We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

Hahahaha, you lost the house but won?

The fact that one senate seat cost the democratic party $200 million really show the popularity of failed policies.
No problem. I can see it's too complex for you to understand. There are always a few, like you, that are just too dumb to get it.
"Pure evil". "Satan". "Enemy".

It really is sad to see how manipulated so many of you are.
The Religious Extremists keep showing how easily manipulated they are to use all of those words in one sentence.

Trump has done a great job in getting those who thought it quietly to come out yelling at the top of their lungs.

May more of them find the road back to sanity. Fact based living is where it is at. But not for them.
Not now, not while the Republican leaders continue to pursue a White supremacist power of government.
No problem. I can see it's too complex for you to understand. There are always a few, like you, that are just too dumb to get it.
Yep, call me a dummy, you lost the house, our status in the senate did not change, we are not the majority.

So complicated, for you, the moron.
When, exactly, was the US a great nation with all these freedoms?

Speaking of which, what freedoms have you lost and who took them?

If You Don't Know, then there isn't any Hope, or Reason to explain , YOU'RE A LOST CAUSE!
Enemy democrats are looking to add 13 million next year. 13 million in one year. That will be the killing blow, the decapitation if you will, for what remains of the dying Republic.

That is correct. If they can pull off blanket amnesty, it will be the end of the great experiment. The standard has been 20 million illegals in this country, but that estimate has been used the last 10 years or more. So let's easily figure 30 million.

With that many new voters, we will be a one-party country forever. With no real competition for power, Socialism will be our least threat as it will only be a quick stepping stone to Communism.

Like this administration is now, we will be a country of weirdos and freaks. They and the minorities will hold all the power over the majority. If history books are still allowed, our grandchildren will be asking how we let this happen, why didn't we fight tooth and nail to preserve this once great place.

I'm glad I'll be off this planet by then, but I feel bad for my nephew and niece.
Hunter was/is an addict. That is unfortunate. But there is no evidence he did the things the right is accusing him of. So far, it looks like made up, alt-right bullshit...said laptop included. But I have no doubt Republicans will do their best to manufacture evidence.

Did Hunter get a plush consulting job because of his father's standing?...yes. Does it look like Hunter may owe the IRS quite a bit of money in fines and penalties?....yes. No different than Trump's children and his son-in-law profiting off their father's standing.
Any investigation initiated by Republicans is going to look like a vendetta. Not their fault Republicans supported and looked the other way through four years of the previous administrations corruption.

Trump's kids didn't benefit from their fathers position in government. Those kids were rich before Trump even entered the White House. Hunter would be chasing ambulances without his father.

Now the tides have turned and we're going to really find out what's going on. With over 14 FBI agents turned whistleblower and Tony Bobalinski finally getting heard and his evidence presented, we're going to get on the inside of the Biden crime families operations. At least what we know now it doesn't look too good.
None. The Republicans waste too much time wanting to impeach people and hardly ever taking care of those who need.

And what have the commies been wasting time on the last two years? Oh, that's right, the Capitol attack. They could care less how or why it happened, this entire clown show was orchestrated to try and stop Donald Trump from running in 2024.
If We Don't Wise Up as A REPUBLIC For Witch it Stands,One Nation Under God, and do it soon... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,its Gone,Welcome to The United States China,it's a Shame and True That You Don't Realize What You Had,Until it's Gone and ALL Your FREEDOMS That you Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and Blessed Nation For Witch it Stands, One Nation Under God, and do it REAL SOON ... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,it WILL REALLY BE GONE , we will be saying Welcome to The United States of China, it's a Shame but True that Most People Just Don't Realize What WE'VE Had, Until it's Gone and ALL OUR FREEDOMS That we Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and FREE Nation

We've lost the demographic war, so it's up to our replacements to carry forth the founding principles of America.
Do I believe they will? Nope, not for a single solitary moment, but it doesn't matter what I think.
I'll be ending my days in Australia, and thumbing my nose til the end.
That is correct. If they can pull off blanket amnesty, it will be the end of the great experiment. The standard has been 20 million illegals in this country, but that estimate has been used the last 10 years or more. So let's easily figure 30 million.

With that many new voters, we will be a one-party country forever. With no real competition for power, Socialism will be our least threat as it will only be a quick stepping stone to Communism.

Like this administration is now, we will be a country of weirdos and freaks. They and the minorities will hold all the power over the majority. If history books are still allowed, our grandchildren will be asking how we let this happen, why didn't we fight tooth and nail to preserve this once great place.

I'm glad I'll be off this planet by then, but I feel bad for my nephew and niece.
Let that many invaders in, with tons of drugs, in a year the cartels will be rich enough and powerful enough to make a direct threat to the federal government.
Or you can commit to communication, collaboration and innovation by working with those who dare to disagree with you.

You win some, you lose some, you create some new stuff.

Kind of like the way our Constitution was created.

Or you can keep falling for this paranoid "we're at war with evil" bullshit and watch the GQP continue to underperform.
You mean the Woke mob. They do not work with anybody.
Let that many invaders in, with tons of drugs, in a year the cartels will be rich enough and powerful enough to make a direct threat to the federal government.

And isn't it wonderful that our President traded a high stakes arms dealer that was known for arming drug lords, for some anti-American dope smoking basketball player over one of our brave Marines.
Or you can commit to communication, collaboration and innovation by working with those who dare to disagree with you.

You win some, you lose some, you create some new stuff.

Kind of like the way our Constitution was created.

Or you can keep falling for this paranoid "we're at war with evil" bullshit and watch the GQP continue to underperform.
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Why do people like me think people like you are "evil"?
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Why do people like me think people like you are "evil"?
I have opinions and ideas on every issue. They just don't mindlessly and obediently fall in line with one of the tribes. I'm not like you. Thankfully.

Tell me: What makes me "evil"? Specifically? I suspect your standards for what is "evil" are pretty low.
I have opinions and ideas on every issue. They just don't mindlessly and obediently fall in line with one of the tribes. I'm not like you. Thankfully.

Tell me: What makes me "evil"? Specifically? I suspect your standards for what is "evil" are pretty low.

Anybody that supports the Democrats are evil. You support them almost constantly. That's most likely what he's talking about.
Anybody that supports the Democrats are evil. You support them almost constantly. That's most likely what he's talking about.
In your worlds, people who dare to disagree with you are evil. That's the kind of simplistic, hyperbolic, binary thinking that people like Rush and Tucker and Hannity have drummed into you.

And in reality, you don't see me "supporting them almost constantly". I have many disagreements with the Left, and express them regularly. You're certainly free to challenge me on my stance on the actual issues, but you guys always run when I suggest that.

What you somehow don't understand is that not everyone is driven by hyper-tribal political partisanship like you. I'm sorry, but we just aren't.
Anybody that supports the Democrats are evil.
This is hysterical bullshit. Pull your big boy pants up and get a grip.
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I have opinions and ideas on every issue. They just don't mindlessly and obediently fall in line with one of the tribes. I'm not like you. Thankfully.

Tell me: What makes me "evil"? Specifically? I suspect your standards for what is "evil" are pretty low.
Do you support child trans/child drag shows and what do you think of people that do?

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