We just lost freedom of the press

Why worry about China, or Russia, or the Taliban, when the worst enemy of the United States of America is sitting in the Oval Office of the White House...

NOW is when those billion rounds of ammo and Mrap armored personnel carriers come in handy.

First they came for the Tea Party but I did nothing because I was not a Tea Partier.

Then they came for the News Media but I didn't care because I put Obama before my own freedom.
It may get bloodier than this but it don't get no more serious than this.

Our freedoms are predicated on a free press.

This is war, folks.

Tears are in my eyes as I say it.

But I'm afraid it is true.

Venezuela and Ukraine rioting in the streets were like cues I guess to Obama to unleash this.

You have no more room for debate.

This is it.

This is war? Who against who?

This is subjective opinion, not fact, and in no way constitutes a 'violation' of free speech. The ACLJ is a rightwing legal entity advocating a social conservative agenda.

Well, it's true that the data polling company hired by the FCC " selected eight categories of “critical information." But here's where the RW lie begins. The study ASKS PEOPLE WHAT INFORMATION WITHIN THAT CATEGORY WAS IMPORTANT TO THEM. That is, the gummit isn't doing the deciding.

The study appears aimed at determining whether news outlets are reporting what people think is important, or whether news outlets are editing out information people might need.

Where the hiring of the company also does not constitute a 'violation' of free speech.

Indeed. There's actually no free speech involved. The FCC licenses a for profit entities means to disseminate information, and "horrors or all horrors" is actually trying to find out if the information people want is being disseminated to them.

What next? Free beer, I suppose.
True or not? Exaggerated or not? I'm pretty sure that the news we get in the US is filtered.
I'm going to use the pre-invasion of Iraq as an example.
Virtually every media sources was on the bandwagon to go to war with Iraq, even the New York Times was beating the war drums. Based on what the US press was telling us, I was all gung ho myself.
During that timeframe I was posting on The Atlantic Monthly forums. If one remembers back then, Europe in general wasn't jumping on any bandwagon to be part of the invasion. The Atlantic's regular posters had a good representation of European posters, there must of been a couple hundred active European posters.
In the US our press was feeding us information like Mohamed Atta (one of the hijackers) had met with representatives from Saddam's government in Prague, Saddam's purchase of aluminum tubes were evidence of Saddam's active nuclear program, Saddam had tried to by Yellow Cake from Nigeria.
Thanks to the European posters and their links to the top newspapers in Europe things were vastly different. Where as the European press revealed that the Czech government investigated the claim regarding Atta/Iraqi meeting and said it never happened. The aluminum tubes didn't meet the specifications to be involved in a nuclear program per the IAEA and the US's Department of Energy. The documents regarding the Yellow Cake were proved to be forgeries according to the Italian government.
In the US we didn't hear or see any of this information until the second guessing of invading Iraq started taking place.
In today's world, I wouldn't be surprises at all if our government was at it again, filtering/censoring the news that Americans trust.
True or not? Exaggerated or not? I'm pretty sure that the news we get in the US is filtered.
I'm going to use the pre-invasion of Iraq as an example.
Virtually every media sources was on the bandwagon to go to war with Iraq, even the New York Times was beating the war drums. Based on what the US press was telling us, I was all gung ho myself.
During that timeframe I was posting on The Atlantic Monthly forums. If one remembers back then, Europe in general wasn't jumping on any bandwagon to be part of the invasion. The Atlantic's regular posters had a good representation of European posters, there must of been a couple hundred active European posters.
In the US our press was feeding us information like Mohamed Atta (one of the hijackers) had met with representatives from Saddam's government in Prague, Saddam's purchase of aluminum tubes were evidence of Saddam's active nuclear program, Saddam had tried to by Yellow Cake from Nigeria.
Thanks to the European posters and their links to the top newspapers in Europe things were vastly different. Where as the European press revealed that the Czech government investigated the claim regarding Atta/Iraqi meeting and said it never happened. The aluminum tubes didn't meet the specifications to be involved in a nuclear program per the IAEA and the US's Department of Energy. The documents regarding the Yellow Cake were proved to be forgeries according to the Italian government.
In the US we didn't hear or see any of this information until the second guessing of invading Iraq started taking place.
In today's world, I wouldn't be surprises at all if our government was at it again, filtering/censoring the news that Americans trust.

Most of those lies were Administration Talking Points. They would leak a story to the press on Friday. Then when the paper publishes the story the officials can then talk about it on the Sunday shows and point the media as proof that it is true.

The truth was out there pre-war but not on any of the networks. The only guy who was telling it like it was got fired from MSNBC.
You must not have heard.

The survey says more than 55% of Dems regret voting for Obama.

Poll: Only 79% of Obama voters would vote for him again | WashingtonExaminer.com

You can stop supporting him now.

That 'poll' is totally bogus. Conducted by r-wing extremist losers.
actually the poll came from yougov. Try again.

Bogus poll! Doesn't even make sense. Poll by r-wing extremists for r-wing extremists consumption. Have some tea with that.
Throughout our History too many Brave Men And Women gave their lives to protect our precious freedoms.

Why is this Administration attempting to infringe upon the 1st Amendment of our Constitutional?
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do we just let FOX lie to people?

I was wrong. Rather than an extremist, you are better categorized as being blinded by your own sparkling fantasy.

You WANT so much for things to be a certain way you think that by aggressively advancing your fantasies and how you HOPE they are that they will magically become that way.

You will hopefully, one day, realize life doesn't work that way.

You have been lied to and led by liars and fantasists like yourself down a road and so far nothing has been powerful enough to disabuse you of your fantasies.

People play poker like that.

They think because they are one card shy of a royal straight flush they should bet all their remaining chips that the last card will just HAVE to be the card they need.

Well, it does happen SOMETIMES. But the likelihood of it happening is not worth going all in for.

You have been sold down the river.

And you will some day realize you've been played for a fool and have been trusting your belief with those who are just as misguided as you.

I don't hate you.

I pity you.

You are like a gambling addict who chooses wrong all the time.

Except that in this game you can go on losing for a very long time and someone will always be there to tell you that you are actually winning.

Ask your beautiful dog if I'm right.

That is just as valid a source of information as any you currently use.
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Throughout our History too many Brave Men And Women gave their lives to protect our precious freedoms.

Why is this Administration attempting to infringe upon the 1st Amendment of our Constitutional?

They're not.
Throughout our History too many Brave Men And Women gave their lives to protect our precious freedoms.

Why is this Administration attempting to infringe upon the 1st Amendment of our Constitutional?

Bloodless coup d'etat.

Like his father, who was a revolutionary against british colonialism Obama has adopted his Father's dreams and philosophies to wrest control of America from the RW and Conservatives so he can form a whole new nation where up is down and down is up. Nothing is as we have learned it is or was. he is creating a whole new nation without letting anyone know.

But we are going to have a new nation with a new everything.

America is becoming the Obama States of America.

Except the fact is MOST Americans regret voting for Obama.

That means we still have a chance to throw him out and stop his continuing to wrest the US from our control.

It ALSO means that if 71% of Obama's 2012 voters regret pulling his lever, then they are the mainstream of America. And those who still support him are extremists and zealots...Dead Enders like the fanatical followers of Saddam were called.

When you see any supporters still singing his praises, denounce them and let them know their opinions are marginalized by their support of him when the rest of America, the MAJORITY of Americans who voted for him are no longer on his wagon.
So does that mean the FCC wants to know if people want more information on Congressional or Senate Scandals or more on the Life of Beiber?
Throughout our History too many Brave Men And Women gave their lives to protect our precious freedoms.

Why is this Administration attempting to infringe upon the 1st Amendment of our Constitutional?

They're not.

MOST Americans regret voting for Obama.

That means we still have a chance to throw him out and stop his continuing to wrest the US from our control.

It ALSO means that if 71% of Obama's 2012 voters regret pulling his lever, then they are the mainstream of America. And those who still support him are extremists and zealots...Dead Enders like the fanatical followers of Saddam were called.

When you see any supporters still singing his praises, denounce them and let them know their opinions are marginalized by their support of him when the rest of America, the MAJORITY of Americans who voted for him are no longer on his wagon.

Your opinion is becoming more and more irrelevant in the minds of people who realize you are NOT part of the 71% who regret voting for Obama.

Only a fool or a zealot still supports him.

The majority have seen the light.

Apparently you cain't see shit.

You are a zealot, a fanatic. An extremist.
That 'poll' is totally bogus. Conducted by r-wing extremist losers.
actually the poll came from yougov. Try again.

Bogus poll! Doesn't even make sense. Poll by r-wing extremists for r-wing extremists consumption. Have some tea with that.

MOST Americans regret voting for Obama.

That means we still have a chance to throw him out and stop his continuing to wrest the US from our control.

It ALSO means that if 71% of Obama's 2012 voters regret pulling his lever, which means they are the mainstream of American liberal voters.

And those who still support him are extremists and zealots...Dead Enders like the fanatical followers of Saddam were called.

Like YOU!

When we see any supporters still singing his praises, we will denounce them and let them know their opinions are marginalized by their own support of him when the rest of America, the MAJORITY of Americans who voted for him, are no longer on his wagon.

kidrocks,your opinion is becoming more and more irrelevant in the minds of people who realize you are NOT part of the 71% who regret voting for Obama.

Only a fool or a zealot or a foreign agent posing as a sensible loyal American, still supports him.

The majority have seen the light.

You are a zealot, a fanatic or a mole.

Whatever you are, you are an extremist.
Throughout our History too many Brave Men And Women gave their lives to protect our precious freedoms.

Why is this Administration attempting to infringe upon the 1st Amendment of our Constitutional?

They're not.

MOST Americans regret voting for Obama.

That means we still have a chance to throw him out and stop his continuing to wrest the US from our control.

It ALSO means that if 71% of Obama's 2012 voters regret pulling his lever, then they are the mainstream of America. And those who still support him are extremists and zealots...Dead Enders like the fanatical followers of Saddam were called.

When you see any supporters still singing his praises, denounce them and let them know their opinions are marginalized by their support of him when the rest of America, the MAJORITY of Americans who voted for him are no longer on his wagon.

Your opinion is becoming more and more irrelevant in the minds of people who realize you are NOT part of the 71% who regret voting for Obama.

Only a fool or a zealot still supports him.

The majority have seen the light.

Apparently you cain't see shit.

You are a zealot, a fanatic. An extremist.

You do realize don't you that the same poll you're getting your 71% who regret voting for Obama also gives a number of 70% who regret voting for Romney right?

The whole premise of the OP is from inflammatory article written about an opinion piece. The FCC does not regulate Cable, or Newspapers. If it were making a move in that direction that would be real news.

Here's my answer to your attempted juvenile verbal bashing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k80nW6AOhTs]Jane you Ignorant slut - YouTube[/ame]
True or not? Exaggerated or not? I'm pretty sure that the news we get in the US is filtered.
I'm going to use the pre-invasion of Iraq as an example.
Virtually every media sources was on the bandwagon to go to war with Iraq, even the New York Times was beating the war drums. Based on what the US press was telling us, I was all gung ho myself.
During that timeframe I was posting on The Atlantic Monthly forums. If one remembers back then, Europe in general wasn't jumping on any bandwagon to be part of the invasion. The Atlantic's regular posters had a good representation of European posters, there must of been a couple hundred active European posters.
In the US our press was feeding us information like Mohamed Atta (one of the hijackers) had met with representatives from Saddam's government in Prague, Saddam's purchase of aluminum tubes were evidence of Saddam's active nuclear program, Saddam had tried to by Yellow Cake from Nigeria.
Thanks to the European posters and their links to the top newspapers in Europe things were vastly different. Where as the European press revealed that the Czech government investigated the claim regarding Atta/Iraqi meeting and said it never happened. The aluminum tubes didn't meet the specifications to be involved in a nuclear program per the IAEA and the US's Department of Energy. The documents regarding the Yellow Cake were proved to be forgeries according to the Italian government.
In the US we didn't hear or see any of this information until the second guessing of invading Iraq started taking place.
In today's world, I wouldn't be surprises at all if our government was at it again, filtering/censoring the news that Americans trust.

Most of those lies were Administration Talking Points. They would leak a story to the press on Friday. Then when the paper publishes the story the officials can then talk about it on the Sunday shows and point the media as proof that it is true.

The truth was out there pre-war but not on any of the networks. The only guy who was telling it like it was got fired from MSNBC.

The ass hole whose name dare not be spoken???



You are proving how little we should regard your posts.

You adore Obama and you worship at the feet of the guy that was too far radical for even MSNBC!!!


You reduce the stock price of your offering every time you post.

Better to say nothing and wait until you can blend your tripe in with the mainstream noise of the crowd.

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They're not.

MOST Americans regret voting for Obama.

That means we still have a chance to throw him out and stop his continuing to wrest the US from our control.

It ALSO means that if 71% of Obama's 2012 voters regret pulling his lever, then they are the mainstream of America. And those who still support him are extremists and zealots...Dead Enders like the fanatical followers of Saddam were called.

When you see any supporters still singing his praises, denounce them and let them know their opinions are marginalized by their support of him when the rest of America, the MAJORITY of Americans who voted for him are no longer on his wagon.

Your opinion is becoming more and more irrelevant in the minds of people who realize you are NOT part of the 71% who regret voting for Obama.

Only a fool or a zealot still supports him.

The majority have seen the light.

Apparently you cain't see shit.

You are a zealot, a fanatic. An extremist.

You do realize don't you that the same poll you're getting your 71% who regret voting for Obama also gives a number of 70% who regret voting for Romney right?

The whole premise of the OP is from inflammatory article written about an opinion piece. The FCC does not regulate Cable, or Newspapers. If it were making a move in that direction that would be real news.

Here's my answer to your attempted juvenile verbal bashing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k80nW6AOhTs]Jane you Ignorant slut - YouTube[/ame]

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The left sees government minders in newsrooms a really good thing.

The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media.
Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the Tea Party complained that it was being targeted by the IRS), this bombshell of an accusation comes from an actual FCC Commissioner.
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai reveals a brand new Obama Administration program that he fears could be used in “pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.”

In fact, the FCC is now expanding the bounds of regulatory powers to include newspapers, which it has absolutely no authority over, in its new government monitoring program.
The FCC has apparently already selected eight categories of “critical information” “that it believes local newscasters should cover.”
That’s right, the Obama Administration has developed a formula of what it believes the free press should cover, and it is going to send government monitors into newsrooms across America to stand over the shoulders of the press as they make editorial decisions.

For the life of me I can't imagine why the Obama administration would need such a device. The media consists of far more than just a few broadcast stations so the task would be so gargantuan as to be impossible. And the mainstream press has been flagellating him since before he was in office. He has nothing to gain from this. Nothing.

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