We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

LOL, coming from a lefty who supported 6 years of fruitless investigations of Trump and two fake impeachment attempts, that is quite funny. Why exactly do you think the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney were given high paying jobs on a Ukrainian gas company's board? Try to give an honest reply if you can.
Probably for the same reasons trump's kids were allowed to get all those foreign pattents.
you obviously listen to only the liars on CNN. nothing in your post is even close to the truth.

let me ask you----------if it it proven that Hunter Biden was selling access to Joe to the Chinese, Ukrainians, Russians and others, should he and Joe be prosecuted? note, I said if proven.
Hunter was/is an addict. That is unfortunate. But there is no evidence he did the things the right is accusing him of. So far, it looks like made up, alt-right bullshit...said laptop included. But I have no doubt Republicans will do their best to manufacture evidence.

Did Hunter get a plush consulting job because of his father's standing?...yes. Does it look like Hunter may owe the IRS quite a bit of money in fines and penalties?....yes. No different than Trump's children and his son-in-law profiting off their father's standing.
Any investigation initiated by Republicans is going to look like a vendetta. Not their fault Republicans supported and looked the other way through four years of the previous administrations corruption.
Enemy democrats are looking to add 13 million next year. 13 million in one year. That will be the killing blow, the decapitation if you will, for what remains of the dying Republic.
Damn, you caught us. I thought it was 14 million, but if you say 13 million, I'll take your word for it, dumb ass.
Completely eliminate the Democratic Party? That's been an unreachable goal for you right wing crazies for a long long time. How do you think you can do that when the DNC keeps getting bigger and bigger, and you right wing crazies keep getting smaller and smaller?
How do you lose the House and state you are getting bigger.

One day we may get true voter reform, then we will see how small the democratic party and how corrupt they are.
No.... you're not listening. These people are completely consumed by fear. They get off on it.
I do know they're terrified that if they give an inch, those mean evil Satanic Hitler Soros commie Democrats will take advantage of them.

Do they not think they're smart enough to collaborate, get some of what they want and create new things?

I'll bet they are, if they just stop listening to the voices who are manipulating them and come out of hiding.
I do know they're terrified that if they give an inch, those mean evil Satanic Hitler Soros commie Democrats will take advantage of them.

Do they not think they're smart enough to collaborate, get some of what they want and create new things?

I'll bet they are, if they just stop listening to the voices who are manipulating them.
Are you really suggesting a collaboration with pure evil? Satan doesn't share power. Enemy democrats have been working on the end of the nation since the 60s.
Hunter was/is an addict. That is unfortunate. But there is no evidence he did the things the right is accusing him of. So far, it looks like made up, alt-right bullshit...said laptop included. But I have no doubt Republicans will do their best to manufacture evidence.

Did Hunter get a plush consulting job because of his father's standing?...yes. Does it look like Hunter may owe the IRS quite a bit of money in fines and penalties?....yes. No different than Trump's children and his son-in-law profiting off their father's standing.
Any investigation initiated by Republicans is going to look like a vendetta. Not their fault Republicans supported and looked the other way through four years of the previous administrations corruption.
Innocent little Hunter. Oh, golly gee! Progs are just salt of the earth. Do no wrong. And yet we see evidence of it everywhere in Prog dominant work environments, in areas they live in and all the rest. We are paying for them now with the high inflation and the affects from it.
Are you really suggesting a collaboration with pure evil? Satan doesn't share power. Enemy democrats have been working on the end of the nation since the 60s.
"Pure evil". "Satan". "Enemy".

It really is sad to see how manipulated so many of you are.
How do you lose the House and state you are getting bigger.

One day we may get true voter reform, then we will see how small the democratic party and how corrupt they are.
Historically, the party that has the presidency loses lots of seats in the house and senate in the midterm elections. The fact that Democrats gained a senate seat, and lost so few house seats shows the democrats are better than average, and MAGAs are worse than average.
I do know they're terrified that if they give an inch, those mean evil Satanic Hitler Soros commie Democrats will take advantage of them.
The two party system rewards fear mongering. So the two parties fear monger.

Do they not think they're smart enough to collaborate, get some of what they want and create new things?
A strong theme of the Republican populism is that idea that the "elites" are trying to trick us. Which leverages personal fears that smart people are getting one over on you.

I'll bet they are, if they just stop listening to the voices who are manipulating them and come out of hiding.
I dunno. In large part, these are the mouth-breathers who actually watched "The Apprentice".
Historically, the party that has the presidency loses lots of seats in the house and senate in the midterm elections. The fact that Democrats gained a senate seat, and lost so few house seats shows the democrats are better than average, and MAGAs are worse than average.
Hahahaha, you lost the house but won?

The fact that one senate seat cost the democratic party $200 million really show the popularity of failed policies.

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