We have a new Supreme Court Justice 54-45


Now Lefty would just get over the fact he was against the actions in Syria until Clinton told him he was for it, and then was against it again when Trump actually did something about Obama's red line.


Someone needs to photo shop Gorsuch on Geinsberg's head.
This is one of the 5 main pillars of Trump's campaign.

Number 2 and number 5 appear to be well underway.

Record low number of illegals trying to enter the US in March.
Jobs announcements all over the place and companies saying they are coming back to America if we get the regulatory relief done.
SCOTUS: Gorsuch is not Scalia at all
SECURE BORDERS: this is not a SCOTUS issue
Obamacare: The Court is still pro-ACA, and Gorsuh will uphold it.
Taxes: Not a Gorscuh problem
Jobs: Not a Gorsuch problem

No great win for the Far Right or the Freedom Caucus and certainly not the Alt Right neo-fascists who Gorsuch hates
What we have is yet another governmental institution that has been sodomized by concentrated corporate wealth and power which passes things like offering up the election process to the highest bidder. Citizens United and now this; a political party that refuses to hold hearings on an appointment until they “win” an election in the future. Third world banana republic shit and the entire world knows it, even if many americans desperately cling to an illusion.
I have to ask:

Is there any evidence that Putin rigged the vote in The Senate to put Gorsuch on The Supreme Court?
BOO HOO for the liberals, Now it is your turn to post how it came to be and cry about it. The facts are HE is there, and so will all of the appointees that come around in swift order now that the agenda has been opened and the dims agenda has been stopped. Proved to be stoppable and now just a postscript to history.
Now we can get onto more important things, like access to Twitter accounts of people that complain about Trumpet..
Yes but maybe the dems wont win, and the senate will become filibuster proof GOP this time, I just wish it would get to 67 to 33 so we could do some real good.
Now we can get onto more important things, like access to Twitter accounts of people that complain about Trumpet..

Why not we and all of our enemies have access to secret government information thanks to o-shit-ma and company.
I'd like to thank HARRY REID, HILLARY CLINTON, BARRY OBAMA, AND RUTH BADER GINSBURG for fucking themselves over.

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What we have is yet another governmental institution that has been sodomized by concentrated corporate wealth and power which passes things like offering up the election process to the highest bidder. Citizens United and now this; a political party that refuses to hold hearings on an appointment until they “win” an election in the future. Third world banana republic shit and the entire world knows it, even if many americans desperately cling to an illusion.
Your tears are delicious, Fenton.
BOO HOO for the liberals, Now it is your turn to post how it came to be and cry about it. The facts are HE is there, and so will all of the appointees that come around in swift order now that the agenda has been opened and the dims agenda has been stopped. Proved to be stoppable and now just a postscript to history.
:) Ah, the snowflakes will hate this!
Yeah, it just started with Oblama and ended with Trumpet, have you been a gullible fool all your life?

No I never took any wooden nickels except as a keepsake. I am not a dumbass indoctrinated liberal. Never was gullible, and never lost on a deal. look in the mirror o-shit-ma worshipers and see the jesters followers.

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