"We Are Not A Democracy!"

it is a right wing talking point

its also a lie

please turn your rep back on. Please.

when you dont have an arguement stupid crap like that is all you can use huh

Why do RWers say that so much?

What's the point being made?

Yes, we are a Republic, but we are a Democratic Republic.

Most say democracy for short.

So why make such a point about it?

What do you think you're accomplishing by that?

Because some people have the misconception that mob rules is actually how things are done.
What evidence to you have to support this claim?

I haven't seen anything that supports this.

I'd like to see some.
Why do RWers say that so much?

What's the point being made?

Yes, we are a Republic, but we are a Democratic Republic.

Most say democracy for short.

So why make such a point about it?

What do you think you're accomplishing by that?

Because some people have the misconception that mob rules is actually how things are done.
What evidence to you have to support this claim?

I haven't seen anything that supports this.

I'd like to see some.

I won. - B Obama
Why do RWers say that so much?

What's the point being made?

Yes, we are a Republic, but we are a Democratic Republic.

Most say democracy for short.

So why make such a point about it?

What do you think you're accomplishing by that?
We used to be a democracy and maybe one day, we will again.

What we have currently, is a "corporate oligarchy".
In both the Direct type and the Representative type of Democracy, The Majority’s power is absolute and unlimited.

The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate.
Why do RWers say that so much?

What's the point being made?

Yes, we are a Republic, but we are a Democratic Republic.

Most say democracy for short.

So why make such a point about it?

What do you think you're accomplishing by that?

why do RWers say it so much?

I don't know if they do. Can we have some examples?
Because Republicans like Republic rather than Democracy, which sounds like the Democratic Party. God knows they've attempted to rewrite history before.
Both Parties have turned into a Democracy of majority rule.
Both Parties ignore the limits of the Constitution and continually grow the governmental powers.
Because Republicans like Republic rather than Democracy, which sounds like the Democratic Party. God knows they've attempted to rewrite history before.

Our Constitution says that we are guaranteed a Republic form of Government.
Article 4, sec.4
It has nothing to do with the 2 names of our parties.
Why do RWers say that so much?

What's the point being made?

Yes, we are a Republic, but we are a Democratic Republic.

Most say democracy for short.

So why make such a point about it?

What do you think you're accomplishing by that?

Because they are terrified of democracy, that's why.

As were the floundering fathers, I note.

And, given the stuff on the internet, I'm inclined to be sympathetic to their concern.

I really one truly did believe that Vox populi vox deus.

Then the internet came along and educated me about just exactly how easily the POPULI were duped.

I'm actually beginning to fear that I'm becoming a fascist myself.

Just look at how easily the averge :confused: person is duped.

Then realize that one half the population is even dumber than than average.:eusa_eh:

That's some scarey shit, folks.:shock:
Would American accept a nation or government as we had in 1787: women not allowed to vote; slavery; no property-no vote; senate not elected by people; taxes, primarily to help business; states responsible for the poor and disabled (poor farms); no standing army; not much education for the common folk, and on and on. I know it sounds good to conservatives but could we even compete in the world today with that kind of nation? Americabegan to change before the ink was dry on the constitution and we continue to change, and will continue to change. The question might be should we just allow change or should we try to direct the change. If we try to direct the change what are our goals, slow change down, improve the lives of Americans what?
Why do RWers say that so much?

What's the point being made?

Yes, we are a Republic, but we are a Democratic Republic.

Most say democracy for short.

So why make such a point about it?

What do you think you're accomplishing by that?

Actually we are a Democracy (Democratic Republic) on paper (the Constitution); in reality we devolved into a Plutocracy, the final nail in democracy's coffin was the Supreme Court's ridiculous decision comporting money and free speech.
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a democracy is the right name for many types of government.

We are included in that.

I think the right cooked up that lime of BS to demean the democractic party.

The same as they cooked up calling it the democrat party instead of using its proper name.

No name was "cooked up" you moron.

Republics have existed before the US even was thought of.

And tell me how can we be a democracy when our presidential electoral rules allow for a candidate to lose the popular vote and still win the presidency?

That one exception should tell you we are not a democracy.
Except to offer a venue for Truthmatters and MarcL to pat each other on the back with occasional Thanks and assurances of agreement regarding their demented ramblings, this thread has little, if any value.

The United States is a Republic.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America...and the Republic for which it stands.

There is NOTHING you numbnut liberals can do to justify the thought that Obama should get whatever he wants just because "he won"!

Thank God we do not bow to the majority in this country!:clap2:
1 B covers the general Republican definition...I'm not sure why they go so crazy over the definition. It's either ignorance or radical political rhetoric.

Definition of DEMOCRACY

a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

There is a movement within the Republican Party to brand itself as the "Party of the Constitution". We've seen efforts on this board to claim that the Founding Fathers were conservatives. In Texas, they're trying to change school textbooks to remove references to "democracy" from passages dealing with the founding of the United States and replace it with "republic".

This is akin to the anti-abortion movement re-branding themselves as "pro-life", and the pro-choice movement as being pro-abortion. Those who control the language of the debate, control the debate. Pro-lifers are often in favor of capital punishment so they aren't really pro-life at all, rather they are opposed to abortion. No one is pro-abortion, and many in the pro-choice movement would never choose abortion themselves, but are willing to protect the rights of other women to make their own choices. Still, the anti-abortion movement took control of the language, and continue to promote lies about the pro-choice movement based on that language.

Controlling the language of the debate has been such an unqualified success for the anti-abortion movement that conservatives are looking at other ways in which they can effectively sell their snake oil. Changing school textbooks to excise the word "democracy" from them may sound silly, but look how success Christian school have been in teaching Creationism. Fully 1/3 of Americans now believe the earth is 6000 years old.

It's shit like this that is the reason the US is in decline in every statistical measure of education in the world.
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1 B covers the general Republican definition...I'm not sure why they go so crazy over the definition. It's either ignorance or radical political rhetoric.

Definition of DEMOCRACY

a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

There is a movement within the Republican Party to brand itself as the "Party of the Constitution". We've seen efforts on this board to claim that the Founding Fathers were conservatives. In Texas, they're trying to change school textbooks to remove references to "democracy" from passages dealing with the founding of the United States and replace it with "republic".

This is akin to the anti-abortion movement re-branding themselves as "pro-life", and the pro-choice movement as being pro-abortion. Those who control the language of the debate, control the debate. Pro-lifers are often in favor of capital punishment so they aren't really pro-life at all, rather they are opposed to abortion. No one is pro-abortion, and many in the pro-choice movement would never choose abortion themselves, but are willing to protect the rights of other women to make their own choices. Still, the anti-abortion movement took control of the language, and continue to promote lies about the pro-choice movement based on that language.

Controlling the language of the debate has been such an unqualified success for the anti-abortion movement that conservatives are looking at other ways in which they can effectively sell their snake oil. Changing school textbooks to excise the word "democracy" from them may sound silly, but look how success Christian school have been in teaching Creationism. Fully 1/3 of Americans now believe the earth is 6000 years old.

It's shit like this that is the reason the US is in decline in every statistical measure of education in the world.

Spot on post. A thanks is not enough.
a democracy is the right name for many types of government.

We are included in that.

I think the right cooked up that lime of BS to demean the democractic party.

The same as they cooked up calling it the democrat party instead of using its proper name.
I think you're absolutely right.

well of course you would...
you two should talk about Demeaning, you do it regularly with the Republican party and anyone who is a Republican..
1 B covers the general Republican definition...I'm not sure why they go so crazy over the definition. It's either ignorance or radical political rhetoric.

Definition of DEMOCRACY

a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

There is a movement within the Republican Party to brand itself as the "Party of the Constitution". We've seen efforts on this board to claim that the Founding Fathers were conservatives. In Texas, they're trying to change school textbooks to remove references to "democracy" from passages dealing with the founding of the United States and replace it with "republic".

This is akin to the anti-abortion movement re-branding themselves as "pro-life", and the pro-choice movement as being pro-abortion. Those who control the language of the debate, control the debate. Pro-lifers are often in favor of capital punishment so they aren't really pro-life at all, rather they are opposed to abortion. No one is pro-abortion, and many in the pro-choice movement would never choose abortion themselves, but are willing to protect the rights of other women to make their own choices. Still, the anti-abortion movement took control of the language, and continue to promote lies about the pro-choice movement based on that language.

Controlling the language of the debate has been such an unqualified success for the anti-abortion movement that conservatives are looking at other ways in which they can effectively sell their snake oil. Changing school textbooks to excise the word "democracy" from them may sound silly, but look how success Christian school have been in teaching Creationism. Fully 1/3 of Americans now believe the earth is 6000 years old.

It's shit like this that is the reason the US is in decline in every statistical measure of education in the world.
Very well said DragonLady. I'm one of such people who absolutely do not support abortion. However, I'm pro-choice.

Powerful statement. Simply, powerful. :clap2: :clap2:
a democracy is the right name for many types of government.

We are included in that.

I think the right cooked up that lime of BS to demean the democractic party.

The same as they cooked up calling it the democrat party instead of using its proper name.
I think you're absolutely right.

well of course you would...
you two should talk about Demeaning, you do it regularly with the Republican party and anyone who is a Republican..
I only demean radical, reactionary RWers.
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