We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy

Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.

You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science.

You have predicted hurricanes coming one after another. We know that if you heat up the ocean it will create more and larger hurricanes.

Even San Francisco with the ocean on one side and the bay on the other soared to over 106 degrees.

The only people who seem to be listening are from the insurance industry. That's why so many have no flood insurance. Even in places that never flooded before. Insurance companies knew what was coming from listening to what scientists are saying.

You have a majority of the right wing saying college is bad for the country. The same schools the rest of the world call the best in the world.

You have a reality show host as president who uses words like "losers" and "Rocket man" when speaking at the United Nations.

His minions think automated jobs are "coming back".

Oh God, we are in such deep shit. We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy.
Suicide watch.
Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Americans Dying?

US suicide rate highest in 30 years
This is PROOF:

BREAKING: Intel Officer Reveals How Obama Will Be ‘First President In History’ To Be Hit With a FELONY INDICTMENT
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.

You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science.

You have predicted hurricanes coming one after another. We know that if you heat up the ocean it will create more and larger hurricanes.

Even San Francisco with the ocean on one side and the bay on the other soared to over 106 degrees.

The only people who seem to be listening are from the insurance industry. That's why so many have no flood insurance. Even in places that never flooded before. Insurance companies knew what was coming from listening to what scientists are saying.

You have a majority of the right wing saying college is bad for the country. The same schools the rest of the world call the best in the world.

You have a reality show host as president who uses words like "losers" and "Rocket man" when speaking at the United Nations.

His minions think automated jobs are "coming back".

Oh God, we are in such deep shit. We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy.
Suicide watch.
Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Americans Dying?

US suicide rate highest in 30 years

Here is a hint...

And I don't blame them preferring death to the liberal mental disease

download (12).jpg
The country isn't unraveling, it is a small cohort that fools enough normals to swing close votes so they hold power. But this won't last as demographics are about to tip the scale permanently against them.
You are forgetting their very determined efforts to corrupt the voting system.
Had the Democrats and Regressives not made themselves so repellent to so many people, Hillary would be President and you'd have nothing to complain about
The Democrats decided to embrace every minority group imaginable to build a collation of permanent voters and send a big FUCK YOU to white middle class working people.

Thank you Dems!
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.

You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science.

You have predicted hurricanes coming one after another. We know that if you heat up the ocean it will create more and larger hurricanes.

Even San Francisco with the ocean on one side and the bay on the other soared to over 106 degrees.

The only people who seem to be listening are from the insurance industry. That's why so many have no flood insurance. Even in places that never flooded before. Insurance companies knew what was coming from listening to what scientists are saying.

You have a majority of the right wing saying college is bad for the country. The same schools the rest of the world call the best in the world.

You have a reality show host as president who uses words like "losers" and "Rocket man" when speaking at the United Nations.

His minions think automated jobs are "coming back".

Oh God, we are in such deep shit. We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy.

You have never been informed, tard. You're just a pathetic hack
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.
You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science. ............

Simply put, you are contending only stupid people believe in God.

That a significant faction of West Civ "educated" people respect (even worse agree with) your absurd contention is a sign of the soon coming downfall of Western Civilization.
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.

You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science.

You have predicted hurricanes coming one after another. We know that if you heat up the ocean it will create more and larger hurricanes.

Even San Francisco with the ocean on one side and the bay on the other soared to over 106 degrees.

The only people who seem to be listening are from the insurance industry. That's why so many have no flood insurance. Even in places that never flooded before. Insurance companies knew what was coming from listening to what scientists are saying.

You have a majority of the right wing saying college is bad for the country. The same schools the rest of the world call the best in the world.

You have a reality show host as president who uses words like "losers" and "Rocket man" when speaking at the United Nations.

His minions think automated jobs are "coming back".

Oh God, we are in such deep shit. We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy.

As opposed to teaching grade schoolers about transgenderism...

Sea Surface Temperatures are barely above normal for the Caribbean and the Western Atlantic. It's more about the lack of shear.

Weather is not Climate.

Flood insurance is usually a mortgage requirement, the issue is usually with paid off houses. In those cases low interest loans will be made available for repairs/rebuild.

We are saying colleges currently suck as left wing cesspools, and maybe some of these lesbian-nazi-hooker studies majors would be better off working as plumbers after high school.

Most entertaining UN speech since some Russkie banged the table with his shoe

And you idiots think $15 per hour for burger flipping won't speed that up

I agree, and you clowns are the most uninformed idiots out there.
I'm guessing you imagined you made some kind of point with your post, but it's not clear what it was.

Teaching grade school students about other Americans who are different? That's a bad thing?

2017 Atlantic hurricane season is far from over; US remains at risk for additional strikes

Flood insurance is a mortgage requirement which explains why so many homes in flood zones have no flood insurance. Uh huh.

I'll say it again, the majority of Republicans think college is bad for America. Yet the rest of the world calls them the best in the world. Clearly Republicans don't go to college, so how would they know what goes on there? They just babble nonsense. You're a good example.

When I was a kid, I made a buck sixty five an hour. That was minimum wage. Course, a burger cost 15 cents. A big hunk candy bar cost 5 cents. Movie tickets were a quarter which means I could go to six movies. Back then, I could buy 11 big burgers with everything for a buck sixty five. Now, for 15 dollars, I could get 5 Whoppers.
Do you understand why? Does it really need to be explained to you? The difference between 11 burgers and 5 burgers? Or seeing one movie versus seeing 6 movies and having money for candy.

And you think you're smart. The weirdest part of all.
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.

You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science.

You have predicted hurricanes coming one after another. We know that if you heat up the ocean it will create more and larger hurricanes.

Even San Francisco with the ocean on one side and the bay on the other soared to over 106 degrees.

The only people who seem to be listening are from the insurance industry. That's why so many have no flood insurance. Even in places that never flooded before. Insurance companies knew what was coming from listening to what scientists are saying.

You have a majority of the right wing saying college is bad for the country. The same schools the rest of the world call the best in the world.

You have a reality show host as president who uses words like "losers" and "Rocket man" when speaking at the United Nations.

His minions think automated jobs are "coming back".

Oh God, we are in such deep shit. We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy.
Too funny
Oh God, we are in such deep shit. We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy.
Had the Democrats and Regressives not made themselves so repellent to so many people, Hillary would be President and you'd have nothing to complain about. .
Oh those repellent Democrats. Wanting everyone in America to have healthcare. The fukkers.Wanting everyone to have an education and the right to vote. Such creeps.Democrats are so awful, they think all Nazi's are bad. How stupid can you get? And get this, Democrats are so brainwashed, they believe in science and evolution;.



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Had the Democrats and Regressives not made themselves so repellent to so many people, Hillary would be President and you'd have nothing to complain about
The Democrats decided to embrace every minority group imaginable to build a collation of permanent voters and send a big FUCK YOU to white middle class working people. Thank you Dems!
You're right. And they still don't/won't see it.
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.

You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science.

You have predicted hurricanes coming one after another. We know that if you heat up the ocean it will create more and larger hurricanes.

Even San Francisco with the ocean on one side and the bay on the other soared to over 106 degrees.

The only people who seem to be listening are from the insurance industry. That's why so many have no flood insurance. Even in places that never flooded before. Insurance companies knew what was coming from listening to what scientists are saying.

You have a majority of the right wing saying college is bad for the country. The same schools the rest of the world call the best in the world.

You have a reality show host as president who uses words like "losers" and "Rocket man" when speaking at the United Nations.

His minions think automated jobs are "coming back".

Oh God, we are in such deep shit. We are witnessing the unraveling of an informed Democracy.

As opposed to teaching grade schoolers about transgenderism...

Sea Surface Temperatures are barely above normal for the Caribbean and the Western Atlantic. It's more about the lack of shear.

Weather is not Climate.

Flood insurance is usually a mortgage requirement, the issue is usually with paid off houses. In those cases low interest loans will be made available for repairs/rebuild.

We are saying colleges currently suck as left wing cesspools, and maybe some of these lesbian-nazi-hooker studies majors would be better off working as plumbers after high school.

Most entertaining UN speech since some Russkie banged the table with his shoe

And you idiots think $15 per hour for burger flipping won't speed that up

I agree, and you clowns are the most uninformed idiots out there.
I'm guessing you imagined you made some kind of point with your post, but it's not clear what it was.

Teaching grade school students about other Americans who are different? That's a bad thing?

2017 Atlantic hurricane season is far from over; US remains at risk for additional strikes

Flood insurance is a mortgage requirement which explains why so many homes in flood zones have no flood insurance. Uh huh.

I'll say it again, the majority of Republicans think college is bad for America. Yet the rest of the world calls them the best in the world. Clearly Republicans don't go to college, so how would they know what goes on there? They just babble nonsense. You're a good example.

When I was a kid, I made a buck sixty five an hour. That was minimum wage. Course, a burger cost 15 cents. A big hunk candy bar cost 5 cents. Movie tickets were a quarter which means I could go to six movies. Back then, I could buy 11 big burgers with everything for a buck sixty five. Now, for 15 dollars, I could get 5 Whoppers.
Do you understand why? Does it really need to be explained to you? The difference between 11 burgers and 5 burgers? Or seeing one movie versus seeing 6 movies and having money for candy.

And you think you're smart. The weirdest part of all.

It's a topic for a made up issue. Stop trying to sexualize grade schoolers.

Doesn't counter the fact that Sea Surface temps are barely above normal.


You have any data to support your Republicans don't go to college thing?

You also didn't have a cell phone bill and a bunch of other costs that for some reason your side forgets about.
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.
You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science. ............

Simply put, you are contending only stupid people believe in God.

That a significant faction of West Civ "educated" people respect (even worse agree with) your absurd contention is a sign of the soon coming downfall of Western Civilization.
The only people who believe in God are stupid and/or uneducated, or suffering a mental disability.

Since the narcissistic, war-obsessed, violent West has never been civilized, its "civilization" can hardly fall.
The only people who believe in God are stupid and/or uneducated, or suffering a mental disability. ................

Millions of people with proven (by achievement) intelligence have believed in God for centuries.

I mean achievement in EVERY field of intellectual endeavor. Science, business, law, literature, art, entertainment .....

Compared to them, such as you are less than barking dogs.
Just saw a discussion. Passing US policy based on data from the far right fringe.

Look at what is happening.
You have people still fighting to have Magical Creation taught as an alternative to science. ............

Simply put, you are contending only stupid people believe in God.

That a significant faction of West Civ "educated" people respect (even worse agree with) your absurd contention is a sign of the soon coming downfall of Western Civilization.
The only people who believe in God are stupid and/or uneducated, or suffering a mental disability.

Since the narcissistic, war-obsessed, violent West has never been civilized, its "civilization" can hardly fall.

Izzatrite fuckwad?

Well, not everyone can equal your 15 IQ points.....

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