We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

Or perhaps you, like most of the leftard persuasion, have lost the ability to discern.
Since you clearly don't know where I actually stand on the actual issues, that's just another Trumpian ignorance blurt.

You guys sure are consistent, I'll give ya that!
What is it with you clucks and "Be Specific"?

Off the top of my head, it appears Trump is guilty of violating the Espionage Act. That's just as a teaser.
He's been guilty of obstruction since the moment he picked the phone up and tried to strong arm Zelinsky into digging up dirt on Biden.
As far as his family, outside of Kushner's little Saudi Arabia golden parachute....no one cares. None of them were ever/or are ever going to be President....just like Hunter Biden.

Have fun with the snipe hunts. Let us know how it goes. :)
and when the Bidens take bribes (payments for access to the VP) is that not a violation of the espionage act? How about when the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney are given very high paying jobs on a Ukrainian gas company board? Did they get those jobs due to qualifications or to get access and favors from high ranking american politicians?

Nothing Trump or Kushner did was illegal. you are either very confused or indoctrinated.
Since you clearly don't know where I actually stand on the actual issues, that's just another Trumpian ignorance blurt.

You guys sure are consistent, I'll give ya that!
so tell us, what are the actual issues in your mind?

are they any of these
open borders
open and fair elections
foreign influence in DC
senile people in government
After the blatant 2020 stolen election I think that ship has already sailed.

Our country can't be fixed at the ballot box. The Democrat Dirty Tricks Departments knows how to manufacture any number of ballots needed to win an election.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
sadly I think you are right. This country is at a crossroads, secession or revolution may be the only solutions.
sadly I think you are right. This country is at a crossroads, secession or revolution may be the only solutions.
Right now this country is on a path to become a Socialist shithole. Like what California has become as a state.

Because of all the goddamn Illegals and other Third World assholes the Liberals have allowed to come into the country real Americans that believe in individual Liberty are becoming a minority.

The Democratic process is failing us. It is allowing the filthy welfare queens and idiot Moon Bats to have the numbers to use the government to oppress Liberty.

We have to decide if the country is worth fighting for or are we just going to hand it over to the Leftest filth.
so tell us, what are the actual issues in your mind?

are they any of these
open borders
open and fair elections
foreign influence in DC
senile people in government
Yes, all of them, and many more.
and senile joe has made all of those worse, why do you support that?
You clearly don't know what or who I do and don't support, so you're just attacking out of pure ignorance.

Why do you do that? Is this the way you are in real life?

This is another example of why it's essentially impossible to communicate with you people.
You clearly don't know what or who I do and don't support, so you're just attacking out of pure ignorance.

Why do you do that? Is this the way you are in real life?

This is another example of why it's essentially impossible to communicate with you people.
so who do you support? you always post as a lib, are you now claiming to be something else?
so who do you support? you always post as a lib, are you now claiming to be something else?
Good gawd. On what actual issues do I "always post as a lib"? SPECIFICALLY?

Why do I have to "support" a party?

I don't "side" with anyone. I take each issue individually. Why is this so damn difficult for you people to understand?
Good gawd. On what actual issues do I "always post as a lib"? SPECIFICALLY?

Why do I have to "support" a party?

I don't "side" with anyone. I take each issue individually. Why is this so damn difficult for you people to understand?
ok put up or shut up

which party or ideology has the best ideas on:
corruption in DC
international relations
fair elections
corruption in government
management of our large cities
military readiness
ok put up or shut up

which party or ideology has the best ideas on:
corruption in DC
international relations
fair elections
corruption in government
management of our large cities
military readiness
I have disagreements with BOTH parties on virtually EVERY issue.

But, to provide GENERAL answers to your questions, since you bothered to ask:

which party or ideology has the best ideas on:


Neither. Our current inflation is due to trillions of stimulus dollars poured into the economy and collapsed global supply chains. Both parties have their hands in this.

Probably the GOP.

corruption in DC
Neither. Both parties are craven slaves to our broken system.

international relations
Currently, Democrats.

Neither. The GOP are acting like Neanderthals on energy, and the Dems have been awful at laying out transition plans between point A and point B.

Neither. The Dems are still committed to their stupid PC/Identity Politics bullshit, and the GOP is pretending that racism is a myth.

fair elections
The Dems, but only because the GQP is currently a fucking joke on this topic.

corruption in government
Neither. Both parties are craven slaves to our broken system.

management of our large cities
Tough to say, since most are run by Dems. But by and large, they're doing a shitty job.

military readiness
Probably the GOP

There are plenty of other topics, like economics (both are shitty), immigration (the border problem belongs entirely to the Dems), and abortion (I agree with Lindsey Graham's approach), but you asked.

Now, you can pretend I'm a leftist (which I expect you to do), but you'd be blatantly lying.

Thanks for asking. You can no longer claim ignorance.
I have disagreements with BOTH parties on virtually EVERY issue.

But, to provide GENERAL answers to your questions, since you bothered to ask:

which party or ideology has the best ideas on:


Neither. Our current inflation is due to trillions of stimulus dollars poured into the economy and collapsed global supply chains. Both parties have their hands in this.

Probably the GOP.

corruption in DC
Neither. Both parties are craven slaves to our broken system.

international relations
Currently, Democrats.

Neither. The GOP are acting like Neanderthals on energy, and the Dems have been awful at laying out transition plans between point A and point B.

Neither. The Dems are still committed to their stupid PC/Identity Politics bullshit, and the GOP is pretending that racism is a myth.

fair elections
The Dems, but only because the GQP is currently a fucking joke on this topic.

corruption in government
Neither. Both parties are craven slaves to our broken system.

management of our large cities
Tough to say, since most are run by Dems. But by and large, they're doing a shitty job.

military readiness
Probably the GOP

There are plenty of other topics, like economics (both are shitty), immigration (the border problem belongs entirely to the Dems), and abortion (I agree with Lindsey Graham's approach), but you asked.

Now, you can pretend I'm a leftist (which I expect you to do), but you'd be blatantly lying.

Thanks for asking. You can no longer claim ignorance.
ok, good clarification, we don't agree on all of them but you seem to have an intelligent approach to addressing our issues.

lets talk about elections. the dems are all into mail in voting, ballot harvesting, and illegals voting. I don't see how you can support those actions. There is hard evidence that there was vote fraud in 2020, primarily by the dems. Shouldn't that evidence be presented openly to the american citizens and heard by an unbiased court for resolution? I would like to understand how a candidate's vote total can go down during the night from what it was when we went to bed. How does a candidate lose votes that have already been tabulated? Please don't post dem talking points when responding, that accomplishes nothing.
If We Don't Wise Up as A REPUBLIC For Witch it Stands,One Nation Under God, and do it soon... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,its Gone,Welcome to The United States China,it's a Shame and True That You Don't Realize What You Had,Until it's Gone and ALL Your FREEDOMS That you Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and Blessed Nation For Witch it Stands, One Nation Under God, and do it REAL SOON ... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,it WILL REALLY BE GONE , we will be saying Welcome to The United States of China, it's a Shame but True that Most People Just Don't Realize What WE'VE Had, Until it's Gone and ALL OUR FREEDOMS That we Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and FREE Nation

Sorry. The Republic has already been killed by the political class.

Now we see what comes next.

Prepare for a lot of bloodshed.
ok, good clarification, we don't agree on all of them but you seem to have an intelligent approach to addressing our issues.

lets talk about elections. the dems are all into mail in voting, ballot harvesting, and illegals voting. I don't see how you can support those actions. There is hard evidence that there was vote fraud in 2020, primarily by the dems. Shouldn't that evidence be presented openly to the american citizens and heard by an unbiased court for resolution? I would like to understand how a candidate's vote total can go down during the night from what it was when we went to bed. How does a candidate lose votes that have already been tabulated? Please don't post dem talking points when responding, that accomplishes nothing.
I don't support ballot harvesting. I don't support illegals voting. Period.

I'd bet that, if the two parties worked together, they could come up with a system for mail-in voting that both could agree with. That's where collaboration, innovation and technology come in. So the goal would be to fairly minimize the need for mail-in ballots, but to make them as secure as possible when used.

Since I'm not much of an expert in that area, that's the best I can do. One of examples of many why I wish the ends would get over themselves and work together like adults. For a change.
and when the Bidens take bribes (payments for access to the VP) is that not a violation of the espionage act? How about when the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney are given very high paying jobs on a Ukrainian gas company board? Did they get those jobs due to qualifications or to get access and favors from high ranking american politicians?

Nothing Trump or Kushner did was illegal. you are either very confused or indoctrinated.
If it was illigal for someone to play on their relationship to a high ranking official for monitary gain, K street would be a prison. What do you think lobbyist do every day of the week?
I don't support ballot harvesting. I don't support illegals voting. Period.

I'd bet that, if the two parties worked together, they could come up with a system for mail-in voting that both could agree with. That's where collaboration, innovation and technology come in. So the goal would be to fairly minimize the need for mail-in ballots, but to make them as secure as possible when used.

Since I'm not much of an expert in that area, that's the best I can do. One of examples of many why I wish the ends would get over themselves and work together like adults. For a change.
that is what we all want but it has not happened since Reagan/O'Neill and Clinton/ Newt. there is just too much money to be made by not finding common ground and that is the real problem.

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