We go from “CNN and AP did not have reporters embedded with HAMAS on 10/07” to “CNN and AP have fired embedded HAMAS reporters from 10/07.”

So the news ghouls followed Hamas around during the slaughter?

The "slaughter" has been going in since the 1940, and Hamas is the only one trying to stop the slaughter.
They are the good guys, by any definition.
They are bound to be murdered, just as all Hamas members have been, so they are willingly sacrificing their lives for others.
The IDF is an illegal organization that needs to be tried for war crimes.
They have been murdering unarmed civilians for a century.
Look up how they assassinate the Canadian, Gerald Bull, in Belgium.
Remember the white phosphorus attacks on civilians, by the IDF?
Remember all the Arab villages like Deir Yassing they wiped out?
And they do not just murder Arabs.
Remember they blew up the King David hotel to murder the British high command, and gunned down the UN moderator, the Swedish count, Folke Bernadotte.

And the same for HAMAS, right?
The left cannot help themselves.

All they fucking do is lie.

Remember When the lying bags of shit claimed there is no such thing as genital mutilation of minors? Then when it was proven THEY WERE LYING…the sick fuckers pivoted to “Its good that minors are having their balls chopped off”.

These are mentally deranged people.
I remember when CNN had live counts of Covid-19 deaths. It was like a Jerry Lewis telethon. They sat there and announced deaths and it was a scoreboard in the background with names and a picture and numbers.

Here is a classic CNN lie.

It was March 30, 2020 I was in a restaurant. I believe it was Don Lemon that announced "Breaking news, Bill Wither has died".
To be clear, Bill Withers did not die of Covid-19, he died of heart disease. Don Lemon looked at the other guy and said something like
"we have lost so many great stars to Covid-19" and then pointed to the score board and Bill Withers name went up as dying from Covid-19.

Here comes the best part.

"Withers died Monday at 81 of what his family has described as “heart complications.” His death has not been linked to the Covid-19 virus. But his loss, coming at about the same time that “Lean on Me” has resurfaced as a global anthem of collective will during the coronavirus pandemic, nonetheless feels like another in an already seemingly relentless series of recent body blows to the music world."

So there you go, these sons of bitches will look you straight in the face and lie, and move on like it is just business.
Sick lying bastards

Biden owns the death of every person that died of Covid-19 when he is President.
400K under Trump. Well over 1.5M since Joe took over.
I give our Resident Jedi the benefit of the doubt.

But what I do think what happens is our local Antifa is well enough organized to get a post removed by, like I said, Mau-Mauing the Mods.

How can anyone complain about the Mau Mau?
The British in Kenya massacred the natives, in order to steal the land, and used the native survivors as forced labor.
Even before 1895, however, Britain's presence in Kenya was marked by dispossession and violence. In 1894, British MP Sir Charles Dilke had observed in the House of Commons, "The only person who has up to the present time benefited from our enterprise in the heart of Africa has been Mr. Hiram Maxim" (inventor of the Maxim gun, the first automatic machine gun).[28] During the period in which Kenya's interior was being forcibly opened up for British settlement, there was plenty of conflict and British troops carried out atrocities against the native population.[29][30]
Using machine guns on unarmed civilians is the ultimate in cruelty and abuse.
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And the same for HAMAS, right?

HAMAS did not even exist until 1987, so Israelis has 40 years to stop murdering and come to some sort of compromise.
But Israel refused any compromise.
They insisted not only on stealing all the properties on the Israelis side of the UN partition, but also violated the UN partition by invading Jerusalem, the West Bank, and half of Gaza.
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  • Fact
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I remember when CNN had live counts of Covid-19 deaths. It was like a Jerry Lewis telethon. They sat there and announced deaths and it was a scoreboard in the background with names and a picture and numbers.

Here is a classic CNN lie.

It was March 30, 2020 I was in a restaurant. I believe it was Don Lemon that announced "Breaking news, Bill Wither has died".
To be clear, Bill Withers did not die of Covid-19, he died of heart disease. Don Lemon looked at the other guy and said something like
"we have lost so many great stars to Covid-19" and then pointed to the score board and Bill Withers name went up as dying from Covid-19.

Here comes the best part.

"Withers died Monday at 81 of what his family has described as “heart complications.” His death has not been linked to the Covid-19 virus. But his loss, coming at about the same time that “Lean on Me” has resurfaced as a global anthem of collective will during the coronavirus pandemic, nonetheless feels like another in an already seemingly relentless series of recent body blows to the music world."

So there you go, these sons of bitches will look you straight in the face and lie, and move on like it is just business.
Sick lying bastards

Biden owns the death of every person that died of Covid-19 when he is President.
400K under Trump. Well over 1.5M since Joe took over.

I agree Trump had covid correct, and that we should actually have accelerated infection in order to end it more quickly with herd immunity.

But that does not alter this thread, which is that Israel is the guilty party.
They could have had peace 40 years ago and deliberately refused the obvious Right of Return of the natives.
Like the link I posted says:

"The latest ghoulish development following the slaughter of 1,400 Jews in the Oct. 7 Israeli attack on Israel is quite a shocker."

Can not get worse than that! If this is not pure evil I don't know what is!

The Israelis have mandatory enlistment and arming, so it was NOT an attack on unarmed civilians like the IDF always does.
It was justified and necessary by over 40 years of murder, imprisonment, confiscation, expulsion, etc., by immigrants, against the natives.
Democrats are dangerous people.

Democrats align with hamas and talk like the trans shooter.

Most democrats are violent extremists.

Know who they are and keep your distance.

Israel is the criminal, and has been supported by both parties, since that ensures campaign contributions as bribes.
You disgusting liar.

No, the residents of the kibbutzes that were attacked were not armed.

All Israelis are not just forced to enlist, but are given free arms even after their enlistment is up.
There are no unarmed kibbutzim.
There never have been.
The Zionists were always veterans who smuggled in weapons to slaughter the unarmed natives.

Again, who blew up the King David hotel so the British peace keepers could not protect the natives?
Who gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte so the UN would not protect the natives?
Then who massacred dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin?

If you do not believe it, then read the letters by Albert Einstein, who witnessed it.
Israel is the criminal, and has been supported by both parties, since that ensures campaign contributions as bribes.
That's dumb. You're stupid.

Israel has every right to exist and every right to defend itself.

The Arabs who hate the jews fought along side Hitler in ww2.
That's dumb. You're stupid.

Israel has every right to exist and every right to defend itself.

The Arabs who hate the jews fought along side Hitler in ww2.
Israel is not really defending itself.
Israeli settlers have been attacking and killing Palestinians for years.
Indeed. Those Israelis gave up on peace long ago. There are some pretty good reasons for that. Like, the Hamas charter.
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Indeed. Those Israelis gave up on peace long ago. There are some pretty good reasons for that. Like, the Hamas charter.
No, there is no good reason for what has gone on there since 1948. It's time we stopped listening to only 1 side of the story.
No, there is no good reason for what has gone on there since 1948. It's time we stopped listening to only 1 side of the story.
What has gone on there is two peoples at war. And one side is winning.. And Israelis long ago have up on the flat out lie that leaving the Palestinians alone would bring peace. So the settlers just don't give a shit.
Just because you guys are dumb dont assume we are. This thread is a bald faced lie. CNN employed nor fired anyone embedded with terrorists. News agencies used pics provided by freelance photographers who later appeared to be complicit or sympathetic to the terrorist act.
The major news reporting businesses had no one embedded with Hamas.

Everyone who says that should be turned over to Hamas for disposal.

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