We need a real President again


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
To the younger generation, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to come of age in the USA with arguably the worst, most un-American POTUS in our history.

All Obama cared about was trampling our liberties and putting the state in charge of your every decision. Having fun in this Obama economy? His domestic policy gives us an economy that is asleep; his foreign policy has left the Middle East in shambles. Our people were murdered in Benghazi, he blamed a video. He removed the leadership of Egypt and Libya and replaced them with chaos. He said that use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "red line" and now he's waffling, trying to fit everyone with his Obama Context Filter and only ends up looking like a weak leader.

We had a real leaders, real men as President in this country; men who risked their lives in honor and defense of this nation, men who were not afraid to take a stand for what they believed, for Liberty, for justice, instead we have a weasel. A weasel who revels in bringing our economy down with our world standing.

There was a time when the Russian empire trembled before the will of a US President, now they call our SecState a liar and they have told us they have a red line we shouldn't cross

I can't imagine Ronald Reagan saying, "oh it was Congress that said to "tear down this wall'"

I'm sorry that you grew up under this "leadership" we can and will do better
"I didn't draw the red line. My credibility isn't on the line. Its americas and congress fault."


The manner in which he consistently walks back-and-forth, his statements and opinions, can't help but give the accurate impression to the electorate and the world that our boi, Barry, is one incompetent president. I mean is there anyone really, that thinks Barry wants this, "intervention" which we all know as war? No, he doesn't want this war. He wants to set up Congress to make the decision and take the fall.

What does Obama really want Congress to do?

If Congress votes 'no,' Obama can wag his finger at them and lament that he wanted to do something to punish Assad for using chemical weapons, but that those mean nasty Republicans wouldn't let him, and preferred to let Assad get away scot-free. He'll say this no matter what the vote is; he always blames Republicans. Then the issue of Syria goes away, at least until Assad does something even more horrible. This scenario may look appealing to a president currently running as fast as he can from his own 'red line' pledge.

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"I didn't draw the red line. My credibility isn't on the line. Its americas and congress fault."


The manner in which he consistently walks back-and-forth, his statements and opinions, can't help but give the accurate impression to the electorate and the world that our boi, Barry, is one incompetent president. I mean is there anyone really, that thinks Barry wants this, "intervention" which we all know as war? No, he doesn't want this war. He wants to set up Congress to make the decision and take the fall.

What does Obama really want Congress to do?

If Congress votes 'no,' Obama can wag his finger at them and lament that he wanted to do something to punish Assad for using chemical weapons, but that those mean nasty Republicans wouldn't let him, and preferred to let Assad get away scot-free. He'll say this no matter what the vote is; he always blames Republicans. Then the issue of Syria goes away, at least until Assad does something even more horrible. This scenario may look appealing to a president currently running as fast as he can from his own 'red line' pledge.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEg8XFRc-Lc]Obama's Blurred Red Line - YouTube[/ame]



His credibility is not at stake and that is not a waffle it's a cake.

The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

You lost the Presidency again, lost the senate again, and lost the House popular vote but held onto it by the skin of your teeth due to gerrymandering. Could it be any worse for you people?
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"I didn't draw the red line. My credibility isn't on the line. Its americas and congress fault."


The manner in which he consistently walks back-and-forth, his statements and opinions, can't help but give the accurate impression to the electorate and the world that our boi, Barry, is one incompetent president. I mean is there anyone really, that thinks Barry wants this, "intervention" which we all know as war? No, he doesn't want this war. He wants to set up Congress to make the decision and take the fall.

What does Obama really want Congress to do?

If Congress votes 'no,' Obama can wag his finger at them and lament that he wanted to do something to punish Assad for using chemical weapons, but that those mean nasty Republicans wouldn't let him, and preferred to let Assad get away scot-free. He'll say this no matter what the vote is; he always blames Republicans. Then the issue of Syria goes away, at least until Assad does something even more horrible. This scenario may look appealing to a president currently running as fast as he can from his own 'red line' pledge.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEg8XFRc-Lc]Obama's Blurred Red Line - YouTube[/ame]



His credibility is not at stake and that is not a waffle it's a cake.


Like the ones at the state fairs?
This proposed military action is solely about Obama trying to save face. I could give two shits about Syria.
The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

1. Abortion is bad! M'kay.

2. Homosexuals are bad! M'kay.
The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

Obama suck-holed as many wealthy and corporate fat cats as he could get his lips on, correct.
I agree, we have had one since Cleveland.

Kennedy and Reagan were both tough gutsy Presidents.

Reagan was a traitor that made illegal arms deals with muslim extremists, not to mention created the taliban. That's why the right wingers worship him like a god.

Not to mention;
Illegal arms trades with Iran.
Training of Central American death squads.
But you know, they were hoping they would immigrate to the USA and vote republican.

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