We have wide open borders…


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
it is sad that we get run over by a Third World shit hole of a country that is Mexico… Hopefully Trump will change that.
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it is sad that we get run over by a Third World shit hole of a country that is Mexico… Hopefully Trump will change that.

Do you realize that more hispanics are going back to Mexico??? It is mostly legal immigration that make up the vast majority of immigration.
We have wide open borders just for drug dealers… Thanks to Obama
it is sad that we get run over by a Third World shit hole of a country that is Mexico… Hopefully Trump will change that.

Do you realize that more hispanics are going back to Mexico??? It is mostly legal immigration that make up the vast majority of immigration.
We have wide open borders just for drug dealers… Thanks to Obama

I'll agree with you when it comes to them.
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.
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Why aren't we imposing a $10,000 fine on employers who hire illegals?
. Maybe more if want to be effective. Hey I'm no racist or immigrant hater, but everything had gotten out of hand. If people would listen to Trump, then they will see that he has very smart people beginning the process of fixing these things. The left needs to ease up and give the man a chance, but the dam race baiters and hustlers have lost their flippin minds now, and they can't stand that their dam flooding of America with anything non-white has blown up in their faces now. How many times have I heard the outright spoken words by liberals on liberal networks claim that whites will be a minority in this country by a certain date ?????? How dam racist was that crap ??? They got away with it all, and now that the agenda has been broken, they attack Trump like Pitt bills that have been fed gun powder for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The left has gone rabid.
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.
. Why can't these people be arrested along with any criminal aliens as an enabler and accessory to their crimes ? If it can be proven that they protected a criminal illegal alien or aliens from being deported, and the criminal(s) kills an American, then how can they not be seen as an assessory to the crime ??
. Maybe more if want to be effective. Hey I'm no racist or immigrant hater, but everything had gotten out of hand. If people would listen to Trump, then they will see that he has very smart people beginning the process of fixing these things. The left needs to ease up and give the man a chance, but the dam race baiters and hustlers have lost their flippin minds now, and they can't stand that their dam flooding of America with anything non-white has blown up in their faces now. How many times have I heard the outright spoken words by liberals on liberal networks claim that whites will be a minority in this country by a certain date ?????? How dam racist was that crap ??? They got away with it all, and now that the agenda has been broken, they attack Trump like Pitt bills that have been fed gun powder for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The left has gone rabid.

Doesn't help that Trump is a moron. And I note that the left are giving Trump the same 'chance' that the right gave Obama. ie none whatsoever....
Why can't these people be arrested along with any criminal aliens as an enabler and accessory to their crimes ? If it can be proven that they protected a criminal illegal aliens from being deported, and the criminal kills an American, then how can they not be seen as an assessory to the crime ??

Go study law. It's pretty simple why they won't be charged with a crime. However, the victim's family would stand a good chance of getting something out of them in a civil court.
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.

You can't deny education or emergency medical care. The courts have covered that.
Illegals have killed more Americans that were killed on 911 and we bombed the shit out of Afghanistan for that. Mexico floods our country with illegals, criminals, drugs, we should have carpet bombed them years ago.
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.
. Why can't these people be arrested along with any criminal aliens as an enabler and accessory to their crimes ? If it can be proven that they protected a criminal illegal alien or aliens from being deported, and the criminal(s) kills an American, then how can they not be seen as an assessory to the crime ??

Well that's a stretch! The state has no authority over immigration. So if you want an assessory, blame the Feds .
. Maybe more if want to be effective. Hey I'm no racist or immigrant hater, but everything had gotten out of hand. If people would listen to Trump, then they will see that he has very smart people beginning the process of fixing these things. The left needs to ease up and give the man a chance, but the dam race baiters and hustlers have lost their flippin minds now, and they can't stand that their dam flooding of America with anything non-white has blown up in their faces now. How many times have I heard the outright spoken words by liberals on liberal networks claim that whites will be a minority in this country by a certain date ?????? How dam racist was that crap ??? They got away with it all, and now that the agenda has been broken, they attack Trump like Pitt bills that have been fed gun powder for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The left has gone rabid.

Doesn't help that Trump is a moron. And I note that the left are giving Trump the same 'chance' that the right gave Obama. ie none whatsoever....
. So it's butt hurt you people are engaged in no matter what now or is it guilt you are consumed with ?
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.
. Why can't these people be arrested along with any criminal aliens as an enabler and accessory to their crimes ? If it can be proven that they protected a criminal illegal alien or aliens from being deported, and the criminal(s) kills an American, then how can they not be seen as an assessory to the crime ??

Well that's a stretch! The state has no authority over immigration. So if you want an assessory, blame the Feds .
. The feds under Trump wants to enforce the laws on the books, but the sanctuary cities leadership is resisting those laws. Blame who ?
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.
. Why can't these people be arrested along with any criminal aliens as an enabler and accessory to their crimes ? If it can be proven that they protected a criminal illegal alien or aliens from being deported, and the criminal(s) kills an American, then how can they not be seen as an assessory to the crime ??

Well that's a stretch! The state has no authority over immigration. So if you want an assessory, blame the Feds .
. The feds under Trump wants to enforce the laws on the books, but the sanctuary cities leadership is resisting those laws. Blame who ?

The Feds are responsible for immigration . Not the states , not the cities .

You know your logic is the kind that people use to sue gun makers for gun crimes .
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

After that we need to figure out how the fuck we're going to eat.

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