We get the Washington we deserve...divided..nothing gets done.

For the past 16 years we have had a federal government that does little more than block and throw mud at each other. The Democrats blocked Bush's measures, the Republicans blocked Obama in every way they could, and now the Democrats are blocking Trump. Meanwhile...we suffer.

Take Chuck Schumer...in 2010 he proposed creating a "pause" to block Syrian refugees and other troublesome countries.
But when Trump wants to do the same thing...Schumer suddenly and completely flips sides and says that it is racist and mean.

And we can find 100 other such examples when Republican representatives did the same thing.

And what do we do? We complain about them, we say they are corrupt and worthless....but yet year after year we keep voting the same people back in because we will NOT vote for "the other side".
It isn't about who is right or wrong anymore. Arguments are not debated on their merits, or even the content of the argument itself! It is "debated" only on what side your side is on at the time.
what did the democrats block bush on? they even voted for the Iraq war for fucks sake...seems like for the past 8 years republicans have worked to impeach obama for nothing other than being black, just because your party is a bunch neo nazi shitheads who want total 1 party control of the government or no government at all, doesn't mean everyone else is.

For the party so called "personal responsibility" you assholes sure dont take responsibility for shit
Bush was a fiscal liberal so they did get everything they wanted. But the left blames him for everything.
you just blamed the left for GWB.......... 4 years from now your gonna be saying the same thing about Trump wont you, it's just a never ending stream of bullshit from you people
You can't read.
your bitching because the democrats dont take credit for GWB .........you sound like a mental patient.
Like I said, you can't read.
Its all about making sure the uber wealthy get theirs. Both parties are guilty as charged. As long as corporate influence keeps their grip on things the average guy isn't going to get ahead I don't care who is in charge. One side blames the other in the meantime billionaires laugh and wonder how dumb are people to not call out such a sham. Blaming the poor is beyond irrational as well. Right now we live in a sham. The swamp is spilling over. It isn't draining.
Its all about making sure the uber wealthy get theirs. Both parties are guilty as charged. As long as corporate influence keeps their grip on things the average guy isn't going to get ahead I don't care who is in charge. One side blames the other in the meantime billionaires laugh and wonder how dumb are people to not call out such a sham. Blaming the poor is beyond irrational as well. Right now we live in a sham. The swamp is spilling over. It isn't draining.

You said it.
We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. Period.
Both sides are fully engulfed with corporate corruption. Just look at Agri-Business.

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