We just got very lucky


The Government has know about CME's forever and have done nothing to harden our power grid.

The Carrington event happened in 1859. It was a powerful solar storm that raised hell with telegraphs.

Hell people could read the newspaper in the middle of the night by the light of the aura the storm provided. Of course there wasn't much technology in 1859 so it really didn't cause a lot of damage. Just think what it would do to us today if it hit??

No power. The only vehicles that would be able to move would be those with no computer chips. Vehicle built in the 60's and 70's. Even those in the 80's had some computer chips. It would be one hell of a mess for modern Americans

Read a dystopian novel to get an idea of just how bad it would be. Good reading in a lot of ways. Loads out there. If you have a kindle and belong to Amazon you can buy a book right off the computer. Loads of dystopian novels out there. I have loads myself.

NC Reed has a great series out there called Fire From the Skies. Its all about a CME and what happens when one hits. Great series.
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The Government has know about CME's forever and have done nothing to harden our power grid.

The Carrington event happened in 1859. It was a powerful solar storm that raised hell with telegraphs.

Hell people could read the newspaper in the middle of the night by the light of the aura the storm provided. Of course there wasn't much technology in 1859 so it really didn't cause a lot of damage. Just think what it would do to us today if it hit??

No power. The only vehicles that would be able to move would be those with no computer chips. Vehicle built in the 60's and 70's. Even those in the 80's had some computer chips. It would be one hell of a mess for modern Americans

Read a dystopian novel to get an idea of just how bad it would be. Good reading in a lot of ways. Loads out there. If you have a kindle and belong to Amazon you can buy a book right off the computer. Loads of dystopian novels out there. I have loads myself.

NC Reed has a great series out there called Fire From the Skies. Its all about a CME and what happens when one hits. Great series.
Our government has known for decades that our sun has a nasty side. It’s likely they have prepared for a big solar flare, but only to protect a select few.
Had this solar eruption been aimed at earth, our lives just might be dramatically changed. With our weakening magnetic field, a big solar shot could take out the entire world’s electrical grid. Then what?

Well if it were not for global warming and Trump we would not have these sun eruptions.

As for myself, to prevent eruptions I just think about baseball.

But if there is a big loss of life, Progressives would all be in hog heaven since their primary focus is depopulation.
No, I was referring to the one in November 2003 that was so strong it blinded the NASA satellite for awhile. Latest Sun Flare Put at X28, Strongest on Record
Thanks for that. According to the article the flare wasn’t aimed at earth. If it had, wouldn’t the effects be much more pronounced?

The flare leapt from a sunspot that is rotating off the visible face of theSun, so its effects were not directed squarely at Earth. Nonetheless, a radioblackout occurred at many wavelengths as the storm's initial radiation arrivedjust minutes after the eruption. Radio blackouts are ranked from R1 to R5 byNOAA's Space Environment Center, the space counterpart to the National WeatherService.
Thanks for that. According to the article the flare wasn’t aimed at earth. If it had, wouldn’t the effects be much more pronounced?

The flare leapt from a sunspot that is rotating off the visible face of theSun, so its effects were not directed squarely at Earth. Nonetheless, a radioblackout occurred at many wavelengths as the storm's initial radiation arrivedjust minutes after the eruption. Radio blackouts are ranked from R1 to R5 byNOAA's Space Environment Center, the space counterpart to the National WeatherService.
It would be a shame if we lost our signals and could not read the propaganda from mass media

We would all be completely lost without them.
This country needs a good, long blackout. Cull the moronic herd a bit.
Yup. Those with the means to harden their homes and vehicles would survive. Of course there would be gangs taking over. Gang who would think nothing of killing you for what you have. Society would collapse and it would be one hell of a mess to survive.
Yup. Those with the means to harden their homes and vehicles would survive. Of course there would be gangs taking over. Gang who would think nothing of killing you for what you have. Society would collapse and it would be one hell of a mess to survive.
Just think, if you survive all of this could be yours!

Sure if I wanted to kill folks for what they have. I'd be to busy hiding myself and what I had to worry about anyone else. Of course guns would be popular as hell and I have those.
Thanks for that. According to the article the flare wasn’t aimed at earth. If it had, wouldn’t the effects be much more pronounced?

The flare leapt from a sunspot that is rotating off the visible face of theSun, so its effects were not directed squarely at Earth. Nonetheless, a radioblackout occurred at many wavelengths as the storm's initial radiation arrivedjust minutes after the eruption. Radio blackouts are ranked from R1 to R5 byNOAA's Space Environment Center, the space counterpart to the National WeatherService.

I suppose it is possible in theory but flares and CME's are very different. flares just scramble communications a few minutes to hours as they interact with the atmosphere so even more pronounced would be just wider temporary communications outages. CME's are the real devil as they can do that too but they can bombard the planet with particles that screw up magnetic fields which in turn can screw up our power grids and toast electronics. It is kind of weird, but I read somewhere that a CME strong enough to knock out our entire power grid would also fully charge all the batteries at the same time so we might have batteries and nothing to use them in LOL. We would have a few days warning hopefully before the CME hit us as those take longer to get here. If you ever hear of one coming, unplug your microwave and put your most important electronics in it. They are the only common item in most households that can shield the contents from an extreme CME.
Yup. Those with the means to harden their homes and vehicles would survive. Of course there would be gangs taking over. Gang who would think nothing of killing you for what you have. Society would collapse and it would be one hell of a mess to survive.
There is speculation that the government has built several hardened underground bases. It’s possible this is where the elites will be taken.
You are probably correct. The Government must continue even if we peons all die from a CME.

The elite will always survive even if they have no one to be elitist over.
There is speculation that the government has built several hardened underground bases. It’s possible this is where the elites will be taken.

They have had them since the advent of nuclear weapons. I have been told that the large area over WV that is supposedly blacked out because of the surface radio telescopes has quite a bit more hiding under ground.
Those at least quasi-weaned from the grid can use a portable solar panel to recharge a portable power station.

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