We Have A Woman Vice President

No one has been elected yet.
That stupid cow will never be my VP. :itsok:

She is your next vice president. You should not call a vice president of the USA "stupid cow". This form of senseless agressive speech should end. It needs normally a very high competence and a lot of hard work to reach such a position. This woman - and not only she - has earned your respect, independent from any political opinion.

Yep, you're absolutely right, it should be "stupid whore cow". Or do you have no fricken clue how she climbed the ladder to her high position.

To you and Bob Blaylock: An expression like "stupid whore cow" is only useable for a joke in my own language. You are for sure not a cowboy. Sounds totally strange in the ears of a countryboy what you say here. Are you a member of the so called "young urban population"? And the private life of Mrs. Kamilla Harris is for me totally uninteresting. She is vice president elected of the USA. After her first hundred days in government - that will be around Easter 2021 - I will know a little more about her. In the moment Mr. president elected Joe Bid esen is for me the leader of the western world and Mrs. vice president elected Kamala Harris is his deputy and/or substitute. And as a member of the western world I love it when our representatives show a dignified behavior in their jobs - what both do very well; I'm impressed - and I don't like people, who try to attack our authorities. Unfortunatelly Mr. Donald Trump forced everyone down to his very low level. I hope this time is over now.

I just LOVE all the Deplorables losing their minds. Love it...
Patience and Time, Doc. Let the Courts do their stuff and to the winner the spoils.

I know the Deplorables think they have the USSC stacked. However, even Thomas and Roberts won't go there. This is done and dusted. The only ones who don't think it isn't is the Deplorables. And who cares what they think?
I just LOVE all the Deplorables losing their minds. Love it...
No. I"m a liberal. What I love is how you people think that by putting these two individuals up, with all of their baggage, you have actually won something. You haven't. In fact, if anything, you are hypocrites.
please by all means - hold yer breath while you wait.

Go fuck yourself baby-killer

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Therein lies the problem. President Biden asked for unity but it’s tough to oblige him when for four years the Left did everything it could to disparage Trump those who voted for him. Nevertheless I will do my best for unity.

you sound rather liberal there, zoggy ... will wonders never cease?
I told you 100x I lean left. But I dont like hypocrites and your party is full of them. Believe in science but hold on trans girls should be allowed to play sports vs. biological girls and gender is a construct. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty except Brett Kavanaugh it seems. Tough to get over it but I guess it’s just dirty politics.

& i told you 11367474849494337363x that the (D) party ain't my party.... do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?
No. He has been famous for as long as I have been alive. If they were true they would have been out in the open before he ran IMO. You say you arent but other than being pro 2nd Amendment I do not know one stance where you are on the right and you trashed not only Trump but Cruz, Rubio, etc....

You lean very left IMO.

english as the official language - pro death penalty - welfare with limits...

& you have no idea how any woman would feel after being assaulted by a famous person. things & attitudes were different back in the day he was actively being a pig.
Yet many accusers have come out like for Bill Cosby and that guy on Little House on the Prairie. Nothing with DJT. So to me he is innocent until proven guilty. Both parties see English as the official language, I'll give you the death penalty. Not sure what you mean by welfare with limits:

--- Are you pro nationalized healthcare; gender is a construct; higher taxes on corporations and the "wealthy"; free college tuition; reparations for African Americans; believe that America is systemically racist; Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy; pro or anti corporate inversions; pro or anti higher military spend; pro or anti Israel; Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

My guess is on most if not all the issues you would be on the Left....

donny has to give a DNA sample in the case of e. jean carroll's anti defamation lawsuit. he ran outa appeals. why would he even have one if he knows he's innocent? don'tcha think he would just so he can gloat about it?

sure makes one wonder.

Are you pro nationalized healthcare;


gender is a construct;

not sure what that means, but i certainly don't think cutting it off automatically changes a person's 'sex'. i don't understand it, but i can't see it as black & white either - given the vast spectrum that makes up human sexuality.

higher taxes on corporations


and the "wealthy";


free college tuition;

community college yes ... 4 yr universities? nope.

reparations for African Americans;


believe that America is systemically racist;


Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy;

given the scientific data relating to poisoned aquifers , geological arthquakes when there never were b4 in some areas - i'm not in favor of it.

pro or anti corporate inversions;

don't know what that is

pro or anti higher military spend;

mmmmm - depends on a case by case scenerio. more money for our troops so they don't live in substandard mold infested housing & have to depend on food stamps & fully funding the VA ... damn right i am in favor. but more nukes?


pro or anti Israel;

israel absolutely has a right to exist.

Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

Newsflash....you lean far left. Corp Inversions is when Companies establish their HQ overseas like in Ireland so they only have to pay a 12% tax. Trump lowered the corp. tax rate and put in penalties on companies doing that as it costs us income and jobs. So do you support a 13 year old boy who says he is a girl playing basketball against biological girls? Also if you believe America is systemically racist then to me, you're far left. That is crazy talk.

okey dokey, righty.

oh & donny has yet to make his cheap sweatshop made clothes here in the good ol' USA.
He lost. Your obsession with him needs to end. Find a new scapegoat. I told you and you admitted it, I lean left but I am very center.

he lost bigley. i have no obsession with anybody - you seem to have an obsession with thinking i do. however, since he was installed for the past 4 years & not a day has gone by that he hasn't been the worst 'ugly american' ever used as an example, kinda makes it hard not to comment on it, or him - on a POLITICAL message board .... don'tcha think?

the only thing i remember you being to the left is the right to choose - - - however that didn't stop you for voting for people to end that.

& you are as right of center as i am left of it, zogster.

then i suggest you wear a mask & bring some sani hani.

The Drs are just deciding where they want to send me and how I’m gonna get there. I don’t do the mask thing.

then be ready for them to turn you away.

if you don't mask up - then you deserve what happens to you.
I would suspect that there will be people who won't wear a mask 24 hours a day. The Fuhrer rules!

then take yer chances & it's not really to protect yerself, but from spreading covidcooties to yer fellow americans.

how unamerican, unpatriotic & selfish..
Prove it

science has proven it. go to the mayo clinic, john's hopkins, the CDC, the clevland clinic sites to start if you wanna actually learn sumpthin'. but me thinx you won't, because donny loves the poorly educated long time & you fit right in there.
does it have anything to do with him being audited? :auiqs.jpg:

you need one of these:

do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?

You say sexual assault like it’s a bad thing. Even if they are true.

must you always be an asshole?

my guess is yes. hopefully something like that never happens to someone you know... but god forbid, then you make sure they know what you think.
Making more friends?

lol - every day.
lol. No we do not. Pence is our VP. All votes have not been counted and/or must recount due to court orders.

And no matter the outcome, Pence is still the Vice President at least until 20 January 2021. The bimbo who only escaped a career as a mediocre ambulance chaser by whoring herself out to a married man, even if the election is ultimately decided that way, won't be Vice President until then.

What a wonderful example she sets for our upcoming generation of young women. You can be anything you want to be, as long as you allow yourself to be sexually exploited by the right man.

tell that to the first 'lady'.
Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.

It does kind of matter that the only way she got anywhere in politics was by having an adulterous affair with a man who was married to someone else; and who was in a position to give her political career a boost in exchange for sexual favors.

If not for her willingness to whore herself out in such a manner, who career would have consisted entirely of the pursuit of emergency medical vehicles, and most of us would have been spared from ever having had to hear of her.

And that's what this nation has now been reduced to. Assuming the presumed outcome of this election stands, that's the whore who will be our Vice President, and likely go on to become our President. For all the aspersions that your side has cast on Donald Trump's moral character (and much of it, justifiably so), this is who you've set as your standard.

she was duly elected to the position of AG where she did an excellent job. getting her state $billions from the bigbank foreclosure scandal ... which was way more than originally thought was gonna be the settlement.

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