We’ll Be There for Folks of ‘Monroe, Oklahoma’

Weren't there like 5 threads by these wing nuts saying that they didn't want to politicize the disaster? They really can't help themselves...

No, leftists just can't help themselves. Sen. Sheldon Shithouse (D-RI), immediately blamed the tornadoes in OK on Republicans and used it as a platform to attack them and anyone else not duped by the global warming scam as being "deniars". These mentally ill people use deniars to underhandedly try and put those who don't believe in man made global warming in the same category as holocaust deniers.

Everything is always politics with the left, and with the tornadoes the first thing the left was thinking, never let a good crisis go to waste..and politicize it, and Sheldon Shithouse is documented proof of it. But hey, the end justifies the means.

Democratic Senator Blames Republicans for Oklahoma Tornadoes | LifeNews.com

I was talking about the message board. You guys really can't help yourself when it comes to attacking those who aren't like you; it's a reflex.

Pot, meet kettle. It is most ironic you villify those who disagree with you for attacking those that aren't like them, yet you call Stephanie and like minded people idiots, you call LoveBear a bitch and you call The Rabbi a f-stain and there were more attacks from you as well. How leftist of you, thinking only your side can attack those not like you, but oh my.....anyone not like you who dares to attack your side is worse than Hitler. You are just a typical left-wing rump swab with a fragile eggshell mind.

As for climate change...gee, what do you think happens to the pollution we churn into the atmosphere there bub....God opens a window and lets it into outer space?

Typical leftist sheep response based on emotion as opposed to fact. You must be talking about CO2 emissions, yeah the CO2...so bad that greenhouses increase the amount of CO2 three to four times to increase to plant growth. Man caused global warming is a hoax. In the 1970s it was global cooling and New York was going to be under water. Now it's warming. Yeah, whatev...

Your fraud Al Gore has been challenged by Brian Sussman and Christopher Monckton to debate global warming, and Aljazeera Gore is too chicken to debate them because he knows he will be forever humiliated.

Hang around until July or August, your sheep herder Al Gore should be screaming global warming again and then you can bleat right along with him. Mmmmbaaahahahahahah!
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