We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

I want less government and the left wants more. Give me an example of how I should be compromising with that
You just provided it: Less vs. More. That exists on a continuum.

If you said you would only accept 0% government, and they said they would only accept 100%, we'd be at an irreconcilable impasse.

But if you both agree that the answer is somewhere on the continuum, the task would be to find the various points on the continuum that the myriad different costs and responsibilities of the government could exist.

Then, there would be some give and take, where you get something more to your liking, and where they got something else more to their liking. Each side wins a few, each side loses a few, both sides win a few.

Isn't this kind of obvious?

It's obvious because you stayed in the clouds and didn't say anything specific.

Give me an example of an issue that the left will compromise on and how someone who is for less government could realistically make an agreement with them to compromise
I can't speak for the Left, but I stayed general because there are so many possible examples.

The level of personal taxation, the level of corporate taxation, the size of the military, the level of government involvement in health care, the various departments, on and on and on.

This stuff is so fundamental, I don't know what you want. If two people who are different points on a continuum actually need help in doing something this basic, we're fucked.

I'm on the "left" and I can give you an example.

Analysis | Schumer offered Trump something Democrats hate for something Republicans broadly like
You article is behind a paywall, dumbass.
Never compromise the truth. Never. That is the idea, and the reason there is supposed to be opposition parties.

Bipartisanship is a bullshit word. We are not supposed to be ONE PARTY.

I have news for you. We have been a one party system for 30 years. Oh, each side appeals to their base, but they govern the same.

That is what is clear. The RINOS are globalists and ALL of the democrats are globalists. A NEW WORLD ORDER.

Everything we see as far as how the mass media reports is all about that. Here and abroad. We all know why they SELL the so called global warming "Paris Accord" bullshit. We know why Western democracies are losing their sovereignty. Slowly but surely. That is what the organized INVASIONS OF EUROPE through these mass refugee movements and why America is being invaded. ALL GLOBALLY ORGANIZED and any resistance to that, the old race card is used.

We are supposed to STAND FOR TRUTH! No COMPROMISE! COMPROMISE is exactly what the globalists count on!!!!!
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
Start with this.

plural noun: values
  1. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
    "your support is of great value"
    synonyms: worth, usefulness, advantage, benefit, gain, profit, good, help, merit, helpfulness, avail;More
  2. a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
    "they internalize their parents' rules and values"
    synonyms: principles, ethics, moral code, morals, standards, code of behavior
    "society's values are passed on to us as children"

3rd person present: values
  1. 1.
    estimate the monetary worth of (something).
    "his estate was valued at $45,000"
    synonyms: evaluate, assess, estimate, appraise, price, put/set a price on
    "his estate was valued at $345,000"
  2. 2.
    consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.
    "she had come to value her privacy and independence"
    synonyms: think highly of, have a high opinion of, hold in high regard, rate highly, esteem, set (great) store by, put stock in, appreciate, respect; More
For Me, the concept outlined in number 2 is what pertains to politics.

The founding fathers held most closely to that definition as well. To think they did not fight bitterly for those values would be wrong. For them, compromise came in other ways.

The problem today is that a value held that interferes with gaining power is attacked and ridiculed.

Take the value of personal responsibility. Each person has only one life. They, and ONLY they are responsible for that life. They are responsible for the food necessary to sustain that life, they are responsible for the means in which to shelter that life from the elements. They are responsible for their conduct. They are responsible for their health. They are responsible for the life they create.

When people are taught from an early age and raised to this belief, they do not become a burden to others and they pass these values along to their progeny.

For holding these kinds of values, one can be expected to be called racists, misogynist, homophobe. You well be demonized for not having a heart and not allowing your emotions to dictate your thoughts. You will be called a child hater, an abuser, and a black heart. If you disagree with the use of government to promote the non responsible citizen, you are reviled, spat upon, and subject to having your reputation destroyed.

To compromise against that kind of hatred is to allow yourself to be cowed and I detest cowardice.

This, all in the name of party and power. That is the bottom line for those who are elected, power and money. For those who support their position, it is about a mental deficiency of losing your shit when others don't agree with you. This is the majority of those on this forum.

Compromise? When the at the very least acknowledge that My values are not some demonic belief to chain others, then I'll consider it.

Until then, the left have poisioned the well so throughly throughout the past 40 years that there is nothing to compromise on except to wait for them to die.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

and why is that? because there is too much money in being the party in power. We need term limits, age limits, salary and benefit limits, congress in the SS pool, no free medical insurance, no retirement package for winning one election. End the gravy train and we will see America again, will it happen? sadly probably not.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
The only people you can compromise with are those you have common views on
You can't collaborate with people who hate what you stand for
You can't cooperate with people who hate your very existence.
The two ends are choosing to hate each other. No one is making this happen.

So we may need each of them to get their shit together before asking them to work together.

And yet..... where is their compromise on religion, speech, guns, taxes?
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

You started this post... take one thing that you think can be compromised on and show us how that would be done..... it would help the conversation along......
How's your campaign to just love on each other and the rest will work itself out going so far?
Folks are just illustrating the point of my thread for me.

Sometimes it's not too fun being right.
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His thread was destroyed and credibility damaged.
... with the wingers. Irrelevant. You're the problem.

A badge of honor. I do love it when you folks illustrate my point for me.
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I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

You started this post... take one thing that you think can be compromised on and show us how that would be done..... it would help the conversation along......
I really have to tell people how to communicate?

How to leave their egos at the door, talk, LISTEN?

How to work together to come up with new ideas?

Are we really that far gone?
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How's your campaign to just love on each other and the rest will work itself out going so far?
Just illustrating the point of my thread.

Sometimes it's not too fun being right.

It's easy to be right when you don't back it up with content. Sure, at 100 thousand feet you're right. Problem is you won't come down from 100,000 feet
How's your campaign to just love on each other and the rest will work itself out going so far?
Just illustrating the point of my thread.

Sometimes it's not too fun being right.

It's easy to be right when you don't back it up with content. Sure, at 100 thousand feet you're right. Problem is you won't come down from 100,000 feet
I can't believe I actually have to do this.

We have to learn how to actually COMMUNICATE again. That means:
  • Being willing to talk to people with whom we disagree without resorting to partisan talking points.
  • Actually listening to what the other person is saying, not just getting our next talking point ready.
  • Trying to honestly and modestly put ourselves in the other person's shoes.
  • No longer assuming that the other guy's priorities are your priorities.
  • Looking for any places of agreement on which we might build, and then adding, piece by piece.
  • Negotiating, giving some here, taking some there. Not letting our ego stop us from giving in now and then.
  • Dumping the personal attacks, distortions and straw man arguments that are intended to destroy communication
I could to on forever. This is hard fuckin' work. That's why we're not willing to do it. We want simple, instant gratification.

I'll pose a question again: How do businesses come up with new, dynamic innovations? They don't just put people who think the same way together. They bring in ideas from ALL OVER THE PLACE, people with different backgrounds and experiences, and expect them to work together and dump the ego bullshit.

Why can't we do that outside of business?
Damn, Mac, your shtick is getting really old. How, exactly are we supposed to reach a compromise with fanatics who remind us on an hourly basis that we're the living embodiment of evil...

Compromise? All the GOP has done for most of my life is sell out to the left on issue after issue. Just a few years ago the morality of legalized gay marriage was a hot topic. Now we're living in a society where questioning whether or not it's ok to have little boys undergo hormone therapy in preparation for a sex change at age 16 is somehow a manifestation of white supremacy and toxic masculinity.

I'm sorry but I don't wanna find common ground with people who want to chop little boy's dicks off so you can go fuck yourself.

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