We need a real President again

The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

Obama suck-holed as many wealthy and corporate fat cats as he could get his lips on, correct.

name me one politician that doesn't.
The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

Obama suck-holed as many wealthy and corporate fat cats as he could get his lips on, correct.

r u a proponent of public financing of campaigns? then eat a big bowl of stfu. They have to because of repubs pushing the watering down of the BCRA (look it up if you don't know what it means) and pushing Citizens United. Don't blame us.
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The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

Obama suck-holed as many wealthy and corporate fat cats as he could get his lips on, correct.

name me one politician that doesn't.

That's not the point. Democrats profess to stand for the poor and middle-class then play act that their not beholding to wealthy individuals, corporations and wall street fat cats. Yet there they are, suck-holing like ugly street whores.
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The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

Obama suck-holed as many wealthy and corporate fat cats as he could get his lips on, correct.

r u a proponent of public financing of campaigns? then eat a big bowl of stfu. They have to because of repubs pushing the watering down of the BCRA (look it up if you don't know what it means) and pushing Citizens United. Don't blame us.

You seem troubled, confused and not much on culinary delights..:lol:
I agree, we have had one since Cleveland.

Kennedy and Reagan were both tough gutsy Presidents.

Reagan was a traitor that made illegal arms deals with muslim extremists, not to mention created the taliban. That's why the right wingers worship him like a god.
O?Donnell: Reagan let Saddam buy? and use?chemical weapons ? MSNBC

Though Ronald Reagan is often touted as a conservative hero, many Republicans have a selective memory about his actual record. Reaganites who object to tax increases of any kind, for example, seem to forget that the man himself actually raised taxes 11 times while in office.
The latest politician to misremember Reagan’s record is Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, who invoked the former president Thursday on Fox News concerning the Syria debate.
“We have said as a responsible nation that the use of chemical weapons is prohibited,” Ros-Lehtinen said. ”It is against the norms of international standards and to let something like this go unanswered, I think will weaken our resolve. I know that President Reagan would have never let this happen.”
Except that Ronald Reagan let exactly that happen, repeatedly, when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons in the 1980s. But there’s more.
To the younger generation, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to come of age in the USA with arguably the worst, most un-American POTUS in our history.

All Obama cared about was trampling our liberties and putting the state in charge of your every decision. Having fun in this Obama economy? His domestic policy gives us an economy that is asleep; his foreign policy has left the Middle East in shambles. Our people were murdered in Benghazi, he blamed a video. He removed the leadership of Egypt and Libya and replaced them with chaos. He said that use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "red line" and now he's waffling, trying to fit everyone with his Obama Context Filter and only ends up looking like a weak leader.

We had a real leaders, real men as President in this country; men who risked their lives in honor and defense of this nation, men who were not afraid to take a stand for what they believed, for Liberty, for justice, instead we have a weasel. A weasel who revels in bringing our economy down with our world standing.

There was a time when the Russian empire trembled before the will of a US President, now they call our SecState a liar and they have told us they have a red line we shouldn't cross

I can't imagine Ronald Reagan saying, "oh it was Congress that said to "tear down this wall'"

I'm sorry that you grew up under this "leadership" we can and will do better

Isn't Affirmative Action great? The only reason he was ever President is because of his skin color. If he was white he would be John Edwards.

The reality is that even after being in office for years, Obama is still unqualified to be President. He reminds me of certain government employees I've worked with over the years: people that sit in their chair for eight hours a day and don't do shit. Totally worthless people that everyone else avoids and other people just pick up the slack. But hey, those people bring "diversity" to the team. Unfortunately with the President there is no one to really pick up the slack, and we've seen the results.
Kennedy and Reagan were both tough gutsy Presidents.

Reagan was a traitor that made illegal arms deals with muslim extremists, not to mention created the taliban. That's why the right wingers worship him like a god.
O?Donnell: Reagan let Saddam buy? and use?chemical weapons ? MSNBC

Though Ronald Reagan is often touted as a conservative hero, many Republicans have a selective memory about his actual record. Reaganites who object to tax increases of any kind, for example, seem to forget that the man himself actually raised taxes 11 times while in office.
The latest politician to misremember Reagan’s record is Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, who invoked the former president Thursday on Fox News concerning the Syria debate.
“We have said as a responsible nation that the use of chemical weapons is prohibited,” Ros-Lehtinen said. ”It is against the norms of international standards and to let something like this go unanswered, I think will weaken our resolve. I know that President Reagan would have never let this happen.”
Except that Ronald Reagan let exactly that happen, repeatedly, when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons in the 1980s. But there’s more.

This is the best arguement you have? That Saddam used chemical weapons in the 80's and Reagan did not go to war over it? It hasn't even been proven that Assad used chemical weapons, all indications are that the rebels used it...you know, Obama's "allies".

You people are reaching. You'll do and say anything to make excuses for Obama.
To the younger generation, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to come of age in the USA with arguably the worst, most un-American POTUS in our history.

All Obama cared about was trampling our liberties and putting the state in charge of your every decision. Having fun in this Obama economy? His domestic policy gives us an economy that is asleep; his foreign policy has left the Middle East in shambles. Our people were murdered in Benghazi, he blamed a video. He removed the leadership of Egypt and Libya and replaced them with chaos. He said that use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "red line" and now he's waffling, trying to fit everyone with his Obama Context Filter and only ends up looking like a weak leader.

We had a real leaders, real men as President in this country; men who risked their lives in honor and defense of this nation, men who were not afraid to take a stand for what they believed, for Liberty, for justice, instead we have a weasel. A weasel who revels in bringing our economy down with our world standing.

There was a time when the Russian empire trembled before the will of a US President, now they call our SecState a liar and they have told us they have a red line we shouldn't cross

I can't imagine Ronald Reagan saying, "oh it was Congress that said to "tear down this wall'"

I'm sorry that you grew up under this "leadership" we can and will do better

Isn't Affirmative Action great? The only reason he was ever President is because of his skin color. If he was white he would be John Edwards.

The reality is that even after being in office for years, Obama is still unqualified to be President. He reminds me of certain government employees I've worked with over the years: people that sit in their chair for eight hours a day and don't do shit. Totally worthless people that everyone else avoids and other people just pick up the slack. But hey, those people bring "diversity" to the team. Unfortunately with the President there is no one to really pick up the slack, and we've seen the results.

While I'm no big fan of Obama, he's doing a much better job than Bush did. Now that doesn't mean that much because Bush was so awful, but still a better job than aweful. If Bush were still president we'd now have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Thankfully Obama seems to not be that dumb. So far I'm very glad Obama has not moved on Syria.
To the younger generation, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to come of age in the USA with arguably the worst, most un-American POTUS in our history.

All Obama cared about was trampling our liberties and putting the state in charge of your every decision. Having fun in this Obama economy? His domestic policy gives us an economy that is asleep; his foreign policy has left the Middle East in shambles. Our people were murdered in Benghazi, he blamed a video. He removed the leadership of Egypt and Libya and replaced them with chaos. He said that use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "red line" and now he's waffling, trying to fit everyone with his Obama Context Filter and only ends up looking like a weak leader.

We had a real leaders, real men as President in this country; men who risked their lives in honor and defense of this nation, men who were not afraid to take a stand for what they believed, for Liberty, for justice, instead we have a weasel. A weasel who revels in bringing our economy down with our world standing.

There was a time when the Russian empire trembled before the will of a US President, now they call our SecState a liar and they have told us they have a red line we shouldn't cross

I can't imagine Ronald Reagan saying, "oh it was Congress that said to "tear down this wall'"

I'm sorry that you grew up under this "leadership" we can and will do better

Isn't Affirmative Action great? The only reason he was ever President is because of his skin color. If he was white he would be John Edwards.

The reality is that even after being in office for years, Obama is still unqualified to be President. He reminds me of certain government employees I've worked with over the years: people that sit in their chair for eight hours a day and don't do shit. Totally worthless people that everyone else avoids and other people just pick up the slack. But hey, those people bring "diversity" to the team. Unfortunately with the President there is no one to really pick up the slack, and we've seen the results.

While I'm no big fan of Obama, he's doing a much better job than Bush did. Now that doesn't mean that much because Bush was so awful, but still a better job than aweful. If Bush were still president we'd now have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Thankfully Obama seems to not be that dumb. So far I'm very glad Obama has not moved on Syria.

Bush negotiated and signed the status of forces agreement that Obama used to leave Iraq. If you haven't noticed,
Obama tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and there have been more US troops killed on his 5 1/2 years than were on Bush's 8 years.
Obama is the one that said "Kadhafi must go." and provided air power to depose him. Bush got Kadhafi to abandon his nuclear bomb program. If only Obama could do the same with Iran.
And, Obama plans to move on Syria as soon as he can find someone to blame.
We can start by executing the entire Obama Regime for Treason for aiding and abetting Al Qaeda. Should solve the problem.

i agree, but after a public trial by the CITIZENS of America, plus you can add to that a few RINO's :up:

Well, there you have it, folks. The Teabagger credo. If you don't thrust your arm out and sieg heil with enough enthusiasm, you are toast.
Reagan was a traitor that made illegal arms deals with muslim extremists, not to mention created the taliban. That's why the right wingers worship him like a god.
O?Donnell: Reagan let Saddam buy? and use?chemical weapons ? MSNBC

Though Ronald Reagan is often touted as a conservative hero, many Republicans have a selective memory about his actual record. Reaganites who object to tax increases of any kind, for example, seem to forget that the man himself actually raised taxes 11 times while in office.
The latest politician to misremember Reagan’s record is Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, who invoked the former president Thursday on Fox News concerning the Syria debate.
“We have said as a responsible nation that the use of chemical weapons is prohibited,” Ros-Lehtinen said. ”It is against the norms of international standards and to let something like this go unanswered, I think will weaken our resolve. I know that President Reagan would have never let this happen.”
Except that Ronald Reagan let exactly that happen, repeatedly, when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons in the 1980s. But there’s more.

This is the best arguement you have? That Saddam used chemical weapons in the 80's and Reagan did not go to war over it? It hasn't even been proven that Assad used chemical weapons, all indications are that the rebels used it...you know, Obama's "allies".

You people are reaching. You'll do and say anything to make excuses for Obama.
Reagan sold chemical weapons to Saddam. He was well aware that Saddam was using them.
O?Donnell: Reagan let Saddam buy? and use?chemical weapons ? MSNBC

“We have said as a responsible nation that the use of chemical weapons is prohibited,” Ros-Lehtinen said. ”It is against the norms of international standards and to let something like this go unanswered, I think will weaken our resolve. I know that President Reagan would have never let this happen.”
Except that Ronald Reagan let exactly that happen, repeatedly, when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons in the 1980s. But there’s more.
“Ronald Reagan didn’t just look the other way when Saddam used chemical weapons–he sold the stuff to Saddam,” said MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell in his Rewrite segment on Thursday. “The President of the United States was Saddam Hussein’s drug dealer.”
O’Donnell cited a 2002 Washington Post article by Michael Dodd that found “the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous items that had both military and civilian applications, including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague.”
As is widely reported, Hussein used these chemical weapons against Iranians in the Iran-Iraq war.
After the 1991 Gulf War, U.N. inspectors “compiled long lists of chemicals, missile components, and computers from American suppliers, including such household names as Union Carbide and Honeywell, which were being used for military purposes” in Iraq.
So it’s hard to understand where Rep. Ros-Lehtinen is coming from when she said, “We have to think like President Reagan would do and he would say chemical use is unacceptable.”
“That is what the mythical Ronald Reagan would say,” rebuked O’Donnell. “But the real Ronald Reagan said nothing when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons, chemical weapons that the real Ronald Reagan actually helped him obtain.”
Isn't Affirmative Action great? The only reason he was ever President is because of his skin color. If he was white he would be John Edwards.

The reality is that even after being in office for years, Obama is still unqualified to be President. He reminds me of certain government employees I've worked with over the years: people that sit in their chair for eight hours a day and don't do shit. Totally worthless people that everyone else avoids and other people just pick up the slack. But hey, those people bring "diversity" to the team. Unfortunately with the President there is no one to really pick up the slack, and we've seen the results.

While I'm no big fan of Obama, he's doing a much better job than Bush did. Now that doesn't mean that much because Bush was so awful, but still a better job than aweful. If Bush were still president we'd now have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Thankfully Obama seems to not be that dumb. So far I'm very glad Obama has not moved on Syria.

Bush negotiated and signed the status of forces agreement that Obama used to leave Iraq. If you haven't noticed,
Obama tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and there have been more US troops killed on his 5 1/2 years than were on Bush's 8 years.
Obama is the one that said "Kadhafi must go." and provided air power to depose him. Bush got Kadhafi to abandon his nuclear bomb program. If only Obama could do the same with Iran.
And, Obama plans to move on Syria as soon as he can find someone to blame.

Afghanistan and Iraq should have been done before Obama took office. Instead Bush handed Obama 2 wars. Has that ever been done before?

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