We’ll Be There for Folks of ‘Monroe, Oklahoma’

These types of threads are confusing. Does this mean Bush's verbal faux pas prove he's stupid and Obama's prove that he's stupid too? Or does it show that intelligent people misspeak on occasion? I can't believe this has been posted to show Obama is stupid but Bush is intelligent. That would be downright hypocritical.

It means that leftists are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet. When Bush did it it meant he was unfit for office. When Obama does it it's no biggie.

And when Bush did it , it was no biggie to those on the right. Now it's cause for an apoplectic fit when Obama does it. Got it
These types of threads are confusing. Does this mean Bush's verbal faux pas prove he's stupid and Obama's prove that he's stupid too? Or does it show that intelligent people misspeak on occasion? I can't believe this has been posted to show Obama is stupid but Bush is intelligent. That would be downright hypocritical.

It means that leftists are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet. When Bush did it it meant he was unfit for office. When Obama does it it's no biggie.

And when Bush did it , it was no biggie to those on the right. Now it's cause for an apoplectic fit when Obama does it. Got it

Yeah. Sure.
Weren't there like 5 threads by these wing nuts saying that they didn't want to politicize the disaster? They really can't help themselves...

No one is politicizing the disaster...we're politicizing the fact that our president is an idiot.
Weren't there like 5 threads by these wing nuts saying that they didn't want to politicize the disaster? They really can't help themselves...

No, leftists just can't help themselves. Sen. Sheldon Shithouse (D-RI), immediately blamed the tornadoes in OK on Republicans and used it as a platform to attack them and anyone else not duped by the global warming scam as being "deniars". These mentally ill people use deniars to underhandedly try and put those who don't believe in man made global warming in the same category as holocaust deniers.

Everything is always politics with the left, and with the tornadoes the first thing the left was thinking, never let a good crisis go to waste..and politicize it, and Sheldon Shithouse is documented proof of it. But hey, the end justifies the means.

Democratic Senator Blames Republicans for Oklahoma Tornadoes | LifeNews.com
These types of threads are confusing. Does this mean Bush's verbal faux pas prove he's stupid and Obama's prove that he's stupid too? Or does it show that intelligent people misspeak on occasion? I can't believe this has been posted to show Obama is stupid but Bush is intelligent. That would be downright hypocritical.

It means that leftists are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet. When Bush did it it meant he was unfit for office. When Obama does it it's no biggie.

And when Bush did it , it was no biggie to those on the right. Now it's cause for an apoplectic fit when Obama does it. Got it
Tell Me, when will you guys start the 50 or so threads about Obama not showing up to the Moore, OK disaster until a week later?

You know, like you did when Bush didn't show up for Katrina for a week?
President Obama said the government would be there for the “folks in Monroe, Oklahoma after the devastation of last week” during his address on the Jersey Shore Tuesday afternoon, making him the second Democrat Tuesday to call Moore, the city crushed by a tornado May 20, by the same incorrect name.

Obama: We?ll Be There for Folks of ?Monroe, Oklahoma? | Washington Free Beacon

The man is an idiot.

Simple mistake. Much like my grandmother did I get my own kids names mixed up when they get me flustered.
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Weren't there like 5 threads by these wing nuts saying that they didn't want to politicize the disaster? They really can't help themselves...

No, leftists just can't help themselves. Sen. Sheldon Shithouse (D-RI), immediately blamed the tornadoes in OK on Republicans and used it as a platform to attack them and anyone else not duped by the global warming scam as being "deniars". These mentally ill people use deniars to underhandedly try and put those who don't believe in man made global warming in the same category as holocaust deniers.

Everything is always politics with the left, and with the tornadoes the first thing the left was thinking, never let a good crisis go to waste..and politicize it, and Sheldon Shithouse is documented proof of it. But hey, the end justifies the means.

Democratic Senator Blames Republicans for Oklahoma Tornadoes | LifeNews.com

I was talking about the message board. You guys really can't help yourself when it comes to attacking those who aren't like you; it's a reflex.

As for climate change...gee, what do you think happens to the pollution we churn into the atmosphere there bub....God opens a window and lets it into outer space?
Weren't there like 5 threads by these wing nuts saying that they didn't want to politicize the disaster? They really can't help themselves...

No, leftists just can't help themselves. Sen. Sheldon Shithouse (D-RI), immediately blamed the tornadoes in OK on Republicans and used it as a platform to attack them and anyone else not duped by the global warming scam as being "deniars". These mentally ill people use deniars to underhandedly try and put those who don't believe in man made global warming in the same category as holocaust deniers.

Everything is always politics with the left, and with the tornadoes the first thing the left was thinking, never let a good crisis go to waste..and politicize it, and Sheldon Shithouse is documented proof of it. But hey, the end justifies the means.

Democratic Senator Blames Republicans for Oklahoma Tornadoes | LifeNews.com

I was talking about the message board. You guys really can't help yourself when it comes to attacking those who aren't like you; it's a reflex.

As for climate change...gee, what do you think happens to the pollution we churn into the atmosphere there bub....God opens a window and lets it into outer space?

wth? for those who aren't like you?
these people have control over OUR LIVES..I'll be damned if I shut about how they treat us and I notice you didn't dump on the democrat who blamed Republicans for the Ok tornado
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Weren't there like 5 threads by these wing nuts saying that they didn't want to politicize the disaster? They really can't help themselves...

No, leftists just can't help themselves. Sen. Sheldon Shithouse (D-RI), immediately blamed the tornadoes in OK on Republicans and used it as a platform to attack them and anyone else not duped by the global warming scam as being "deniars". These mentally ill people use deniars to underhandedly try and put those who don't believe in man made global warming in the same category as holocaust deniers.

Everything is always politics with the left, and with the tornadoes the first thing the left was thinking, never let a good crisis go to waste..and politicize it, and Sheldon Shithouse is documented proof of it. But hey, the end justifies the means.

Democratic Senator Blames Republicans for Oklahoma Tornadoes | LifeNews.com

I was talking about the message board. You guys really can't help yourself when it comes to attacking those who aren't like you; it's a reflex.

As for climate change...gee, what do you think happens to the pollution we churn into the atmosphere there bub....God opens a window and lets it into outer space?

Another simplistic view of the ecology. No wonder libs are easily duped.
Aw, c'mon, guys... Fearless Leader had a Brain Fart... it's not the end of the world.

Has he (or his press guy) said anything about it yet, as a correction or 'whoops' -caliber apology?

If I had a quarter for every Major Brain Fart that I've had in-public in my life, I'd at least have round-trip bus-fare back-and-forth once across town.

I'm not exactly a big fan of Mister Hopey-Changey myself, but this seems like another circus flea, and I'm not gonna bust his chops about it.

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