We are not fooled

You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

Both parties are thinning out. And sleeping dogs are starting to stir again. The 2024 oughtta be a hoot.
The Washington examiner is a fake newspaper that prints propaganda, owned by the adelson family. I'll I'll go with journalists around the world who disagree. And law enforcement that disagrees. And other governments who disagrees like the whole world. Trump has about 10% approval in the modern world.

In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, attorney Marc Elias separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC. The Free Beacon stopped its backing when Trump became the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee in May of 2016.[2] In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Dossier Flow chart:


During the Republican primaries, a research firm called Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The Free Beacon — which was funded by a major donor supporting Mr. Trump’s rival for the party’s nomination, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida — told Fusion GPS to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.

After Mr. Trump secured the nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the D.N.C. by their law firm, Perkins Coie, to compile research about Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates — including possible connections with Russia. It was at that point that Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele, who has deep sourcing in Russia, to gather information.

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It

Where'd it come from?

During the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, the leaders of the conservative news outlet Washington Free Beacon hired a private intelligence company, Fusion GPS, to conduct research into the candidates, including Trump. Early in the year, the Free Beacon's interest in the work lapsed.

So by "early March," Fusion GPS approached the law firm Perkins Coie, which represents the Democratic National Committee, offering to continue its investigations into Trump. In April, the law firm agreed, and it began to underwrite the investigation.

What You Need To Know About The Russia Investigations: The Dossier

So now tell me you don't trust evil right-wing NYT and NPR. Dolt.
Conservatives and the GOP started it and then it was offered to the Democrats and they went on to find the dossier, just as I said in the beginning and who gives a s*** anyway? It's just regular old politics except Trump is a New York City billionaire wildman. I couldn't care less. When does he start taxing the rich enough so that we can have a healthy country again? Why do you bozos believe every God damn stupid scandal and they never retract them so you still do LOL. Poor America. Misinformation and lying is our problem and you parrot it.

Any arguments at all? I don't care about whether Trump got peed on in a hotel or any of it or pornstar I don't care. Republican policy is a disaster.

What part of democrat open borders free for all is good for the nation?
More garbage propaganda, no one is for open borders, dingbat dupe.
In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, attorney Marc Elias separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC. The Free Beacon stopped its backing when Trump became the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee in May of 2016.[2] In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Dossier Flow chart:


During the Republican primaries, a research firm called Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The Free Beacon — which was funded by a major donor supporting Mr. Trump’s rival for the party’s nomination, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida — told Fusion GPS to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.

After Mr. Trump secured the nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the D.N.C. by their law firm, Perkins Coie, to compile research about Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates — including possible connections with Russia. It was at that point that Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele, who has deep sourcing in Russia, to gather information.

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It

Where'd it come from?

During the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, the leaders of the conservative news outlet Washington Free Beacon hired a private intelligence company, Fusion GPS, to conduct research into the candidates, including Trump. Early in the year, the Free Beacon's interest in the work lapsed.

So by "early March," Fusion GPS approached the law firm Perkins Coie, which represents the Democratic National Committee, offering to continue its investigations into Trump. In April, the law firm agreed, and it began to underwrite the investigation.

What You Need To Know About The Russia Investigations: The Dossier

So now tell me you don't trust evil right-wing NYT and NPR. Dolt.
Conservatives and the GOP started it and then it was offered to the Democrats and they went on to find the dossier, just as I said in the beginning and who gives a s*** anyway? It's just regular old politics except Trump is a New York City billionaire wildman. I couldn't care less. When does he start taxing the rich enough so that we can have a healthy country again? Why do you bozos believe every God damn stupid scandal and they never retract them so you still do LOL. Poor America. Misinformation and lying is our problem and you parrot it.

Any arguments at all? I don't care about whether Trump got peed on in a hotel or any of it or pornstar I don't care. Republican policy is a disaster.

What part of democrat open borders free for all is good for the nation?
More garbage propaganda, no one is for open borders, dingbat dupe.
Well, no one but democrats.
You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

You liars have tried crediting Trump for an economy he did not create. Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits. Because of your desperation you enabled this idiot to impose a crippling economic policy. He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment. You have cosigned and excused every lie and failed policy. You are not fooling anyone and neither is Trump. You are 30-35 percent of the vote, the majority of American people do not support Trump no matter what Rasmussen says.

Trump needs to go and if by some miracle your desperate wish to return to segregation continues, you would have succeeded in destroying America.
/—-/ Well, if you say so....
You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

You liars have tried crediting Trump for an economy he did not create. Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits. Because of your desperation you enabled this idiot to impose a crippling economic policy. He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment. You have cosigned and excused every lie and failed policy. You are not fooling anyone and neither is Trump. You are 30-35 percent of the vote, the majority of American people do not support Trump no matter what Rasmussen says.

Trump needs to go and if by some miracle your desperate wish to return to segregation continues, you would have succeeded in destroying America.

Of course not, you white-hating son of a bitch. You're only fooled by black supremacists like Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, etc., etc. and all their racial hatred against us "white devils." All this "cracker" can say, sir, is that black-crybabies like you are the reason why ALL other races (esp. Asians & Latinos) hate the likes of you even more than us whites hate you. Are you aware that Asians don't even consider blacks to be human? In China there's a popular, common saying that translates into English: "Why can't white Americans keep their pet monkeys in cages?" Even China has more respect for whites than blacks.

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