We Have A Woman Vice President

then i suggest you wear a mask & bring some sani hani.

The Drs are just deciding where they want to send me and how I’m gonna get there. I don’t do the mask thing.

then be ready for them to turn you away.

if you don't mask up - then you deserve what happens to you.
I would suspect that there will be people who won't wear a mask 24 hours a day. The Fuhrer rules!

then take yer chances & it's not really to protect yerself, but from spreading covidcooties to yer fellow americans.

how unamerican, unpatriotic & selfish..
please by all means - hold yer breath while you wait.

Go fuck yourself baby-killer

View attachment 413185
Therein lies the problem. President Biden asked for unity but it’s tough to oblige him when for four years the Left did everything it could to disparage Trump those who voted for him. Nevertheless I will do my best for unity.

you sound rather liberal there, zoggy ... will wonders never cease?
I told you 100x I lean left. But I dont like hypocrites and your party is full of them. Believe in science but hold on trans girls should be allowed to play sports vs. biological girls and gender is a construct. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty except Brett Kavanaugh it seems. Tough to get over it but I guess it’s just dirty politics.

& i told you 11367474849494337363x that the (D) party ain't my party.... do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?
No. He has been famous for as long as I have been alive. If they were true they would have been out in the open before he ran IMO. You say you arent but other than being pro 2nd Amendment I do not know one stance where you are on the right and you trashed not only Trump but Cruz, Rubio, etc....

You lean very left IMO.

english as the official language - pro death penalty - welfare with limits...

& you have no idea how any woman would feel after being assaulted by a famous person. things & attitudes were different back in the day he was actively being a pig.
Yet many accusers have come out like for Bill Cosby and that guy on Little House on the Prairie. Nothing with DJT. So to me he is innocent until proven guilty. Both parties see English as the official language, I'll give you the death penalty. Not sure what you mean by welfare with limits:

--- Are you pro nationalized healthcare; gender is a construct; higher taxes on corporations and the "wealthy"; free college tuition; reparations for African Americans; believe that America is systemically racist; Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy; pro or anti corporate inversions; pro or anti higher military spend; pro or anti Israel; Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

My guess is on most if not all the issues you would be on the Left....

donny has to give a DNA sample in the case of e. jean carroll's anti defamation lawsuit. he ran outa appeals. why would he even have one if he knows he's innocent? don'tcha think he would just so he can gloat about it?

sure makes one wonder.

Are you pro nationalized healthcare;


gender is a construct;

not sure what that means, but i certainly don't think cutting it off automatically changes a person's 'sex'. i don't understand it, but i can't see it as black & white either - given the vast spectrum that makes up human sexuality.

higher taxes on corporations


and the "wealthy";


free college tuition;

community college yes ... 4 yr universities? nope.

reparations for African Americans;


believe that America is systemically racist;


Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy;

given the scientific data relating to poisoned aquifers , geological arthquakes when there never were b4 in some areas - i'm not in favor of it.

pro or anti corporate inversions;

don't know what that is

pro or anti higher military spend;

mmmmm - depends on a case by case scenerio. more money for our troops so they don't live in substandard mold infested housing & have to depend on food stamps & fully funding the VA ... damn right i am in favor. but more nukes?


pro or anti Israel;

israel absolutely has a right to exist.

Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

Newsflash....you lean far left. Corp Inversions is when Companies establish their HQ overseas like in Ireland so they only have to pay a 12% tax. Trump lowered the corp. tax rate and put in penalties on companies doing that as it costs us income and jobs. So do you support a 13 year old boy who says he is a girl playing basketball against biological girls? Also if you believe America is systemically racist then to me, you're far left. That is crazy talk.

okey dokey, righty.

oh & donny has yet to make his cheap sweatshop made clothes here in the good ol' USA.
You still haven’t learned the issue
please by all means - hold yer breath while you wait.

Go fuck yourself baby-killer

View attachment 413185
Therein lies the problem. President Biden asked for unity but it’s tough to oblige him when for four years the Left did everything it could to disparage Trump those who voted for him. Nevertheless I will do my best for unity.

you sound rather liberal there, zoggy ... will wonders never cease?
I told you 100x I lean left. But I dont like hypocrites and your party is full of them. Believe in science but hold on trans girls should be allowed to play sports vs. biological girls and gender is a construct. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty except Brett Kavanaugh it seems. Tough to get over it but I guess it’s just dirty politics.

& i told you 11367474849494337363x that the (D) party ain't my party.... do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?
No. He has been famous for as long as I have been alive. If they were true they would have been out in the open before he ran IMO. You say you arent but other than being pro 2nd Amendment I do not know one stance where you are on the right and you trashed not only Trump but Cruz, Rubio, etc....

You lean very left IMO.

english as the official language - pro death penalty - welfare with limits...

& you have no idea how any woman would feel after being assaulted by a famous person. things & attitudes were different back in the day he was actively being a pig.
Yet many accusers have come out like for Bill Cosby and that guy on Little House on the Prairie. Nothing with DJT. So to me he is innocent until proven guilty. Both parties see English as the official language, I'll give you the death penalty. Not sure what you mean by welfare with limits:

--- Are you pro nationalized healthcare; gender is a construct; higher taxes on corporations and the "wealthy"; free college tuition; reparations for African Americans; believe that America is systemically racist; Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy; pro or anti corporate inversions; pro or anti higher military spend; pro or anti Israel; Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

My guess is on most if not all the issues you would be on the Left....

donny has to give a DNA sample in the case of e. jean carroll's anti defamation lawsuit. he ran outa appeals. why would he even have one if he knows he's innocent? don'tcha think he would just so he can gloat about it?

sure makes one wonder.

Are you pro nationalized healthcare;


gender is a construct;

not sure what that means, but i certainly don't think cutting it off automatically changes a person's 'sex'. i don't understand it, but i can't see it as black & white either - given the vast spectrum that makes up human sexuality.

higher taxes on corporations


and the "wealthy";


free college tuition;

community college yes ... 4 yr universities? nope.

reparations for African Americans;


believe that America is systemically racist;


Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy;

given the scientific data relating to poisoned aquifers , geological arthquakes when there never were b4 in some areas - i'm not in favor of it.

pro or anti corporate inversions;

don't know what that is

pro or anti higher military spend;

mmmmm - depends on a case by case scenerio. more money for our troops so they don't live in substandard mold infested housing & have to depend on food stamps & fully funding the VA ... damn right i am in favor. but more nukes?


pro or anti Israel;

israel absolutely has a right to exist.

Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

Newsflash....you lean far left. Corp Inversions is when Companies establish their HQ overseas like in Ireland so they only have to pay a 12% tax. Trump lowered the corp. tax rate and put in penalties on companies doing that as it costs us income and jobs. So do you support a 13 year old boy who says he is a girl playing basketball against biological girls? Also if you believe America is systemically racist then to me, you're far left. That is crazy talk.

okey dokey, righty.

oh & donny has yet to make his cheap sweatshop made clothes here in the good ol' USA.
You still haven’t learned the issue

does it have anything to do with him being audited? :auiqs.jpg:
please by all means - hold yer breath while you wait.

Go fuck yourself baby-killer

View attachment 413185
Therein lies the problem. President Biden asked for unity but it’s tough to oblige him when for four years the Left did everything it could to disparage Trump those who voted for him. Nevertheless I will do my best for unity.

you sound rather liberal there, zoggy ... will wonders never cease?
I told you 100x I lean left. But I dont like hypocrites and your party is full of them. Believe in science but hold on trans girls should be allowed to play sports vs. biological girls and gender is a construct. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty except Brett Kavanaugh it seems. Tough to get over it but I guess it’s just dirty politics.

& i told you 11367474849494337363x that the (D) party ain't my party.... do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?
No. He has been famous for as long as I have been alive. If they were true they would have been out in the open before he ran IMO. You say you arent but other than being pro 2nd Amendment I do not know one stance where you are on the right and you trashed not only Trump but Cruz, Rubio, etc....

You lean very left IMO.

english as the official language - pro death penalty - welfare with limits...

& you have no idea how any woman would feel after being assaulted by a famous person. things & attitudes were different back in the day he was actively being a pig.
Yet many accusers have come out like for Bill Cosby and that guy on Little House on the Prairie. Nothing with DJT. So to me he is innocent until proven guilty. Both parties see English as the official language, I'll give you the death penalty. Not sure what you mean by welfare with limits:

--- Are you pro nationalized healthcare; gender is a construct; higher taxes on corporations and the "wealthy"; free college tuition; reparations for African Americans; believe that America is systemically racist; Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy; pro or anti corporate inversions; pro or anti higher military spend; pro or anti Israel; Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

My guess is on most if not all the issues you would be on the Left....

donny has to give a DNA sample in the case of e. jean carroll's anti defamation lawsuit. he ran outa appeals. why would he even have one if he knows he's innocent? don'tcha think he would just so he can gloat about it?

sure makes one wonder.

Are you pro nationalized healthcare;


gender is a construct;

not sure what that means, but i certainly don't think cutting it off automatically changes a person's 'sex'. i don't understand it, but i can't see it as black & white either - given the vast spectrum that makes up human sexuality.

higher taxes on corporations


and the "wealthy";


free college tuition;

community college yes ... 4 yr universities? nope.

reparations for African Americans;


believe that America is systemically racist;


Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy;

given the scientific data relating to poisoned aquifers , geological arthquakes when there never were b4 in some areas - i'm not in favor of it.

pro or anti corporate inversions;

don't know what that is

pro or anti higher military spend;

mmmmm - depends on a case by case scenerio. more money for our troops so they don't live in substandard mold infested housing & have to depend on food stamps & fully funding the VA ... damn right i am in favor. but more nukes?


pro or anti Israel;

israel absolutely has a right to exist.

Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

Newsflash....you lean far left. Corp Inversions is when Companies establish their HQ overseas like in Ireland so they only have to pay a 12% tax. Trump lowered the corp. tax rate and put in penalties on companies doing that as it costs us income and jobs. So do you support a 13 year old boy who says he is a girl playing basketball against biological girls? Also if you believe America is systemically racist then to me, you're far left. That is crazy talk.

okey dokey, righty.

oh & donny has yet to make his cheap sweatshop made clothes here in the good ol' USA.
He lost. Your obsession with him needs to end. Find a new scapegoat. I told you and you admitted it, I lean left but I am very center.
then i suggest you wear a mask & bring some sani hani.

The Drs are just deciding where they want to send me and how I’m gonna get there. I don’t do the mask thing.

then be ready for them to turn you away.

if you don't mask up - then you deserve what happens to you.
I would suspect that there will be people who won't wear a mask 24 hours a day. The Fuhrer rules!

then take yer chances & it's not really to protect yerself, but from spreading covidcooties to yer fellow americans.

how unamerican, unpatriotic & selfish..
Prove it
please by all means - hold yer breath while you wait.

Go fuck yourself baby-killer

View attachment 413185
Therein lies the problem. President Biden asked for unity but it’s tough to oblige him when for four years the Left did everything it could to disparage Trump those who voted for him. Nevertheless I will do my best for unity.

you sound rather liberal there, zoggy ... will wonders never cease?
I told you 100x I lean left. But I dont like hypocrites and your party is full of them. Believe in science but hold on trans girls should be allowed to play sports vs. biological girls and gender is a construct. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty except Brett Kavanaugh it seems. Tough to get over it but I guess it’s just dirty politics.

& i told you 11367474849494337363x that the (D) party ain't my party.... do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?
No. He has been famous for as long as I have been alive. If they were true they would have been out in the open before he ran IMO. You say you arent but other than being pro 2nd Amendment I do not know one stance where you are on the right and you trashed not only Trump but Cruz, Rubio, etc....

You lean very left IMO.

english as the official language - pro death penalty - welfare with limits...

& you have no idea how any woman would feel after being assaulted by a famous person. things & attitudes were different back in the day he was actively being a pig.
Yet many accusers have come out like for Bill Cosby and that guy on Little House on the Prairie. Nothing with DJT. So to me he is innocent until proven guilty. Both parties see English as the official language, I'll give you the death penalty. Not sure what you mean by welfare with limits:

--- Are you pro nationalized healthcare; gender is a construct; higher taxes on corporations and the "wealthy"; free college tuition; reparations for African Americans; believe that America is systemically racist; Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy; pro or anti corporate inversions; pro or anti higher military spend; pro or anti Israel; Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

My guess is on most if not all the issues you would be on the Left....

donny has to give a DNA sample in the case of e. jean carroll's anti defamation lawsuit. he ran outa appeals. why would he even have one if he knows he's innocent? don'tcha think he would just so he can gloat about it?

sure makes one wonder.

Are you pro nationalized healthcare;


gender is a construct;

not sure what that means, but i certainly don't think cutting it off automatically changes a person's 'sex'. i don't understand it, but i can't see it as black & white either - given the vast spectrum that makes up human sexuality.

higher taxes on corporations


and the "wealthy";


free college tuition;

community college yes ... 4 yr universities? nope.

reparations for African Americans;


believe that America is systemically racist;


Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy;

given the scientific data relating to poisoned aquifers , geological arthquakes when there never were b4 in some areas - i'm not in favor of it.

pro or anti corporate inversions;

don't know what that is

pro or anti higher military spend;

mmmmm - depends on a case by case scenerio. more money for our troops so they don't live in substandard mold infested housing & have to depend on food stamps & fully funding the VA ... damn right i am in favor. but more nukes?


pro or anti Israel;

israel absolutely has a right to exist.

Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

Newsflash....you lean far left. Corp Inversions is when Companies establish their HQ overseas like in Ireland so they only have to pay a 12% tax. Trump lowered the corp. tax rate and put in penalties on companies doing that as it costs us income and jobs. So do you support a 13 year old boy who says he is a girl playing basketball against biological girls? Also if you believe America is systemically racist then to me, you're far left. That is crazy talk.

okey dokey, righty.

oh & donny has yet to make his cheap sweatshop made clothes here in the good ol' USA.
He lost. Your obsession with him needs to end. Find a new scapegoat. I told you and you admitted it, I lean left but I am very center.
You mean the Democrat and media vote count says he lost. PSSST! Nothing is final until certified by the state.
That filthy pig KamelToe is not VP.
The election has not been certified yet and there will be court challenges.
Until Mike Pence declares the winner inn the electoral college the filthy sodomite democrat whores will have to wait.
Most conservatives truly are scum.
Question:What is the lowest point on Earth?
A: Democratic Party Headquarters
please by all means - hold yer breath while you wait.

Go fuck yourself baby-killer

View attachment 413185
Therein lies the problem. President Biden asked for unity but it’s tough to oblige him when for four years the Left did everything it could to disparage Trump those who voted for him. Nevertheless I will do my best for unity.

you sound rather liberal there, zoggy ... will wonders never cease?
I told you 100x I lean left. But I dont like hypocrites and your party is full of them. Believe in science but hold on trans girls should be allowed to play sports vs. biological girls and gender is a construct. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty except Brett Kavanaugh it seems. Tough to get over it but I guess it’s just dirty politics.

& i told you 11367474849494337363x that the (D) party ain't my party.... do you have the slightest inclination that the 20+ sexual assault accusations against donny could possibly be true?
No. He has been famous for as long as I have been alive. If they were true they would have been out in the open before he ran IMO. You say you arent but other than being pro 2nd Amendment I do not know one stance where you are on the right and you trashed not only Trump but Cruz, Rubio, etc....

You lean very left IMO.

english as the official language - pro death penalty - welfare with limits...

& you have no idea how any woman would feel after being assaulted by a famous person. things & attitudes were different back in the day he was actively being a pig.
Yet many accusers have come out like for Bill Cosby and that guy on Little House on the Prairie. Nothing with DJT. So to me he is innocent until proven guilty. Both parties see English as the official language, I'll give you the death penalty. Not sure what you mean by welfare with limits:

--- Are you pro nationalized healthcare; gender is a construct; higher taxes on corporations and the "wealthy"; free college tuition; reparations for African Americans; believe that America is systemically racist; Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy; pro or anti corporate inversions; pro or anti higher military spend; pro or anti Israel; Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

My guess is on most if not all the issues you would be on the Left....

donny has to give a DNA sample in the case of e. jean carroll's anti defamation lawsuit. he ran outa appeals. why would he even have one if he knows he's innocent? don'tcha think he would just so he can gloat about it?

sure makes one wonder.

Are you pro nationalized healthcare;


gender is a construct;

not sure what that means, but i certainly don't think cutting it off automatically changes a person's 'sex'. i don't understand it, but i can't see it as black & white either - given the vast spectrum that makes up human sexuality.

higher taxes on corporations


and the "wealthy";


free college tuition;

community college yes ... 4 yr universities? nope.

reparations for African Americans;


believe that America is systemically racist;


Anti fracking aka being self reliant in terms of energy;

given the scientific data relating to poisoned aquifers , geological arthquakes when there never were b4 in some areas - i'm not in favor of it.

pro or anti corporate inversions;

don't know what that is

pro or anti higher military spend;

mmmmm - depends on a case by case scenerio. more money for our troops so they don't live in substandard mold infested housing & have to depend on food stamps & fully funding the VA ... damn right i am in favor. but more nukes?


pro or anti Israel;

israel absolutely has a right to exist.

Pro or anti entry into the Paris Accords?

Newsflash....you lean far left. Corp Inversions is when Companies establish their HQ overseas like in Ireland so they only have to pay a 12% tax. Trump lowered the corp. tax rate and put in penalties on companies doing that as it costs us income and jobs. So do you support a 13 year old boy who says he is a girl playing basketball against biological girls? Also if you believe America is systemically racist then to me, you're far left. That is crazy talk.

okey dokey, righty.

oh & donny has yet to make his cheap sweatshop made clothes here in the good ol' USA.
He lost. Your obsession with him needs to end. Find a new scapegoat. I told you and you admitted it, I lean left but I am very center.
You mean the Democrat and media vote count says he lost. PSSST! Nothing is final until certified by the state.
I hope you’re right but I doubt it.
That's a historic first!!

That seems lost in all this...

Congrats Ladies!

She's a radical marxist. Amazing how the left never looks at substance.
What an insane claim. I guess ya gotta say something

Might as well call her a poopyhead for all the accuracy there

That's completely accurate. She's anti police, pro marxist blm antifa, and supports the riots and carnage. There is nothing of substance.
That filthy pig KamelToe is not VP.
The election has not been certified yet and there will be court challenges.
Until Mike Pence declares the winner inn the electoral college the filthy sodomite democrat whores will have to wait.
Most conservatives truly are scum.
I enjoy being scum. Far better than being a slant eyed chinaman like you.

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