We Have A Woman Vice President

Totally disagree. She succesfully ran for Congress for example. There is no reason to doubt her other accomplishments.

She only ever got a foothold in politics by sucking Brown's Willie. Without the help that she got from him in exchange for sexual favors, she would never have amounted to anything better that a mediocre ambulance chaser.

That is the quality of politician that your side has now apparently put very close to this nation's highest office; and that is the example that your side has set for the upcoming generation of young women.

Utterly shameful.
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Who did she suck off to get there, I wonder.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.
It sure is your business when it's Trump, you damn hypocrites.

Hold on...is anyone claiming Trump slept his way to the top?

Oh...wait...never mind...that smear only applies to successful women.
I wonder how many blacks HeelsUp sent to prison who didn't deserve to be there. You mean that kind of successful?
AFP ran a search for keywords "Kamala Harris jailed 1,500" and found a New York Times article from July 2019 on a Democratic presidential debate in which Harris sparred with Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. "Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president. But I'm deeply concerned about this record," Gabbard said. "She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana."

Did Kamala Harris Jail 1,500 Black Men For Marijuana Possession?
Who did she suck off to get there, I wonder.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.
It sure is your business when it's Trump, you damn hypocrites.

Hold on...is anyone claiming Trump slept his way to the top?

Oh...wait...never mind...that smear only applies to successful women.
I wonder how many blacks HeelsUp sent to prison who didn't deserve to be there. You mean that kind of successful?

I think it depends on the big picture. People consider people successful that I wouldn't for instance. Either way - the slam that she got where she is by sleeping around is a low blow, only ever leveled at successful women.
Who did she suck off to get there, I wonder.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.
It sure is your business when it's Trump, you damn hypocrites.

Hold on...is anyone claiming Trump slept his way to the top?

Oh...wait...never mind...that smear only applies to successful women.
it pertains to anyone. feel free to conjure up men who slept their way other than Hollywood Actors?
Who did she suck off to get there, I wonder.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.
It sure is your business when it's Trump, you damn hypocrites.

Hold on...is anyone claiming Trump slept his way to the top?

Oh...wait...never mind...that smear only applies to successful women.
I wonder how many blacks HeelsUp sent to prison who didn't deserve to be there. You mean that kind of successful?

I think it depends on the big picture. People consider people successful that I wouldn't for instance. Either way - the slam that she got where she is by sleeping around is a low blow, only ever leveled at successful women.
except that it's a fact. see more evidence demofks like you hate facts. Like, no demofk has helped a black person in life. not one. Yet, they vote for them. sad. Voting for kkk masters. they must be being threatened.
AFP ran a search for keywords "Kamala Harris jailed 1,500" and found a New York Times article from July 2019 on a Democratic presidential debate in which Harris sparred with Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. "Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president. But I'm deeply concerned about this record," Gabbard said. "She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana."

Did Kamala Harris Jail 1,500 Black Men For Marijuana Possession?

Here's another look at it:

AFP ran a search for keywords "Kamala Harris jailed 1,500" and found a New York Times article from July 2019 on a Democratic presidential debate in which Harris sparred with Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. "Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president. But I'm deeply concerned about this record," Gabbard said. "She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana."

Did Kamala Harris Jail 1,500 Black Men For Marijuana Possession?

Here's another look at it:

facts again that piss you off huh?
Totally disagree. She succesfully ran for Congress for example. There is no reason to doubt her other accomplishments.

She only ever got a foothold in politics by sucking Brown's Willie. Without the help that she got from him in exchange for sexual favors, she would never have amounted to anything better that a mediocre ambulance chaser.

That is the quality of politician that your side has now apparently put very close to this nation's highest office; and that is the example that your side has set for the upcoming generation of young women.

Utterly shameful.
An English scribe was talking about the modern Western Politician. He spewed that because of our views on them and the way the media treats them we do not see the best people possible go into politics. In fact there are good ones but once in they get despondent by the way the political culture is. Many leave politics. We see the mediocre men and women who continue to get reelected over and over. Most of them not meaning anything to posterity but to rubber stamp votes for bills and laws. Most do not even know what is in them. They even die in office giving a royal send off. We know the founding fathers did not envision this. They believed that people would serve a short time and the move on with life's work. Life's work became cemented in a lifetime deal of perks, privilege, money and power for far to many. So now we have a member of that club who may be sworn in in January and one who made it by sexual favors with both for sale to the highest bidder. This is not good.
That's a historic first!!

That seems lost in all this...

Congrats Ladies!

I think people overestimate the value or real effect stuff like that has on actual policy or direction of the country. Sure, maybe it's inspiring to some, but that's on the same level as having a first female (or whatever) in any highly visible position. Say, like, the first female to walk on the moon. It's cool and maybe motivates some girls to dream bigger, but the effect is pretty small. Even if you're 100% in love with Harris' policies and think she'll do everything you want, what exactly will she do that is much different than a male who has those same traits and is in the same position? I can't think of much of a difference. Even if with a female president, I don't think there would be much difference. How much did Obama do as the first black president? It's not like he gave black folks reparations, stopped bombing third world countries, or made some drastic racially "woke" moves. I laughed at my very liberal woke-type friends who thought that Obama being president was gonna bring some major changes. Same goes for the friends on the right who thought it meant certain doom. That also applies to this election...

It's mostly all the same shit regardless who is in power. Sure maybe you pay a little bit more or a little bit less in taxes, or you have a little bit cleaner or dirtier air/water, and maybe we bomb those guys instead of these guys, but it's mostly the same.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.

It does kind of matter that the only way she got anywhere in politics was by having an adulterous affair with a man who was married to someone else; and who was in a position to give her political career a boost in exchange for sexual favors.

If not for her willingness to whore herself out in such a manner, who career would have consisted entirely of the pursuit of emergency medical vehicles, and most of us would have been spared from ever having had to hear of her.

And that's what this nation has now been reduced to. Assuming the presumed outcome of this election stands, that's the whore who will be our Vice President, and likely go on to become our President. For all the aspersions that your side has cast on Donald Trump's moral character (and much of it, justifiably so), this is who you've set as your standard.

she was duly elected to the position of AG where she did an excellent job. getting her state $billions from the bigbank foreclosure scandal ... which was way more than originally thought was gonna be the settlement.
She sucked her way into the job, and you know it.

Frijas (=Friggs) man is Odin (the name "Friday" remembers to her) - they are Asen. Freya is from the Wanen. Loki insulted Freya she had had sex with all Asen and Alben. Background of this nonsense is that Loki loved Freya. ... Hmm ... So what is your problem now? Why do you hurt one of the 10 commandements, man, who would wish, he could be the man of Freya?

Thanks for the video.
Who did she suck off to get there, I wonder.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.
It sure is your business when it's Trump, you damn hypocrites.

Hold on...is anyone claiming Trump slept his way to the top?

Oh...wait...never mind...that smear only applies to successful women.
I wonder how many blacks HeelsUp sent to prison who didn't deserve to be there. You mean that kind of successful?
I find that aspect more disturbing than her whoring herself out, to be honest.

This bitch actually kept innocent men in cages to use for labor; how is that different from slavery? She didn't joke about it, she actually did this..... what would she do in a position with more power and less oversight?
Who did she suck off to get there, I wonder.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.
It sure is your business when it's Trump, you damn hypocrites.

Hold on...is anyone claiming Trump slept his way to the top?

Oh...wait...never mind...that smear only applies to successful women.
I wonder how many blacks HeelsUp sent to prison who didn't deserve to be there. You mean that kind of successful?
I find that aspect more disturbing than her whoring herself out, to be honest.

This bitch actually kept innocent men in cages to use for labor; how is that different from slavery? She didn't joke about it, she actually did this..... what would she do in a position with more power and less oversight?
and dude, wait for it, they voted for her!!!! can you believe that people vote for people who suppress them? those demofk kkkers.
AFP ran a search for keywords "Kamala Harris jailed 1,500" and found a New York Times article from July 2019 on a Democratic presidential debate in which Harris sparred with Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. "Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president. But I'm deeply concerned about this record," Gabbard said. "She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana."

Did Kamala Harris Jail 1,500 Black Men For Marijuana Possession?

Here's another look at it:

Tomatoe Tomatoh. We are opposites on what we believe to be true.

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