We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

Cohen is a thug and Stormy is a hooker..... this is laughable and there is NO case at all.

Just about everybody around Trump are thugs or hookers or something just as bad.
How do you know?

were you under his bed?:rolleyes:
You only need to look at his life from his childhood of bullying kids and being sent to a military school to his days in Brooklyn when he had to manage slum apartments for his dad to his dealing with the mob and bribing public officials in order to get garbage picks, construction done without permits. As a developer in Manhattan he became known for his shady dealing with investors, and the City Planning Commission to earn fees for getting business into NY. Then there were his days as the New York playboy where he cavorted with the escorts and prostitutes which is where he met his first wife. Then it was his debacle of his Atlantic City Casino which was partially finance by mod money which nearly did him in. Then there was the overextension of debts that put him into bankruptcy which did very little harm to him but bankrupted his investors. Then he met his current while married to first wife leading to a divorce. Then he cheats on the 2nd wife with Stormy and McDougal and who knows how many more. On the business front he reorganized the Trump organization. Bad records and suspicious handling of financing made him a suspect in money laundering. Then the IRS began to investigate him for tax crimes. New York city opened a number of investigation but closed them for lack of evidence. Finally in 2016, Access Hollywood gave the American public a picture what Donald Trump was really like which caused him pay hush money to McDougal, a playboy model and proustite, the doorman that could testify against him and Stormy, all election law violations. And when elected president he behaved just as had for last 60 years ignoring laws regulations and doing as he please which got a nearly a dozen people around him fired, prosecuted and even a few jailed. Even Trump got impeached twice.
So yes, Trump has always surrounded himself with thugs, prostitutes, and worse. Furthermore, I expect he always will because he is Donald Trump, who lacks any common decency and breaking laws and regulations mean nothing to him. He just considers it a legal problem. Now we will see whether it has finally caught up with him. Considering how slippery he is, he will probably go Scott free.
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In regard to the other criminal activity, it clearly set out in
Other information will of course be release in discovery. Bragg is certainly aware of the defendant's 6th amendment protections

If he were only aware of what a statute of limitations mean.

If he were only aware of what a statute of limitations mean.

I think he is quite a ware of it as well as the exceptions and state court of of appeals ruling that effectively change an exception such that he has plenty of time to bring Trump to trial.
I think he is quite a ware of it as well as the exceptions and state court of of appeals ruling that effectively change an exception such that he has plenty of time to bring Trump to trial.

Yeah, we'll what the federal courts think about it.

You only need to look at his life from his childhood of bullying kids and being sent to a military school to his days in Brooklyn when he had to manage slum apartments for his dad to his dealing with the mob and bribing public officials in order to get garbage picks, construction done without permits. As a developer in Manhattan he became known for his shady dealing with investors, and the City Planning Commission to earn fees for getting business into NY. Then there were his days as the New York playboy where he cavorted with the escorts and prostitutes which is where he met his first wife. Then it was his debacle of his Atlantic City Casino which was partially finance by mod money which nearly did him in. Then there was the overextension of debts that put him into bankruptcy which did very little harm to him but bankrupted his investors. Then he met his current while married to first wife leading to a divorce. Then he cheats on the 2nd wife with Stormy and McDougal and who knows how many more. On the business front he reorganized the Trump organization. Bad records and suspicious handling of financing made him a suspect in money laundering. Then the IRS began to investigate him for tax crimes. New York city opened a number of investigation but closed them for lack of evidence. Finally in 2016, Access Hollywood gave the American public a picture what Donald Trump was really like which caused him pay hush money to McDougal, a playboy model and proustite, the doorman that could testify against him and Stormy, all election law violations. And when elected president he behaved just as had for last 60 years ignoring laws regulations and doing as he please which got a nearly a dozen people around him fired, prosecuted and even a few jailed. Even Trump got impeached twice.
So yes, Trump has always surrounded himself with thugs, prostitutes, and worse. Furthermore, I expect he always will because he is Donald Trump, who lacks any common decency and breaking laws and regulations mean nothing to him. He just considers it a legal problem. Now we will see whether it has finally caught up with him. Considering how slippery he is, he will probably go Scott free.
Your long and withering post is filled with inaccuracies. You dislike the man and want those claims to be true. They are not.

I suggest you read "Trump: The Art of the Deal"

Amazon product ASIN 0394555287
He had a falling out with his coauthor Tony Schwartz who said a bunch of bad things about Trump. It was sour grapes from a small man. The book is great. It goes into detail about how he started in business and how he learned to make great deals.

Also: "Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success"

Amazon product ASIN 0470190841
TRUMP 2024
If he were only aware of what a statute of limitations mean.


Given that he's the Manhattan District Attorney in the State of New York, pretty sure he is aware the Statute of Limitations (SOL) for a felony is a:
  • 5 Year Base,
  • Plus any periods of time where the defendant was out of state for up to a maximum of an additional 5 years.

Then that the current year is 2023 and charges are based on actions in 2017. That's a difference of 6 years. So now take the base 5 years and all the time living in D.C. and FL. add that to the base. So being very generous in that the number of days probably isn't more than a month, but we being very VERY generous call it a full year. So 5 + 4 = 9. The year 2017 plus 9 is 2026. He's well within the SOL for the crimes charged.

Yeah, we'll what the federal courts think about it.


On what grounds?

Seeing as how the suspension of the clock for periods where the defendant was outside the state has been the law for a long time (well before Trump) and has been used repeatedly in the past (not just against Trump) and challenges rejected by the highest New York State Appeals court.

That and the fact there are many states that toll the SOL when someone charged with a crime leave the state.

Then he met his current while married to first wife leading to a divorce. Then he cheats on the 2nd wife with Stormy and McDougal and who knows how many more.
Your long..... post is filled with inaccuracies. You dislike the man and want those claims to be true.

Well, I ain't exactly sure that poster 'Flopper's' post was "filled" with wrong information as poster BrokeDick alleges. In fact, I kinda sorta think BrokeDick is hyper-ventilating and hyperbolizing.

However, I will concede there was at least one inaccuracy that I noted. It was more of sin of omission than commission (on Flopper's part, not Trump's. Trump's was definitely' - commission').

Anyway, I think Flopper omitted a bride in that scrum of brides, wives, lovers, cheaters, adulterers, and hook-ups; the cheated with and the cheated upon.

OK, here's my salacious understanding of all that infidelity stuff (thank you google)

  • Trump married the European model...wife #1. 'Ivana'?
  • He then cheated on her with an American model...'Marples'.
  • Divorced #1 and married the co-cheater, Marples, who became #2.
  • Then he cheated on #2 with a European model, Melania.
  • Divorced #2 and married his co-cheater, Melania, who then became #3.
  • He then cheated on her with Playboy model, McDougal.
  • Took McDougal to a golf outing in California while still married to #3 who was home nursing their newborn son.
  • But, while there and cheating with McDougal he met the Porn Queen Daniels.....and then cheated on McDougal with Daniels at that same golf outing.
So, by my calculations he was able to pull off a triple cheat in one single golf afternoon (and long evening). Meaning, he cheated on Melania with McDougal and Daniels (that's a double); then cheated on McDougal with Daniels (that's the third). (Daniels doesn't count as being 'cheated on'. She's simply a hook-up one-nighter). So that's three infidelities tacked on to a round of golf. Amen! Halleluiah!

And for all of that, God bless his little heart, Trump was given a 'mulligan'.....by hypocritical Evangelical president and leading nincompoop, Tony Perkins, to wit:

"Perkins, the president of the conservative Family Research Council, contended Tuesday that the evangelical community has given President Donald Trump a “mulligan” when it comes to his personal behavior.
“Yes, evangelicals, conservatives, they gave him a mulligan. They let him have a do-over."

Which, God bless his little heart, for a serial adulterer that is a good trick.
No asking for forgiveness.
No admission of sin.
No promise to sin no more.
Just a "do over".
A freebie.
A mulligan.

I love this bar! And praise Jesus!
Given that he's the Manhattan District Attorney in the State of New York, pretty sure he is aware the Statute of Limitations (SOL) for a felony is a:
  • 5 Year Base,
  • Plus any periods of time where the defendant was out of state for up to a maximum of an additional 5 years.

Then that the current year is 2023 and charges are based on actions in 2017. That's a difference of 6 years. So now take the base 5 years and all the time living in D.C. and FL. add that to the base. So being very generous in that the number of days probably isn't more than a month, but we being very VERY generous call it a full year. So 5 + 4 = 9. The year 2017 plus 9 is 2026. He's well within the SOL for the crimes charged.

On what grounds?

Seeing as how the suspension of the clock for periods where the defendant was outside the state has been the law for a long time (well before Trump) and has been used repeatedly in the past (not just against Trump) and challenges rejected by the highest New York State Appeals court.

That and the fact there are many states that toll the SOL when someone charged with a crime leave the state.


Dumb ass, the companies never left the State.

Dumb ass, the companies never left the State.


True, the company never left the state, but that is irrelevant to the case.

In this case it wasn’t the company indicted. It was Donald Trump the individual. Therefore it was his physical presence that determines the tik-toc on Statute of Limitations. The company is not listed in the indictment.

True, the company never left the state, but that is irrelevant to the case.

In this case it wasn’t the company indicted. It was Donald Trump the individual. Therefore it was his physical presence that determines the tik-toc on Statute of Limitations. The company is not listed in the indictment.


BS, a State can bring a case against a sitting president, just like Arkansas did with clinton. And without the company books there would be no case. So just buy into the fairy tales that are being fed you, in the end the case won't stand. Unfortunately it may have to be at the federal level and could take years. Don't ya just love a two tiered justice system? Just remember, when the pendulum swings the other way, you got nothing to bitch about.

BS, a State can bring a case against a sitting president, just like Arkansas did with clinton. And without the company books there would be no case. about.


#1 When did Arkansas indict Clinton while President? My recollection was he was named in a Civil Suit by Paula Jones, not a State crime.

#2 DA Bragg has the company books. Allen Weisseilberg (Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer) has been cooperating providing company documents, text, emails, invoice, checks, contemporaneous notes, etc.

#1 When did Arkansas indict Clinton while President? My recollection was he was named in a Civil Suit by Paula Jones, not a State crime.

#2 DA Bragg has the company books. Allen Weisseilberg (Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer) has been cooperating providing company documents, text, emails, invoice, checks, contemporaneous notes, etc.


I guess you're as senile as quid pro joe. Arkansas went after clinton for perjury and it was settled by a plea agreement. Commies always get off easy.

Um... have you thought about maybe fact checking the things you say BEFORE you post them?

I forgot the Jones case was in federal court.

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