We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

The republicans in congress have offered to work with the dems on virtually everything, but the dems have refused with BS like "we won, its now my way or no way" Well in January the house will belong to the GOP then we can see how willing the dems are to compromise and work together as you and I both want.
Biden just finished the most successful legislative session in decades with some historic bipartisan support - with the slimmest of margins. I was very surprised.
People retiring at an age earlier than 55 would be a huge positive for the nation. It would greatly help employers especially in today's america

People don't just retire. Somebody has to support them. Taxpayers are paying people to not work (which is typical for Democrats) and all that does is increase taxes.
People don't just retire. Somebody has to support them. Taxpayers are paying people to not work (which is typical for Democrats) and all that does is increase taxes.
People do retire. They work until utter exhaustion every day and save for retirement. The biggest most important part of the so called American dream is retiring as soon as possible. The work part isn't a dream.
so tell us, what are the actual issues in your mind?

are they any of these
inflation - world wide driven from supply issues
open borders - borders are same as they ever were pubs don’t want to solve they want it as a boogeyman issue
crime - we are at low crime levels historically and the rise in crime from post Covid has been nationwide and worse in red states
taxes - not enough burden on rich and companies as a result the debt goes up and the wealthy continue to consolidate all the wealth so that we are as top heavy as we have ever been in wealth equity
open and fair elections - free, fair and accessible… not crying foul when you fucking lose
foreign influence in DC - Jesus righties are tone deaf
senile people in government - you’re a moron
Right now this country is on a path to become a Socialist shithole. Like what California has become as a state.

Because of all the goddamn Illegals and other Third World assholes the Liberals have allowed to come into the country real Americans that believe in individual Liberty are becoming a minority.

The Democratic process is failing us. It is allowing the filthy welfare queens and idiot Moon Bats to have the numbers to use the government to oppress Liberty.

We have to decide if the country is worth fighting for or are we just going to hand it over to the Leftest filth.
California is so desirable that it costs a fortune to live there. You guys don’t understand that people are getting priced out of California because it is so successful. The south is cheap and warm. That’s why people move.
If We Don't Wise Up as A REPUBLIC For Witch it Stands,One Nation Under God, and do it soon... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,its Gone,Welcome to The United States China,it's a Shame and True That You Don't Realize What You Had,Until it's Gone and ALL Your FREEDOMS That you Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and Blessed Nation For Witch it Stands, One Nation Under God, and do it REAL SOON ... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,it WILL REALLY BE GONE , we will be saying Welcome to The United States of China, it's a Shame but True that Most People Just Don't Realize What WE'VE Had, Until it's Gone and ALL OUR FREEDOMS That we Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and FREE Nation
Which not witch. Just saying
California is so desirable that it costs a fortune to live there. You guys don’t understand that people are getting priced out of California because it is so successful. The south is cheap and warm. That’s why people move.

Bless your precious little heart ... Put the hookah down ... :auiqs.jpg:

California is so desirable that it costs a fortune to live there. You guys don’t understand that people are getting priced out of California because it is so successful. The south is cheap and warm. That’s why people move.
But there's no snow there. Two places who's cultures I loathe. The west coast and the south.
People do retire. They work until utter exhaustion every day and save for retirement. The biggest most important part of the so called American dream is retiring as soon as possible. The work part isn't a dream.

For many it is, for some, they love working.

I have no problem if somebody retires as long as the bill isn't getting paid for by the taxpayers. If you made a good buck, invested all you could in your IRA and able to retire at 50, I applaud you. But when you retire at 55 and I have to support you, not so much.
Let's see now: on our side of the country the evil wealthy will be paying much lower taxes. Since you on the left want the highest taxes possible on business, those businesses would move to our country so we'd have plenty of jobs. Our taxes would be lower because of less government dependency and much less criminal activity meaning less prisons, police, judges and courts. Government in general would be less costly because we would not allow government unions in our country. No more retiring at 55 while everybody else has to work a decade or more longer.

On your side you'd have to find a way to support all those government dependents and immigrants. Those little blue spots on the map are where most of the people are condensed. Then you have the free healthcare and college issues to deal with. If you didn't cater to the criminals like you do now, you'd have to build thousands of new prisons to keep the criminals in.

If you look at the United States now, what's happening? People are escaping those liberal shit holes and moving to Republican led states. There's a reason for that. High taxes, high crime, cost of living impossible to keep up with, so people and businesses pack their bags and head to our states.
We want and need an EQUITABLE tax system. You know, the whole, money in/money out thing.
I'm sorry, the rest of your post is the same shit I've been hearing from the right wing for the last 40 years or so.
And those states everyone is "flocking" to will soon have the same issues the other states do.
Just look at Texas. And to be fair, crime is everywhere.

You've never taken a trip through the Appalachia region of TN, KY, VA, NC, SC, and GA have you?
You want to see depressing? My vote goes to Eastern KY. Lilly white. That's a tangent but I guess what I'm trying to
say is that your whole idea of "separating" the country.....won't work.
I would draw the line from east to west from Virginia to Nevada, you lefties can have both the northeast and the south west. actually you can have the entire west coast.
Again. Your section of the country would be a third world nation inside of 10 years if you did that. :)

How do you explain high prices in California if there isn’t demand for it?

It's not uncommon for Progressives to overpay for a pile of shit ...
Nor is it unusual for them to put window-dressing on it and expect everyone else to pretend along with them.

It's basically their whole philosophy in a nutshell ... :auiqs.jpg:

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"We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!"​

Better hurry up! It's already deteriorated into a democracy.

It's not uncommon for Progressives to overpay for a pile of shit ...
Nor is it unusual for them to put window-dressing on it and expect everyone else to pretend along with them.

It's basically their whole philosophy in a nutshell ... :auiqs.jpg:

So you don’t believe in free market capitalism? Interesting comrade.
For many it is, for some, they love working.
I like what i do Ray, and while i may be slower at it, still want out the door daily to do so

but the thing is, that makes me a bad man in this country

trust me , it's raft with predators

why? well a capitalist system only has capitalist remedies

Illegal immigrants are flocking to California because they have more rights and are given more and it cost more to send them home because they have to be tried first

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