We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

I know where I would want to stay, in a real America. You commies can have half of the country and run it anyway you want. You could have as many illegals as you want, no police or police with no power, all dope legalized, no jail or prisons, nobody allowed to own a firearm or allowed to use self-defense, all electric vehicles, tax your rich at 90%, as much welfare as the heart could desire, a liberal paradise.

On our side we will remain a law and order country. Our taxation will be low and welfare for only those that have no choice. Everybody will be allowed to carry a firearm and will be protected under law when self-defense is used. Freaks and weirdos will not have the power over the majority, and our children will lean the three R's instead of race guilt or the stupidity they have a choice of being male or female. We will bring back God into our schools instead and harsh penalties for those breaking our laws. For me, the best part would be if my side was the Republican side and all you leftists had to move out, my property value would double overnight.
No one is negotiating with you Clown. You can have your own country when you sack up and make one. 😄
I know where I would want to stay, in a real America. You commies can have half of the country and run it anyway you want. You could have as many illegals as you want, no police or police with no power, all dope legalized, no jail or prisons, nobody allowed to own a firearm or allowed to use self-defense, all electric vehicles, tax your rich at 90%, as much welfare as the heart could desire, a liberal paradise.

On our side we will remain a law and order country. Our taxation will be low and welfare for only those that have no choice. Everybody will be allowed to carry a firearm and will be protected under law when self-defense is used. Freaks and weirdos will not have the power over the majority, and our children will lean the three R's instead of race guilt or the stupidity they have a choice of being male or female. We will bring back God into our schools instead and harsh penalties for those breaking our laws. For me, the best part would be if my side was the Republican side and all you leftists had to move out, my property value would double overnight.
And if you ruled the world, every day would be the first day of spring, too, right?
No one is negotiating with you Clown. You can have your own country when you sack up and make one. 😄

Correct, nobody is really considering it yet. That's why (unless people do) I predict the end of the great experiment in less than 50 years. Gone forever. Nothing but a thing to remember in history books.
Democrats already have a country, it is called north korea

Among others. Cuba, red China, but you know they will never move.

The thing is we have places in our country already made for them. Places where government feeds you, government clothes you, nobody has money except government, no firearms allowed, work is an option, workout rooms and pool tables, free healthcare and cable television. We call these places prisons. They're not hard to get into, and full of Democrats already.
Correct, nobody is really considering it yet. That's why (unless people do) I predict the end of the great experiment in less than 50 years. Gone forever. Nothing but a thing to remember in history books.
We know you do you Snowflake. Your emo outlook is hilarious. 😄
Or you can commit to communication, collaboration and innovation by working with those who dare to disagree with you.

You win some, you lose some, you create some new stuff.

Kind of like the way our Constitution was created.

Or you can keep falling for this paranoid "we're at war with evil" bullshit and watch the GQP continue to underperform.
Until the trump Nazis experience the disaster they create with the fascist state they want, there will be no stopping their efforts to install trump as their führer.

You're kidding, right? Gingrich shut the government down because Clinton made him sit on the back of the plane.
those two worked together to fix the welfare system and much more. Newt did not shut the govt down, the dems reluctance to get things done shut it down. Stop trying to rewrite history.
Until the trump Nazis experience the disaster they create with the fascist state they want, there will be no stopping their efforts to install trump as their führer.
I'm not really sure that many of them fully understand what it is they're enabling.

They're scared and they think that these people can help them. That's as deep as it goes for them. They don't realize that the people they're choosing to trust, are the same people who make them scared in the FIRST damn place, with their hysteria and hyperbole and distortions.

In other words, manipulation.
those two worked together to fix the welfare system and much more. Newt did not shut the govt down, the dems reluctance to get things done shut it down. Stop trying to rewrite history.
Nope. Gingrich admitted to shutting down the government because of his seating assignment on AF1.
WASHINGTON — WASHINGTON -- In remarks that reveal the personal tenor of the budget battle, House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested yesterday that he and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole toughened the spending bill that has led to the partial government shutdown because they felt President Clinton snubbed them on a recent plane ride.

At a breakfast session with reporters, Mr. Gingrich said he was insulted and appalled that, on the long trip aboard Air Force One this month to and from the funeral of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the president failed to invite the Republican leaders to the front of the plane to discuss the budget, and then made them exit at the rear of the plane.

"I think that's part of why you ended up with us sending down a tougher continuing resolution," Mr. Gingrich said.

"This is petty, and I'm going to say up front it's petty, and Tony will probably say that I shouldn't say it, but I think it's human," the speaker added, referring to Tony Blankley, his spokesman.

Mr. Gingrich's remarks suggest that the shabby treatment he perceived helped shape the "continuing resolution," the temporary spending bill that Mr. Clinton vetoed Monday. The bill is at the heart of the budget impasse that has closed parts of the government and furloughed 800,000 federal workers this week.

Mr. Gingrich said he thought "a couple of hours of dialogue" among the three leaders on the plane might have averted the stalemate that has led to the partial government shutdown.

As he has done repeatedly since returning from the Nov. 6 Rabin funeral, Mr. Gingrich railed against Mr. Clinton's treatment of him and Mr. Dole during their 25 hours in flight -- specifically the president's decision not to discuss the federal budget with them.

Upon arriving back in Washington, he and Mr. Dole had to exit the plane by the rear door instead of by the front door with Mr. Clinton and former Presidents George Bush and Jimmy Carter. "When you land at Andrews [Air Base] and you've been on the plane for 25 hours and nobody has talked to you and they ask you to get off by the back ramp so the media won't picture the Senate majority leader and the speaker of the House returning from Israel, you just wonder, where's their sense of manners, where's their sense of courtesy?" the speaker said.

"Had they just been asleep all night and it hadn't occurred to them that maybe Bob Dole deserved the dignity of walking down the front ramp? Forget me -- I'm only speaker of the House. But you just have to say to yourself, was it a deliberate calculated aloofness or just total incompetence?"

Mike McCurry, Mr. Clinton's spokesman, called Mr. Gingrich's remarks "incomprehensible" and said he could not believe the speaker would connect the trip to the Rabin funeral with the current budget crisis.

I do know they're terrified that if they give an inch, those mean evil Satanic Hitler Soros commie Democrats will take advantage of them.

Do they not think they're smart enough to collaborate, get some of what they want and create new things?

I'll bet they are, if they just stop listening to the voices who are manipulating them and come out of hiding.
Thing is, REAL Americans don't want to collaborate, cooperate, compromise WITH THE ENEMY!!! which is the Democrat party.
Thing is, REAL Americans don't want to collaborate, cooperate, compromise WITH THE ENEMY!!! which is the Democrat party.
Nope Democrats aren't the enemy of the US. We are a large part of the US. MAGAs have chosen to be enemies of Democrats, but MAGAs are just a bunch of whiney babies anyway. Grow up, you little child.
Nope Democrats aren't the enemy of the US. We are a large part of the US. MAGAs have chosen to be enemies of Democrats, but MAGAs are just a bunch of whiney babies anyway. Grow up, you little child.
Fuck you Dyke bitch. Democrats are nothing but paedophile supporting Communists! They are now and always will be the enemy.
Fuck you Dyke bitch. Democrats are nothing but paedophile supporting Communists! They are now and always will be the enemy.
You would be more impressive if you lined up all your little plastic army men in front of you when you go all macho like that.
You would be more impressive if you lined up all your little plastic army men in front of you when you go all macho like that.
Mushroom Cloud 2.jpg

America's only hope now.
WASHINGTON — WASHINGTON -- In remarks that reveal the personal tenor of the budget battle, House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested yesterday that he and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole toughened the spending bill that has led to the partial government shutdown because they felt President Clinton snubbed them on a recent plane ride.

At a breakfast session with reporters, Mr. Gingrich said he was insulted and appalled that, on the long trip aboard Air Force One this month to and from the funeral of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the president failed to invite the Republican leaders to the front of the plane to discuss the budget, and then made them exit at the rear of the plane.

"I think that's part of why you ended up with us sending down a tougher continuing resolution," Mr. Gingrich said.

"This is petty, and I'm going to say up front it's petty, and Tony will probably say that I shouldn't say it, but I think it's human," the speaker added, referring to Tony Blankley, his spokesman.

Mr. Gingrich's remarks suggest that the shabby treatment he perceived helped shape the "continuing resolution," the temporary spending bill that Mr. Clinton vetoed Monday. The bill is at the heart of the budget impasse that has closed parts of the government and furloughed 800,000 federal workers this week.

Mr. Gingrich said he thought "a couple of hours of dialogue" among the three leaders on the plane might have averted the stalemate that has led to the partial government shutdown.

As he has done repeatedly since returning from the Nov. 6 Rabin funeral, Mr. Gingrich railed against Mr. Clinton's treatment of him and Mr. Dole during their 25 hours in flight -- specifically the president's decision not to discuss the federal budget with them.

Upon arriving back in Washington, he and Mr. Dole had to exit the plane by the rear door instead of by the front door with Mr. Clinton and former Presidents George Bush and Jimmy Carter. "When you land at Andrews [Air Base] and you've been on the plane for 25 hours and nobody has talked to you and they ask you to get off by the back ramp so the media won't picture the Senate majority leader and the speaker of the House returning from Israel, you just wonder, where's their sense of manners, where's their sense of courtesy?" the speaker said.

"Had they just been asleep all night and it hadn't occurred to them that maybe Bob Dole deserved the dignity of walking down the front ramp? Forget me -- I'm only speaker of the House. But you just have to say to yourself, was it a deliberate calculated aloofness or just total incompetence?"

Mike McCurry, Mr. Clinton's spokesman, called Mr. Gingrich's remarks "incomprehensible" and said he could not believe the speaker would connect the trip to the Rabin funeral with the current budget crisis.

Did you read you own link? It says that Gingrich sent a tougher bill because Clinton wouldn't discuss a resolution on the plane with him and Dole, and it states that Clinton was the one that vetoed the bill.

Leftists, always with the half truths and lies.
Did you read you own link? It says that Gingrich sent a tougher bill because Clinton wouldn't discuss a resolution on the plane with him and Dole, and it states that Clinton was the one that vetoed the bill.

Leftists, always with the half truths and lies.
Yes, instead of sending the bill that had been discussed, he sent a tougher bill because he was pouting. Even Gingrich admitted he was being petty.

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