We go from “CNN and AP did not have reporters embedded with HAMAS on 10/07” to “CNN and AP have fired embedded HAMAS reporters from 10/07.”

What has gone on there is two peoples at war. And one side is winning.. And Israelis long ago have up on the flat out lie that leaving the Palestinians alone would bring peace. So the settlers just don't give a shit.
You are right about war, but since the land was actually called Palestine before 1948, you really need to think about what really happened.

Lie that it never happened….then fire the TRUTH.

Wow. CNN and AP will stoop to anything to get Jew blood in their headlines and on TV.

Sick people.
Holy cow. CNN, AP, Reuters, NYT all had reporters embedded with Hamas on October 7? And didn't give Israel a head's up?

If that is true--Red State isn't always the most impartial and objective source that can be consulted but do some good reporting too--then all these organizations are the most reprehensible imaginable, far worse than I knew.

That would be akin to American news organizations imbedding themselves with the Japanese before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
You are right about war, but since the land was actually called Palestine before 1948, you really need to think about what really happened.
Their muslim caliphate lost a world War, that's what happened. To the Victor go the spoils.

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