We Have A Woman Vice President

do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?

You say sexual assault like it’s a bad thing. Even if they are true.

must you always be an asshole?

my guess is yes. hopefully something like that never happens to someone you know... but god forbid, then you make sure they know what you think.
Making more friends?
lol. No we do not. Pence is our VP. All votes have not been counted and/or must recount due to court orders.

And no matter the outcome, Pence is still the Vice President at least until 20 January 2021. The bimbo who only escaped a career as a mediocre ambulance chaser by whoring herself out to a married man, even if the election is ultimately decided that way, won't be Vice President until then.

What a wonderful example she sets for our upcoming generation of young women. You can be anything you want to be, as long as you allow yourself to be sexually exploited by the right man.
That stupid cow will never be my VP. :itsok:

She is your next vice president. You should not call a vice president of the USA "stupid cow". This form of senseless agressive speech should end. It needs normally a very high competence and a lot of hard work to reach such a position. This woman - and not only she - has earned your respect, independent from any political opinion.
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Enough outta you, woman. You should be ashamed buying into that crap. Who we date is no one's business, and it sure doesn't make us whores.

It does kind of matter that the only way she got anywhere in politics was by having an adulterous affair with a man who was married to someone else; and who was in a position to give her political career a boost in exchange for sexual favors.

If not for her willingness to whore herself out in such a manner, who career would have consisted entirely of the pursuit of emergency medical vehicles, and most of us would have been spared from ever having had to hear of her.

And that's what this nation has now been reduced to. Assuming the presumed outcome of this election stands, that's the whore who will be our Vice President, and likely go on to become our President. For all the aspersions that your side has cast on Donald Trump's moral character (and much of it, justifiably so), this is who you've set as your standard.
That stupid cow will never be my VP. :itsok:

She is your next vice president. You should not call a vice president of the USA "stupid cow". This form of senseless agressive speech should end. It needs normally a very high competence and a lot of hard work to reach such a position. This wpojwn has earned your respect - independent from any political opinion.
WTF....can’t the party of filth and foreigners find a real black or real Asian to run for high office....why all this half this half that bullshit?

Ethnic background ought not matter at all. The Democraps were so excited about getting the first black President that they didn't care in the least that Barack Obama was completely and utterly lacking in any useful skills, knowledge, or ability to qualify him for the position. And Kamala Harris is even worse. She rose to where she is, in politics, not on any abilities of her own, by by being a sleazy homewrecking whore; exchanging sexual favors for career advancement. And she was chosen for being a black woman, even though she is very obviously not black. FWIW, she is part “Asian”. Her mother was from India, and of the dominant ethnicity there. To find pictures of her father, you'll see that he appears to be very solidly Caucasian, and Kamala appears to take strikingly after him as far as any ethic appearance. She does have a sister in whom the more Indian ethnicity shows.
Only sexist care about what gender people are.

Not completely true, in all circumstances.

It does kind of matter to me that my wife is female, for example.


I know that there are plenty on the degenerate left wrong who might take issue with me preferring that my wife be female, but there moral and mental degeneracy is their problem, not mine.
You should not call a vice president of the USA "stupid cow". This form of senseless agressive [sic] speech should end.

Fuck anyone like you who prefers to tell or to hear polite lies over rude truth.

Truth is not rude. Truth is the fulfilling of love. And I don't think you like to carry out now a sexual intercourse for to make a baby with me. What about to play with lego bricks instead?
That's a historic first!!

That seems lost in all this...

Congrats Ladies!

Another check mark. So condescending to women.

Remember how you kept denigrating Sarah Palin, the "not stewardess?"

Turns out women are OK with you ... as long as they think what you instruct them to think ...

Just like blacks!
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