"We Are Not A Democracy!"

A Democracy is where a majority rules - WITHOUT PROTECTION FOR THE MINORITIES!

It's the same thing as mob rule. No constraints. No laws. No controls.

Our founders knew this and wisely established a system where personal rights and freedoms came first,

Why are right wingers always disparaging minorities and saying things like "most americans blahblahblah" when they're discussing things that should be done or changed?

Also, you need to brush up on your definition of generalized democracy, because it's very factually wrong. What you describe is anarchy or Ochlocracy.
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Would American accept a nation or government as we had in 1787: women not allowed to vote; slavery; no property-no vote; senate not elected by people; taxes, primarily to help business; states responsible for the poor and disabled (poor farms); no standing army; not much education for the common folk, and on and on. I know it sounds good to conservatives but could we even compete in the world today with that kind of nation? Americabegan to change before the ink was dry on the constitution and we continue to change, and will continue to change. The question might be should we just allow change or should we try to direct the change. If we try to direct the change what are our goals, slow change down, improve the lives of Americans what?
Powerful statement...powerful. :clap2:
Except to offer a venue for Truthmatters and MarcL to pat each other on the back with occasional Thanks and assurances of agreement regarding their demented ramblings, this thread has little, if any value.

The United States is a Republic.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America...and the Republic for which it stands.

There is NOTHING you numbnut liberals can do to justify the thought that Obama should get whatever he wants just because "he won"!

Thank God we do not bow to the majority in this country!:clap2:
Who should we be bowing too then? Teabaggers? Republicans? The minority that lost? The radical RW fringe? Who?

The funny thing about you and most of the RWers is, had Romney won with the exact same numbers, you guys would have swore to the death that it was a RW mandate and demanded a "new direction" in the country.

You wouldn't be listening to anything a Democrat would have to say. Heck, you aren't willing to listen to what Democrats are saying now.
Because Republicans like Republic rather than Democracy, which sounds like the Democratic Party. God knows they've attempted to rewrite history before.

There have been republics before the republican party ever existed.

And tell me since our rules regarding the election of the president actually allow for a person to lose the popular vote but still win the office and that the people who are members of the electoral college are not chosen by the people, how can you say we are a democracy?

That one rule should tell anyone with a brain in their head that we are not a democracy.

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