We have wide open borders…

Illegals have killed more Americans that were killed on 911 and we bombed the shit out of Afghanistan for that. Mexico floods our country with illegals, criminals, drugs, we should have carpet bombed them years ago.

Links to PROVE these numbers, because I tried to look this up and there are NO STATISTIC KEPT of how many illegals commit murder in a year. Crime statistics for illegals are LOWER for illegals than for citizens. Much lower. These are people trying to stay out of trouble.

So you don't get to claim something outrageous like that with FBI statistics to back it up, because otherwise it's just bullshit alt-facts.

I said "killed" not murdered don't twist my words. Now that I have corrected you we can discuss your ignorance of this topic.

Fox News made an effort to gather illegal crime statistics and it was staggering, thousands and thousands of crimes committed just in Texas. Federal prisons are packed with illegals FACT, far surpassing their percentage of the overall population.
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.

You can't deny education or emergency medical care. The courts have covered that.
1. education? (all it takes is a properly constituted SCOTUS....

Not going to happen. Focus on other issues.
All it takes is a court favorable to the curtailing of Illegal Immigration, to revisit a key decision or two, and overturn a previous ruling or two.

Not going to happen? You're not paying very close attention to the news, are you?

Focus on other issues?

Hell no.


Because you want attention shifted away from the topic.

Not gonna happen.

Not now.
The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

As well as beating Sanctuary City mayors and councils into the dust, until they (or their successors, if they're arrested for obstructing justice) repeal Sanctuary ordinances.

Turn up the heat enough and Illegal Aliens will self-deport, quickly, at their own expense, and they won't be back - all without us spending a single dime on deportations.

And, when they stop wanting to come here, The Wall becomes an impossible sell.

You can't deny education or emergency medical care. The courts have covered that.
1. education? (all it takes is a properly constituted SCOTUS....

Not going to happen. Focus on other issues.
All it takes is a court favorable to the curtailing of Illegal Immigration, to revisit a key decision or two, and overturn a previous ruling or two.

Not going to happen? You're not paying very close attention to the news, are you?

Focus on other issues?

Hell no.


Because you want attention shifted away from the topic.

Not gonna happen.

Not now.

That part isn't going to change. Waste your time waiting if you want to.
it is sad that we get run over by a Third World shit hole of a country that is Mexico… Hopefully Trump will change that.
Not Mexico...

It is Mexico, all of Central America, and all of South America.

The US needs to aggressively prosecute those who hire Illegal Aliens, and impose draconian penalties on those convicted.

We then need to pass laws to make it illegal to rent or sell housing, cars, etc., to Illegal Aliens, or to provide them with financial or educational or medical or social services.

After that we need to figure out how the fuck we're going to eat.

You'll have to start paying people a living wage to work the fields. Yes, the price of your food will go up, but Americans will have these jobs.
. You haven't been listening to your liberal network NPR, because the topic was discussed at length, and the panel was left understanding that there will be work permits, and an agricultural program etc. You were saying ?

As long as you let workers into your country, you have no way of forcing them to leave once they're inside your borders. ...

Of course you do.

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