We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

that is what we all want but it has not happened since Reagan/O'Neill and Clinton/ Newt. there is just too much money to be made by not finding common ground and that is the real problem.
That's why I'm a one-issue voter now: We have to change the system under which these people operate.

Right now, our system incentivizes and rewards the worst behaviors of its participants.
that is what we all want but it has not happened since Reagan/O'Neill and Clinton/ Newt. there is just too much money to be made by not finding common ground and that is the real problem.
You're kidding, right? Gingrich shut the government down because Clinton made him sit on the back of the plane.


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I don't support ballot harvesting. I don't support illegals voting. Period.

I'd bet that, if the two parties worked together, they could come up with a system for mail-in voting that both could agree with. That's where collaboration, innovation and technology come in. So the goal would be to fairly minimize the need for mail-in ballots, but to make them as secure as possible when used.

Since I'm not much of an expert in that area, that's the best I can do. One of examples of many why I wish the ends would get over themselves and work together like adults. For a change.

Mail-in should only be for people that have no possibility to vote in person. If you're too lazy to vote, stay home. For those that have a legitimate reason to vote by mail, you should have to provide a copy of your drivers license/ state ID, and you must fill in the last four of your SS number on a space provided for it on the ballot itself.
Yes, it is time to completely eliminate the Democratic party.

There is no reason to work with people who are wrong. Halfway to wrong still breaks it, is not a solution.
How are you going to eliminate the Democratic Party?
real issues

1. freedom as guaranteed by the constitution
2. secure borders
3. stop runaway inflation
4. peace through strength
5. weed out government corruption
6. free speech in all venues
7. energy independence

which of those do you disagree with?
We never had a secure border in the Southwest. Also here's a secret, the Northern border is wide open.
sadly I think you are right. This country is at a crossroads, secession or revolution may be the only solutions.

The solution is to divide the country in half into two countries. A line north to south from the Dakota's to Texas so each country has a north and south to live. Then we build a huge Trump wall to keep the Democrats out of our country. There will be trade, visiting and vacations allowed between our two countries just like with Canada and Mexico, but no moving into the other country.

It's the only possible way to save at least half of this land.
The solution is to divide the country in half into two countries. A line north to south from the Dakota's to Texas so each country has a north and south to live. Then we build a huge Trump wall to keep the Democrats out of our country. There will be trade, visiting and vacations allowed between our two countries just like with Canada and Mexico, but no moving into the other country.

It's the only possible way to save at least half of this land.
Why don't the MAGAs just move to Idaho, North Dakota, and Mississippi?
Why don't the MAGAs just move to Idaho, North Dakota, and Mississippi?

Because it wouldn't solve the problem, that's why. Currently we have Republican and Democrat states already, but we all live under a national government controlled by whoever is in power. So what we need are two totally separate countries with two constitutions and two federal governments. Each federal government can run their country their own way.
Because it wouldn't solve the problem, that's why. Currently we have Republican and Democrat states already, but we all live under a national government controlled by whoever is in power. So what we need are two totally separate countries with two constitutions and two federal governments. Each federal government can run their country their own way.
Great idea. Be sure to write as soon as you find a country where you want to stay.
Great idea. Be sure to write as soon as you find a country where you want to stay.

I know where I would want to stay, in a real America. You commies can have half of the country and run it anyway you want. You could have as many illegals as you want, no police or police with no power, all dope legalized, no jail or prisons, nobody allowed to own a firearm or allowed to use self-defense, all electric vehicles, tax your rich at 90%, as much welfare as the heart could desire, a liberal paradise.

On our side we will remain a law and order country. Our taxation will be low and welfare for only those that have no choice. Everybody will be allowed to carry a firearm and will be protected under law when self-defense is used. Freaks and weirdos will not have the power over the majority, and our children will lean the three R's instead of race guilt or the stupidity they have a choice of being male or female. We will bring back God into our schools instead and harsh penalties for those breaking our laws. For me, the best part would be if my side was the Republican side and all you leftists had to move out, my property value would double overnight.
The solution is to divide the country in half into two countries. A line north to south from the Dakota's to Texas so each country has a north and south to live. Then we build a huge Trump wall to keep the Democrats out of our country. There will be trade, visiting and vacations allowed between our two countries just like with Canada and Mexico, but no moving into the other country.

It's the only possible way to save at least half of this land.
Democrats already have a country, it is called north korea

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