We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

Do you support child trans/child drag shows and what do you think of people that do?
No, and I think they've blown it badly by going far too far. As they've done on most cultural issues.

Maybe you should stop prejudging people based on pure ignorance.
In your worlds, people who dare to disagree with you are evil. That's the kind of simplistic, hyperbolic, binary thinking that people like Rush and Tucker and Hannity have drummed into you.

And in reality, you don't see me "supporting them almost constantly". I have many disagreements with the Left, and express them regularly. You're certainly free to challenge me on my stance on the actual issues, but you guys always run when I suggest that.

What you somehow don't understand is that not everyone is driven by hyper-tribal political partisanship like you. I'm sorry, but we just aren't.

You are because you seldom stick up or support Republicans. Instead, you almost always side against them. I've never seen you write a good word about Donald Trump.
You are because you seldom stick up or support Republicans. Instead, you almost always side against them. I've never seen you write a good word about Donald Trump.
So you admit it's not about where I actually stand on the issues.

That's what I've been all along about you people: Party over country. That's why I want nothing to do with the tribes.
I know. Anyone who doesn't think just like you is "evil".

The thought processes of a child.
Yes. Anyone who doesn't think that child abusers are evil, is evil.

You shill for them now by down playing their sin. You tolerate child abusers saying they just think differently. You are evil. Repent.
Yes. Anyone who doesn't think that child abusers are evil, is evil.

You shill for them now by down playing their sin. You tolerate child abusers saying they just think differently. You are evil. Repent.
I'm so glad I'm not like you.
You are dreaming. Keep dreaming. There were only nude photos of his dick. And THAT was meant to END Biden's candidacy. What a laugh.
you are wrong. the twitter release confirms that the Bidens are corrupt traitors
Hunter was/is an addict. That is unfortunate. But there is no evidence he did the things the right is accusing him of. So far, it looks like made up, alt-right bullshit...said laptop included. But I have no doubt Republicans will do their best to manufacture evidence.

Did Hunter get a plush consulting job because of his father's standing?...yes. Does it look like Hunter may owe the IRS quite a bit of money in fines and penalties?....yes. No different than Trump's children and his son-in-law profiting off their father's standing.
Any investigation initiated by Republicans is going to look like a vendetta. Not their fault Republicans supported and looked the other way through four years of the previous administrations corruption.
not necessary to manufacture evidence, its all out there for all to see. what statutes did Trump or his family violate? be specific or stop lying.
not necessary to manufacture evidence, its all out there for all to see. what statutes did Trump or his family violate? be specific or stop lying.
What is it with you clucks and "Be Specific"?

Off the top of my head, it appears Trump is guilty of violating the Espionage Act. That's just as a teaser.
He's been guilty of obstruction since the moment he picked the phone up and tried to strong arm Zelinsky into digging up dirt on Biden.
As far as his family, outside of Kushner's little Saudi Arabia golden parachute....no one cares. None of them were ever/or are ever going to be President....just like Hunter Biden.

Have fun with the snipe hunts. Let us know how it goes. :)
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Well, no. You're deluded. You've fallen prey to partisan fear mongering.

But you seem like a decent guy otherwise. Here's hoping you never have to deal with real evil.

Thank you very much, but I backup what I say.

Kill babies or kill convicted murderers--liberals are for killing babies and leaving murderers alone.

Pro police or pro-criminal--liberals are pro-criminal.

Disarm law abiding citizens giving the criminal the upper hand or allow them to defend themselves--liberals are for disarming law abiding citizens.

Bring home an Iraq vet from Russia prison that served this country or bring back an American hating basketball player--liberals say bring back the American hating basketball player.

Close the border to help slow down dangerous narcotics getting into the country or allow tens of thousands to die--liberals are for allowing tens of thousands to die.

Leave sex talk out of school for pre-teens or pollute their minds with perversion--liberals are for polluting their minds with perversion.

No matter how you slice it or dice it, liberals always side with evil over good.
If We Don't Wise Up as A REPUBLIC For Witch it Stands,One Nation Under God, and do it soon... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,its Gone,Welcome to The United States China,it's a Shame and True That You Don't Realize What You Had,Until it's Gone and ALL Your FREEDOMS That you Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and Blessed Nation For Witch it Stands, One Nation Under God, and do it REAL SOON ... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,it WILL REALLY BE GONE , we will be saying Welcome to The United States of China, it's a Shame but True that Most People Just Don't Realize What WE'VE Had, Until it's Gone and ALL OUR FREEDOMS That we Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and FREE Nation
After the blatant 2020 stolen election I think that ship has already sailed.

Our country can't be fixed at the ballot box. The Democrat Dirty Tricks Departments knows how to manufacture any number of ballots needed to win an election.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

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