We BETTER Wise Up and do it soon... Or We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone, its GONE!

If We Don't Wise Up as A REPUBLIC For Witch it Stands,One Nation Under God, and do it soon... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,its Gone,Welcome to The United States China,it's a Shame and True That You Don't Realize What You Had,Until it's Gone and ALL Your FREEDOMS That you Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and Blessed Nation For Witch it Stands, One Nation Under God, and do it REAL SOON ... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,it WILL REALLY BE GONE , we will be saying Welcome to The United States of China, it's a Shame but True that Most People Just Don't Realize What WE'VE Had, Until it's Gone and ALL OUR FREEDOMS That we Once Had, Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and FREE Nation
Still in the denial stage. I see...
So you don’t believe in free market capitalism? Interesting comrade.

Of course I believe in Free Market Capitalism and didn't say anything to the contrary.
Free Market Capitalism will not stop an idiot from making a stupid purchase ... You nitwit ... :thup:

If you can sell someone a pile of shit because they want to think it is a bed of roses ...
That's more the result of Marketing and Free Market Capitalism than anything else.

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Of course I believe in Free Market Capitalism and didn't say anything to the contrary.
Free Market Capitalism will not stop an idiot from making a stupid purchase ... You nitwit ... :thup:

If you can sell someone a pile of shit because they want to think it is a bed of roses ...
That's more the result of Marketing and Free Market Capitalism than anything else.

Free market allows people to pay what the market will bare. You may not think a Ferrari is worth the money to you but that doesn’t mean the market won’t pay 6 $$$$ for one. Same for California real estate.
Free market allows people to pay what the market will bare. You may not think a Ferrari is worth the money to you but that doesn’t mean the market won’t pay 6 $$$$ for one. Same for California real estate.

Free Market Capitalism does allow people to pay what the market will bear, and I never suggested otherwise.
That doesn't mean that the market won't bear a consumer overpaying for a pile of shit if they think it is worth it.

The people that are leaving are doing so because they are tired of overpaying for bullshit.
You came dangerously close to making that point while arguing with me in your last post, and are too high to realize it ... :auiqs.jpg:

For many it is, for some, they love working.

I have no problem if somebody retires as long as the bill isn't getting paid for by the taxpayers. If you made a good buck, invested all you could in your IRA and able to retire at 50, I applaud you. But when you retire at 55 and I have to support you, not so much.
The big thing is companies WANT their most productive workers to LEAVE asap. Then they have to pay a lot less to newbies. And it's sooooooooooooooooooo ungodly easy to deal with people leaving constantly.
I like what i do Ray, and while i may be slower at it, still want out the door daily to do so

but the thing is, that makes me a bad man in this country

trust me , it's raft with predators

well a capitalist system only has capitalist remedies


I used to hang around with a guy when we were in our teens, he eventually got hooked up with my sister and became my brother-in-law but later divorced. A few years ago his wealthy brother died and left him with enough money to easily retire, even though he was in his early 60's already and I'm sure a nice IRA. He's still working. He loves what he does but the only regret he has is not enough time off because he loves to travel. If he could do it part-time say two weeks a month he'd probably work until the day he dies or gets too sick to work.

Me, I couldn't wait to get out of work, had plans to retire at 62. But truck drivers have to get a physical by a government doctor and he told me there are too many medical problems for me to continue working. That was when I was approaching 60 and covid just hit the US. With no other choice and my health conditions being a main factor in covid deaths, I went on disability.

But you know, I dream about working constantly. I try to do everything possible not to dream about work because I hate it so much, but there's no real way to control it. I don't know if that's just the way my mind works or deep down inside I somehow miss it because it wasn't my decision to stop. So anybody around my age that's thinking about retiring, I give them the advice to make sure they really want to retire before they quit.
Free market allows people to pay what the market will bare. You may not think a Ferrari is worth the money to you but that doesn’t mean the market won’t pay 6 $$$$ for one. Same for California real estate.

People generally stay where they are rooted either because of their job or in most cases, family. Cleveland is nothing to brag about but this is where all my family is. My parents are older, I want to be here for them in case something happens, and as much as I hate the snow, I'm probably going to die here.

So those in Commiefornia are stuck there as well. Yes, a lot of people and businesses are leaving the state due to high cost of living and taxes. My cousin took root in CA because of her husbands job. She raised her family there. But now nearing retirement herself, she's looking to move back here to be closer with family and yes, the cost of living is half of what it is there.
I used to hang around with a guy when we were in our teens, he eventually got hooked up with my sister and became my brother-in-law but later divorced. A few years ago his wealthy brother died and left him with enough money to easily retire, even though he was in his early 60's already and I'm sure a nice IRA. He's still working. He loves what he does but the only regret he has is not enough time off because he loves to travel. If he could do it part-time say two weeks a month he'd probably work until the day he dies or gets too sick to work.

Me, I couldn't wait to get out of work, had plans to retire at 62. But truck drivers have to get a physical by a government doctor and he told me there are too many medical problems for me to continue working. That was when I was approaching 60 and covid just hit the US. With no other choice and my health conditions being a main factor in covid deaths, I went on disability.

But you know, I dream about working constantly. I try to do everything possible not to dream about work because I hate it so much, but there's no real way to control it. I don't know if that's just the way my mind works or deep down inside I somehow miss it because it wasn't my decision to stop. So anybody around my age that's thinking about retiring, I give them the advice to make sure they really want to retire before they quit.
So i guess the big Q is , if one has managed to stop working, what do those of us that know nothing BUT work do Ray?

love or hate it, It's hard to just go cold turkey after 1/2 a century.....

myself, i've no exit plan, that's my bad and i know it

but then i talk to those that do get out, and shortly after go stir crazy

seems there's no easing into it?


Free Market Capitalism does allow people to pay what the market will bear, and I never suggested otherwise.
That doesn't mean that the market won't bear a consumer overpaying for a pile of shit if they think it is worth it.

The people that are leaving are doing so because they are tired of overpaying for bullshit.
You came dangerously close to making that point while arguing with me in your last post, and are too high to realize it ... :auiqs.jpg:

In a free market there is no such thing as overpaying. You pay what you are willing and no more.
We want and need an EQUITABLE tax system. You know, the whole, money in/money out thing.
I'm sorry, the rest of your post is the same shit I've been hearing from the right wing for the last 40 years or so.
And those states everyone is "flocking" to will soon have the same issues the other states do.
Just look at Texas. And to be fair, crime is everywhere.

You've never taken a trip through the Appalachia region of TN, KY, VA, NC, SC, and GA have you?
You want to see depressing? My vote goes to Eastern KY. Lilly white. That's a tangent but I guess what I'm trying to
say is that your whole idea of "separating" the country.....won't work.

I don't think we have any real choice here. The Democrat party went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to socialist/ Democrat, and they're not stopping going even more left right to Communism.

There is no middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism. Our people are becoming even more separated every year. If they take over, the great experiment ends. We'll just be like all those other Socialist/ Communist shitholes people leave to try and come here.

So my idea is to try and save at least half of this country. I think everybody (at least those of us on the right) will be happier not having to deal with each others issues and complaints. You can ride around in oversized golf carts, we will ride around in our gas powered vehicles. You can have an unarmed society, and we will have an armed society. You can have cradle to grave government, and we will have government the way our founders envisioned it. You can tax the rich at 90%. and we will tax our rich at 17%. We will continue with our capitalist system that made us the strongest and most wealthiest country in the world, and you can spread the money so that everybody is equal. Everybody is happy that way.
In a free market there is no such thing as overpaying. You pay what you are willing and no more.

Well ... I am positive you actually believe the load of crap you are trying to sell.
I have repeatedly posted that one's willingness to believe they are paying the appropriate amount for a load a crap is paramount.

I never suggested they didn't believe they were paying what they should ...
Just that they are paying too much for a load of crap.

I mean I understand why you cannot grasp the concept ... Because you are one of the idiots intent on buying a load of crap ...
And then trying to establish some value in it by selling your load of crap to someone else.

It's a Free Market ... No Sale ... Try Peddling Your Worthless Crap Somewhere Else ... :auiqs.jpg:

So i guess the big Q is , if one has managed to stop working, what do those of us that know nothing BUT work do Ray?

love or hate it, It's hard to just go cold turkey after 1/2 a century.....

myself, i've no exit plan, that's my bad and i know it

but then i talk to those that do get out, and shortly after go stir crazy

seems there's no easing into it?


I say if you enjoy working, don't stop. If you do, you might end up having terrible nightmares like I have all the time. In my last company the boss hired all kinds of retired people. Like you said, they retired, found out it was boring and meaningless, and took a job at our company either part-time or full time.

I'm a landlord so after I was forced out of work, I found plenty of things to do. In fact now I have no idea how I got all these things done while working. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do what I want. Unlike a lot of my former coworkers, I'm never bored, especially in summer since I have a rather large property to take care of. Yes, I wake up later, screw around on the internet for several hours. have breakfast, and spend the rest of the day on my chores. I became even more ill after I retired, so I have to take a lot of breaks now. But there is never a time I can say "There's nothing here for me to do!"

Well ... I am positive you actually believe the load of crap you are trying to sell.
I have repeatedly posted that one's willingness to believe they are paying the appropriate amount for a load a crap is paramount.

I never suggested they didn't believe they were paying what they should ...
Just that they are paying too much for a load of crap.

I mean I understand why you cannot grasp the concept ... Because you are one of the idiots intent on buying a load of crap ...
And then trying to establish some value in it by selling your load of crap to someone else.

It's a Free Market ... No Sale ... Try Peddling Your Worthless Crap Somewhere Else ... :auiqs.jpg:

All you’re saying is you have no idea how economics work. I think anyone who paid $0.01 or more for a MAGA hat overpaid. That’s just an opinion not economics. You are proving to be a bit of a simpleton.
If it takes work to give one meaning it's time to see a therapist. More and more people retiring helps employers big time.
All you’re saying is you have no idea how economics work. I think anyone who paid $0.01 or more for a MAGA hat overpaid. That’s just an opinion not economics. You are proving to be a bit of a simpleton.

No ... I am saying your attempt to use economics improperly in the discussion ...
Will never change the fact you are attempting to sell an overpriced load of crap.

But keep trying and failing if you feel the need ... :auiqs.jpg:

Again. Your section of the country would be a third world nation inside of 10 years if you did that. :)
I don't think so, because your section of the country is already a third world nation and going down to 4th world as we speak.
inflation - world wide driven from supply issues
open borders - borders are same as they ever were pubs don’t want to solve they want it as a boogeyman issue
crime - we are at low crime levels historically and the rise in crime from post Covid has been nationwide and worse in red states
taxes - not enough burden on rich and companies as a result the debt goes up and the wealthy continue to consolidate all the wealth so that we are as top heavy as we have ever been in wealth equity
open and fair elections - free, fair and accessible… not crying foul when you fucking lose
foreign influence in DC - Jesus righties are tone deaf
senile people in government - you’re a moron
spoken like a typical brainwashed CNN parrot. The inflation we are experiencing today has one, and only one cause, senile Joe's goal of banishing the use of fossil fuels. The price of everything is tied to the price of energy, and yes, it is world wide but mostly here in the USA thanks to senile ole joey boy. the rest of your "positions" are simply bullshit an lies. you say that companies and the rich do not pay enough taxes. How about the half of all americans who pay no taxes? how about the millions of illegals who pay no taxes? Do you understand that corporations do not pay taxes no matter how high the rate? Taxes are passed to consumers in the prices of everything we buy. If you try to understand that you might not be an ignorant libtardian.
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In a free market there is no such thing as overpaying. You pay what you are willing and no more.
except for necessities where you have to pay whatever the seller is asking, food, fuel, etc. and that is what is destroying our economy and our country.
the Biden family corruption and treason needs to be exposed and hopefully it will be next year. Yes, they will investigate and expose the government corruption and lying that has gone on for decades. But that should not prevent congress from doing its major responsibilities, budgets, appropriations, legislation, etc.

Its clear that you on the left are scared of what will be exposed by the upcoming investigations. But remember it was your party that constantly investigated Trump for 6 years and is still doing it today, and have found zero law violations by the ex president. Some cronies have been convicted of minor violations and others, like Flynn, have had their lives ruined by political bullshit. Are we trying to copy the banana republics and north korea where political opponents are locked up for life or murdered? Are we a country that now tolerates corruption if its done by the party we support?
They should just all take the fifth...that is what the blob did.

Of course he maintains his innocence....so the Bidens would get to do that too right?

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