We can't trust conservative talk show hosts either


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
This is a very important election. We can expect every faction of the Socialist mafia to come out in full force before the election.

They are going to use every method they can think of to take votes away from Trump.

Ever since Rush Windball started making 33 million per year, everyone and their mother is a conservative talk show host now

We have to understand that Democrats can not have call-in shows, because every conservative backwoods yokel would call in and completely destroy the Democrat philosophy.

Even the wishy washy conservatives need screeners to weed out people who would destroy their logic.

People are more than willing to ACT conservative to earn a few million per year.

We have a nearly 100% media attack on Trump.

The Democrat media, is day and night, on the television trying to find any anti-Trump story that will stick.

We have guys like Medved and O'reilly (O'reilly who appears in a Hillary commercial) who are flat out Democrats and part of the problem.

Then, we have the wishy washy Conservative hosts who sat they're voting for Trump...

... BUT "he needs to tone it down"

...BUT "i wish there was someone else"

...BUT "Trump is destroying himself"

My concern is the second hand listeners who hear propaganda from talk show hosts who are supposed to be on the same side.

People need to make choice , do you want a country that resembles a Democracy, with candidates who bring different ideas to Washington, or do you want a country were every politician has to be blessed by the Socialist mafia, who have been chipping away at this country since the early 1900's.

Too many people who make money have loyalties to the system.
Rush makes $50 million a year, Rush has always been and continues to be unbiased he doesn't spin he reports.

Now Levin he has a burning hatred of Trump the likes I have never seen.
Rush makes $50 million a year, Rush has always been and continues to be unbiased he doesn't spin he reports.

Now Levin he has a burning hatred of Trump the likes I have never seen.

Rush is unbiased? That's funny.
Talk show hosts are not reporters. While some do make a good effort to back up what they say, it's mostly interpreting things and giving opinions. At least some present actual stories to comment on instead of just trying to shove their opinion down your throat.

On MSNBC and CNN, the anchors fly off the handle when some guests even try to bring up certain things about Hillary. They won't discuss the scandals. Period.

My issue is with reporters that people trust to inform them. When they leave out things that might trip up their favorite candidates and report irresponsibly on the opponents, it misleads people. We used to trust the reporters on the nightly news. You didn't know where they stood politically and they did their best to deliver the facts.

At press conferences, all the reporters put all the politicians on the spot and hounded them with questions. They used to demand answers.

These days, you know very well which political side they are on and they refuse to ask anything that may embarrass their side. They come off like tabloid trash when they go after the other side.

And yet some people still trust the media to keep them informed.

You have to listen to both sides and even that isn't enough.
This is a very important election. We can expect every faction of the Socialist mafia to come out in full force before the election.

They are going to use every method they can think of to take votes away from Trump.

Ever since Rush Windball started making 33 million per year, everyone and their mother is a conservative talk show host now

We have to understand that Democrats can not have call-in shows, because every conservative backwoods yokel would call in and completely destroy the Democrat philosophy.

Even the wishy washy conservatives need screeners to weed out people who would destroy their logic.

People are more than willing to ACT conservative to earn a few million per year.

We have a nearly 100% media attack on Trump.

The Democrat media, is day and night, on the television trying to find any anti-Trump story that will stick.

We have guys like Medved and O'reilly (O'reilly who appears in a Hillary commercial) who are flat out Democrats and part of the problem.

Then, we have the wishy washy Conservative hosts who sat they're voting for Trump...

... BUT "he needs to tone it down"

...BUT "i wish there was someone else"

...BUT "Trump is destroying himself"

My concern is the second hand listeners who hear propaganda from talk show hosts who are supposed to be on the same side.

People need to make choice , do you want a country that resembles a Democracy, with candidates who bring different ideas to Washington, or do you want a country were every politician has to be blessed by the Socialist mafia, who have been chipping away at this country since the early 1900's.

Too many people who make money have loyalties to the system.
How come you guys can't destroy the democratic philosophy here? You haven't yet.

You're losing stupid
This is a very important election. We can expect every faction of the Socialist mafia to come out in full force before the election.

They are going to use every method they can think of to take votes away from Trump.

Ever since Rush Windball started making 33 million per year, everyone and their mother is a conservative talk show host now

We have to understand that Democrats can not have call-in shows, because every conservative backwoods yokel would call in and completely destroy the Democrat philosophy.

Even the wishy washy conservatives need screeners to weed out people who would destroy their logic.

People are more than willing to ACT conservative to earn a few million per year.

We have a nearly 100% media attack on Trump.

The Democrat media, is day and night, on the television trying to find any anti-Trump story that will stick.

We have guys like Medved and O'reilly (O'reilly who appears in a Hillary commercial) who are flat out Democrats and part of the problem.

Then, we have the wishy washy Conservative hosts who sat they're voting for Trump...

... BUT "he needs to tone it down"

...BUT "i wish there was someone else"

...BUT "Trump is destroying himself"

My concern is the second hand listeners who hear propaganda from talk show hosts who are supposed to be on the same side.

People need to make choice , do you want a country that resembles a Democracy, with candidates who bring different ideas to Washington, or do you want a country were every politician has to be blessed by the Socialist mafia, who have been chipping away at this country since the early 1900's.

Too many people who make money have loyalties to the system.
Republicans didn't even nominate a con.

Which Republicans that ran did you like? Rubio? Rino. Kasich, bush? Rinos. Christie? Rino

I bet you liked unelectable carson or Cruz.

Fiorino isn't even in the conversation.

How come you guys can't destroy the democratic philosophy here? You haven't yet.

You're losing stupid
How do you lose stupid? By voting Democrat? I don't think so but the liberal cry of victory is nothing but crowing in the wind. The fact is that liberal policies don't work. 8 years of obama and Hillary needs to fix things. You guys sleepwalk through life and can't connect the dots.
I'm only trusting Hannity and Rush these days. Cripes it sucks. Levin is dead in the water to me for all the shit he's pulled. Ditto Beck. When I'd rather listen to CBC than Levin that's saying something.

ETA: I'll throw in the Red Eye guys too . At least they are anti Hillary.
Rush makes $50 million a year, Rush has always been and continues to be unbiased he doesn't spin he reports.

Now Levin he has a burning hatred of Trump the likes I have never seen.

Well from what I gather, Levin dumped his wife and his fiancees son was working for Cruz. So I guess Levin went total anti Trump for pussy.

These threads are amazing. It's like watching a bad sci-fi movie.

Trust no one but the Trump! If they're not for Trump, they're the enemy!
If one is not for Trump, they are for hitlery.....

Did you think you had some kind of brilliant point?

You probably think you just made one.
The only thing brilliant about that moron is maybe one or two of the light bulbs in his mommy's basement where he lives.
I'm only trusting Hannity and Rush these days. Cripes it sucks. Levin is dead in the water to me for all the shit he's pulled. Ditto Beck. When I'd rather listen to CBC than Levin that's saying something.

ETA: I'll throw in the Red Eye guys too . At least they are anti Hillary.
I used to listen to Medved, even met him in person but his constant Trump bashing is too much. I get it, he doesn't like him, but to go on and on every day is just too weird for me. I think he decided Hillary would be better for his pockets.
Conservative talk-show hosts are full of shit, and spin-doctor events to suit their political agenda, and to please their financier-masters.

Liberal talk-show hosts are full of shit, and spin-doctor events to suit their political agenda, and to please their financier-masters.

The simple-minded on both sides of the aisle are oftentimes influenced by such Talking Trash.

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