnah's such a sore loser. Even after I agreed with him in principle, he fires off a neg rep with FU. What a guy. Ever wonder how people like that must clear a room really, really fast?
I tend to agree we are wasting time money and lives fighting the wrong war in the wrong place.
The enemy is Islam , the front line in in the USA. It is incompatible with western culture.
We haven't even tried to make a case the the west is better than Islamic sharia.

The enemy is terrorism, not Islam. We have Muslims who are law abiding, tax paying and societally contributing Americans.

The views in your post reflect bigotry.
Islamic scripture calls for the death of all non muslims ,It commands the use to terrorism rape and lies to achieve the goal of control ,to complete that genocide.
Objecting to that policy is not bigotry .

I strongly agree, it is NOT bigotry. This nonsense of being politically correct in everything we say is pure bullshit. Hiding in denial when the Islamic scriptures clearly call for the deaths of ALL NON-MUSLIMS, it spells out what their ultimate goals are.

Yes, many are law abiding, yada yada, but the question remains, why do they then subscribe to all of the teachings in the 'Koran'? And for how long will they remain 'silent'? I guess one has to show all the Suras that call for these goals and how to achieve them, again. When they renounce EVERY SURA that calls for the deaths of all non-believers, then I will consider them NOT a threat, until then, my eyes are open and watching.
The enemy is terrorism, not Islam. We have Muslims who are law abiding, tax paying and societally contributing Americans.

The views in your post reflect bigotry.
Islamic scripture calls for the death of all non muslims ,It commands the use to terrorism rape and lies to achieve the goal of control ,to complete that genocide.
Objecting to that policy is not bigotry .

I strongly agree, it is NOT bigotry. This nonsense of being politically correct in everything we say is pure bullshit. Hiding in denial when the Islamic scriptures clearly call for the deaths of ALL NON-MUSLIMS, it spells out what their ultimate goals are.

Yes, many are law abiding, yada yada, but the question remains, why do they then subscribe to all of the teachings in the 'Koran'? And for how long will they remain 'silent'? I guess one has to show all the Suras that call for these goals and how to achieve them, again. When they renounce EVERY SURA that calls for the deaths of all non-believers, then I will consider them NOT a threat, until then, my eyes are open and watching.

Those Muslims who are peaceful, law-abiding citizens remain silent because of all the misperceptions. When they are ALL lumped together as being evil, it's hard to find voices willing to step up and try to point out the difference between Islam and Islamism. But they do exist. It's just that the anti-Muslim sentiment is louder.

Islam is a religion; Islamism is an ideology.

What Is the Difference Between Islam and Islamism?

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