We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

The problem with Commies like BULLDOG is they think THEY are the only ones that are anointed to rule the masses, that they alone are qualified, they alone are the "smart" ones, they know what's best for the unwashed masses.
The problem with Commies like BULLDOG is they think THEY are the only ones that are anointed to rule the masses, that they alone are qualified, they alone are the "smart" ones, they know what's best for the unwashed masses.
Never said I was smart, but you silly MAGAs are really really duuuuuumb.
Yes, instead of sending the bill that had been discussed, he sent a tougher bill because he was pouting. Even Gingrich admitted he was being petty.

Well it had nothing to do with where he was seated as you lied about. Yes, that's what our leaders are supposed to do, negotiate. If somebody refuses to negotiate, blame them and not the person that tried.
I'm not really sure that many of them fully understand what it is they're enabling.

They're scared and they think that these people can help them. That's as deep as it goes for them. They don't realize that the people they're choosing to trust, are the same people who make them scared in the FIRST damn place, with their hysteria and hyperbole and distortions.

In other words, manipulation.
The Republicans' Southern Strategy went nationwide in the early 1970s. Since then, the right-wing nuts have gone further and further off the deep end. Their denial of facts, preference for lies (and liars), and willingness to vote against their own best interests is why this country is on the brink of fascism. This progression has been apparent from the day Reagan began his campaign for president. (Also, the contribution to this decades-long disaster by Reagan Democrats can't be ignored. They, like the right-wing nuts, eagerly swallowed Ronny's snake oil.)

The establishment promotes these fake differences and uses them to divide Americans, for their benefit

Speaking of which, what freedoms have you lost and who took them?

1. freedom as guaranteed by the constitution
2. secure borders
3. stop runaway inflation
4. peace through strength
5. weed out government corruption
6. free speech in all venues
7. energy independence

Actions have consequences.

These people are completely consumed by fear.

if they just stop listening to the voices who are manipulating them and come out of hiding.

It really is sad to see how manipulated so many of you are.

With that many new voters, we will be a one-party country forever. With no real competition for power

Party over country

You've fallen prey to partisan fear mongering.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

This country is at a crossroads

Leftest filth.

Why do I have to "support" a party?

Prepare for a lot of bloodshed.

In other words, manipulation.
The illusion of choice cloaked in the guise of left or right seems the consistent shield of the true perps up and down hide behind

The illusion of choice cloaked in the guise of left or right seems the consistent shield of the true perps up and down hide behind

It would appear many Americans haven’t figured out the obvious scam being perpetrated on them. Many vote thinking voting will change things, but things only get worse.

After all the failures our government and politicians have caused, you’d think all Americans would be in the streets demanding change. Unfortunately, Americans have become weak and dependent.
It would appear many Americans haven’t figured out the obvious scam being perpetrated on them
despite the best Congress money can buy.....

. Many vote thinking voting will change things, but things only get worse.

After all the failures our government and politicians have caused, you’d think all Americans would be in the streets demanding change.
We do, and they tell what we want to hear>


Unfortunately, Americans have become weak and dependent.
well the media isn't helping that Gip
but you know where i'm going on that.....
It would appear many Americans haven’t figured out the obvious scam being perpetrated on them. Many vote thinking voting will change things, but things only get worse.

After all the failures our government and politicians have caused, you’d think all Americans would be in the streets demanding change. Unfortunately, Americans have become weak and dependent.
true, and if that does not change soon, this great country is over. I think we may see a secession or revolution here in the next 50 years. I won't be here for it but I think its coming.
The solution is to divide the country in half into two countries. A line north to south from the Dakota's to Texas so each country has a north and south to live. Then we build a huge Trump wall to keep the Democrats out of our country. There will be trade, visiting and vacations allowed between our two countries just like with Canada and Mexico, but no moving into the other country.

It's the only possible way to save at least half of this land.
Ok, so if you want everyone to have a north and a south, which would you like on the north side?...the New York side...or the California/Oregon/Washington side? :)
Ok, so if you want everyone to have a north and a south, which would you like on the north side?...the New York side...or the California/Oregon/Washington side? :)

I would prefer the east side of the country. For one, I already live here and would not be crazy about moving. Two, by the Democrats having the west side of the country, it would be next to their precious border where they can let as many immigrants in as they like, and they won't disturb us in our country. As I stated earlier, if the Republicans got the east side of the country and all the Democrats had to leave, my property value would double overnight.

The entire west cost is already liberal with California at 40 million people alone. A lot less people having to move by you getting the west side.
I would prefer the east side of the country. For one, I already live here and would not be crazy about moving. Two, by the Democrats having the west side of the country, it would be next to their precious border where they can let as many immigrants in as they like, and they won't disturb us in our country. As I stated earlier, if the Republicans got the east side of the country and all the Democrats had to leave, my property value would double overnight.

The entire west cost is already liberal with California at 40 million people alone. A lot less people having to move by you getting the west side.
Starting to see some issues with your plan? Cause that's just the tip of the iceberg.

But, let's have some fun. Since you right wingers are so fond of waving that red/blue map of the country in everyone's face and complaining about "blue" areas of coastal states, let's make it easy, In order to make this plan work everyone would have to sacrifice. I'll give you the entire middle of the country starting from Ohio, WV, TN, KY, Alabama, all the way out to ID, MT, WY, UT, and line the border north of AZ and NM to Texas. It's all yours. A big, red swath of the country. Now before yo say no, I'm sacrificing MN, MI, IL, WI, and CO. You're sacrificing AZ and NM. I'll sweeten the pot because I am thinking of throwing FL in for you. I just can't think of anything useful that could be done with the state except turn it back over to the gators. :)

You could build a wall as high as you want around clearly defined borders and have a huge swath of land...and my guess is that you'll be a third world country within 10 years. :auiqs.jpg:
Starting to see some issues with your plan? Cause that's just the tip of the iceberg.

But, let's have some fun. Since you right wingers are so fond of waving that red/blue map of the country in everyone's face and complaining about "blue" areas of coastal states, let's make it easy, In order to make this plan work everyone would have to sacrifice. I'll give you the entire middle of the country starting from Ohio, WV, TN, KY, Alabama, all the way out to ID, MT, WY, UT, and line the border north of AZ and NM to Texas. It's all yours. A big, red swath of the country. Now before yo say no, I'm sacrificing MN, MI, IL, WI. You're sacrificing AZ and NM. I'll sweeten the pot because I am thinking of throwing FL in for you. I just can't think of anything useful that could be done with the state except turn it back over to the gators. :)

You could build a wall as high as you want around clearly defined borders and have a huge swath of land...and my guess is that you'll be a third world country within 10 years. :auiqs.jpg:
It's easier than that...
When money and food supplies shrink, cut off welfare and watch what happens.
Starting to see some issues with your plan? Cause that's just the tip of the iceberg.

But, let's have some fun. Since you right wingers are so fond of waving that red/blue map of the country in everyone's face and complaining about "blue" areas of coastal states, let's make it easy, In order to make this plan work everyone would have to sacrifice. I'll give you the entire middle of the country starting from Ohio, WV, TN, KY, Alabama, all the way out to ID, MT, WY, UT, and line the border north of AZ and NM to Texas. It's all yours. A big, red swath of the country. Now before yo say no, I'm sacrificing MN, MI, IL, WI, and CO. You're sacrificing AZ and NM. I'll sweeten the pot because I am thinking of throwing FL in for you. I just can't think of anything useful that could be done with the state except turn it back over to the gators. :)

You could build a wall as high as you want around clearly defined borders and have a huge swath of land...and my guess is that you'll be a third world country within 10 years. :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see now: on our side of the country the evil wealthy will be paying much lower taxes. Since you on the left want the highest taxes possible on business, those businesses would move to our country so we'd have plenty of jobs. Our taxes would be lower because of less government dependency and much less criminal activity meaning less prisons, police, judges and courts. Government in general would be less costly because we would not allow government unions in our country. No more retiring at 55 while everybody else has to work a decade or more longer.

On your side you'd have to find a way to support all those government dependents and immigrants. Those little blue spots on the map are where most of the people are condensed. Then you have the free healthcare and college issues to deal with. If you didn't cater to the criminals like you do now, you'd have to build thousands of new prisons to keep the criminals in.

If you look at the United States now, what's happening? People are escaping those liberal shit holes and moving to Republican led states. There's a reason for that. High taxes, high crime, cost of living impossible to keep up with, so people and businesses pack their bags and head to our states.
Ok, so if you want everyone to have a north and a south, which would you like on the north side?...the New York side...or the California/Oregon/Washington side? :)
I would draw the line from east to west from Virginia to Nevada, you lefties can have both the northeast and the south west. actually you can have the entire west coast.
Let's see now: on our side of the country the evil wealthy will be paying much lower taxes. Since you on the left want the highest taxes possible on business, those businesses would move to our country so we'd have plenty of jobs. Our taxes would be lower because of less government dependency and much less criminal activity meaning less prisons, police, judges and courts. Government in general would be less costly because we would not allow government unions in our country. No more retiring at 55 while everybody else has to work a decade or more longer.

On your side you'd have to find a way to support all those government dependents and immigrants. Those little blue spots on the map are where most of the people are condensed. Then you have the free healthcare and college issues to deal with. If you didn't cater to the criminals like you do now, you'd have to build thousands of new prisons to keep the criminals in.

If you look at the United States now, what's happening? People are escaping those liberal shit holes and moving to Republican led states. There's a reason for that. High taxes, high crime, cost of living impossible to keep up with, so people and businesses pack their bags and head to our states.
People retiring at an age earlier than 55 would be a huge positive for the nation. It would greatly help employers especially in today's america
It would appear many Americans haven’t figured out the obvious scam being perpetrated on them. Many vote thinking voting will change things, but things only get worse.

After all the failures our government and politicians have caused, you’d think all Americans would be in the streets demanding change. Unfortunately, Americans have become weak and dependent.

The "scam" is evident in everything they touch ... Politics, the media, our schools and just everyday lives.
It is what keeps the People fighting each other instead of turning on the Establishment and burning it all to the ground.


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