We just lost freedom of the press


The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media.
Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the Tea Party complained that it was being targeted by the IRS), this bombshell of an accusation comes from an actual FCC Commissioner.
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai reveals a brand new Obama Administration program that he fears could be used in “pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.”

In fact, the FCC is now expanding the bounds of regulatory powers to include newspapers, which it has absolutely no authority over, in its new government monitoring program.
The FCC has apparently already selected eight categories of “critical information” “that it believes local newscasters should cover.”
That’s right, the Obama Administration has developed a formula of what it believes the free press should cover, and it is going to send government monitors into newsrooms across America to stand over the shoulders of the press as they make editorial decisions.

For the life of me I can't imagine why the Obama administration would need such a device. The media consists of far more than just a few broadcast stations so the task would be so gargantuan as to be impossible. And the mainstream press has been flagellating him since before he was in office. He has nothing to gain from this. Nothing.

It's all true. You aren't imagining anything.
He can increase the government payroll to pay government minders, which would necessarily mean a raise in taxes to pay for it.
True or not? Exaggerated or not? I'm pretty sure that the news we get in the US is filtered.
I'm going to use the pre-invasion of Iraq as an example.
Virtually every media sources was on the bandwagon to go to war with Iraq, even the New York Times was beating the war drums. Based on what the US press was telling us, I was all gung ho myself.
During that timeframe I was posting on The Atlantic Monthly forums. If one remembers back then, Europe in general wasn't jumping on any bandwagon to be part of the invasion. The Atlantic's regular posters had a good representation of European posters, there must of been a couple hundred active European posters.
In the US our press was feeding us information like Mohamed Atta (one of the hijackers) had met with representatives from Saddam's government in Prague, Saddam's purchase of aluminum tubes were evidence of Saddam's active nuclear program, Saddam had tried to by Yellow Cake from Nigeria.
Thanks to the European posters and their links to the top newspapers in Europe things were vastly different. Where as the European press revealed that the Czech government investigated the claim regarding Atta/Iraqi meeting and said it never happened. The aluminum tubes didn't meet the specifications to be involved in a nuclear program per the IAEA and the US's Department of Energy. The documents regarding the Yellow Cake were proved to be forgeries according to the Italian government.
In the US we didn't hear or see any of this information until the second guessing of invading Iraq started taking place.
In today's world, I wouldn't be surprises at all if our government was at it again, filtering/censoring the news that Americans trust.

Most of those lies were Administration Talking Points. They would leak a story to the press on Friday. Then when the paper publishes the story the officials can then talk about it on the Sunday shows and point the media as proof that it is true.

The truth was out there pre-war but not on any of the networks. The only guy who was telling it like it was got fired from MSNBC.

The ass hole whose name dare not be spoken???

Dick Cheney?
Government Monitors in Newsrooms? | Free Speech, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ
Your link didn't work for me, but I found it in the one above.

Unbelievable, yet then again , no its not with this administration,

Is it any wonder that the U.S. now ranks 46th in the world for freedom of the press? Reporters Without Boarders called America’s precipitous drop of 13 places in its recent global rankings “one of the most significant declines” in freedom of the press in the world.

this decline is due to the trashing of the fairness act.

its a great way to PROVE we need it back

Leave it to TM to come to the exact wrong conclusion. Like clockwork...
And there will never be any retraction- it will be another hater dupe ''fact'' lol...usually real media doesn't even bother, and of course Media Matters is ''communist''...
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Let's see if the press tells these guys to fuck off.
If not... Well that will tells us whose side the press is on.
I smell another case of stupefying Fauxrage coming on.


This is more ignorance, hyperbole, and demagoguery from the partisan right; a failed attempt to contrive a controversy where none exists, and a classic example of a slippery slope fallacy.

News organizations remain at liberty to report any news in any manner they wish, free from unwarranted government interference or punitive measures.
The left sees government minders in newsrooms a really good thing.
The LIB media are all socialists. They would love nothing better than to see Government monitors at FOX. They will happily hand over the freedom of the press to Obama. Why wouldn't they? He's already sending the LIB media daily 'talking points' AKA "This is what our 'Great Leader' wants you all to spend the next news cycle advancing".
Pray to God the REPs win the Senate in the fall and the WH in 16.
It used to be many people LIBs and REPs would be willing to sort of sit back and watch Bobo fuck up this or that. Everyone intuitively understood the 'OJ jury' had put one of their own in the WH and now the country must tolerate looking like idiots on the world stage for four years. Then the REPs went to sleep and didn't kick Bobo's ass out. I put the blame 100% on the REPS. Don't come whining you lazy ass holes. You couldn't be bothered to go vote.
But now Bobo only has three years to promote his hyper-socialist agenda and this is the most dangerous time for the country. Beware.
YO, libs.

Will you be in favor of this when the GOP takes control and the monitors report to them?

That could happen as early as this november. do you still like it?
You all voted for hope and change and Transforming our country

now you have it, we tried to warn you

you people should be ASHAMED who voted for him

How funny to see this phony rw outrage now. Where have you idiots been? Where were you in 1996?

I've been posting about the FCC's actions under Michael Powell and not one of you has been smart enough to pay attention.

For the gazillionth time, watch the documentary, Orwell Rolls In His Grave. Pay attention to Rupert Murdoch and the pay off from the right.

OrwellRollsInHisGrave ? A film by Robert Kane Pappas

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_lYGyIaK80]Orwell Rolls in his Grave (Full 3HR Documentary) - YouTube[/ame]

(Now, watch the rw's either lie or ignore this.)
The story actually states that the FCC would put some researchers into some newsrooms to inquire about how editors decide what goes on the air.

It's a study.

It's tantamount to the EPA taking a few gallons of water out of Lake Powell to test it for contamination being "The government is shutting off the water supply".

Just another example of conservatives lying. I hope when they regain the oval office, my fellow liberals can do better as the party that is out of power. I should know better.

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