We just lost freedom of the press

Government Monitors in Newsrooms? | Free Speech, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ
Your link didn't work for me, but I found it in the one above.

Unbelievable, yet then again , no its not with this administration,

Is it any wonder that the U.S. now ranks 46th in the world for freedom of the press? Reporters Without Boarders called America’s precipitous drop of 13 places in its recent global rankings “one of the most significant declines” in freedom of the press in the world.

this decline is due to the trashing of the fairness act.

its a great way to PROVE we need it back
the article still pretends that the IRS only targeted right wing groups.

The right cant tell what a fact is.

They are so brain washed by Fox and Rush they prove we need the fairness act back
This is so bizarre.

I just scanned the news and there is NOTHING ...nothing at all to suggest this has happened. er, I have seen events which were reported on message boards before they hit the MSM.

Maybe it is bogus.
This is so bizarre.

I just scanned the news and there is NOTHING ...nothing at all to suggest this has happened. er, I have seen events which were reported on message boards before they hit the MSM.

Maybe it is bogus.

Yes, I too wasted ten minutes of my life on that bs.
never never take the word of someone on the right.

They lie and cheat non stop
NOW is when those billion rounds of ammo and Mrap armored personnel carriers come in handy.

First they came for the Tea Party but I did nothing because I was not a Tea Partier.

Then they came for the News Media but I didn't care because I put Obama before my own freedom.
It may get bloodier than this but it don't get no more serious than this.

Our freedoms are predicated on a free press.

This is war, folks.

Tears are in my eyes as I say it.

But I'm afraid it is true.

Venezuela and Ukraine rioting in the streets were like cues I guess to Obama to unleash this.

You have no more room for debate.

This is it.

Bring it on you r-wing extremist fascist creeps! We're locked and loaded and ready for you too! :razz:
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the article still pretends that the IRS only targeted right wing groups.

The right cant tell what a fact is.

They are so brain washed by Fox and Rush they prove we need the fairness act back

and you still deny that the IRS apologized for unfairly targeting conservative groups

you don't facts or truth
This is so bizarre.

I just scanned the news and there is NOTHING ...nothing at all to suggest this has happened. er, I have seen events which were reported on message boards before they hit the MSM.

Maybe it is bogus.

Saw it on fox this morning.

I'm wondering if too many Americans are locked into the talking habit when the time comes for a need to take action.

Consider this TV ad.

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