We need a real President again

We need an entirely new regime. One willing to arrest the entirety of this regime.

Let's start with Nixon/Agnew and work our way to the present. Why we could dig up their corpses and hang them.

Katzndogz & foxFyre are UESMB's :up: resident rw hyperbole queens :lol: Also, notice how she's mum on "W" and his willful negligence/crime spree/looting of the treasury to pay defense contractors & Big Pharma from 2000-2008 :eusa_whistle: Remember "Kenny Boy" at Enron Katzndogz?

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Good lord......Progressives you are all pathetic. NONE of you can be honest about this president. His policies are yours. They fail. Yet instead of owning up to it you lie and blame others....I use to liken progressives to children . They are worse Children can learn from their mistakes they are like sociopaths with narcissistic tendencies.

Obama is the most incompetent president ever. He is proof that professors teach instead of do for a reason.
We can start by executing the entire Obama Regime for Treason for aiding and abetting Al Qaeda. Should solve the problem.

who do you think trained their leadership asswipe? :eusa_eh: Reagan (R) armed & trained the mujhadeen, the remnants of which formed Al Qaeda. Read some history before you vomit forth that nonsense that you always seem to do :thup:
We can start by executing the entire Obama Regime for Treason for aiding and abetting Al Qaeda. Should solve the problem.

who do you think trained their leadership asswipe? :eusa_eh: Reagan (R) armed & trained the mujhadeen, the remnants of which formed Al Qaeda. Read some history before you vomit forth that nonsense that you always seem to do :thup:

Fist off they are not mujahedin. Second nothing you said has anything to do with the failure of Obama's appeasement foreign policy.
We can start by executing the entire Obama Regime for Treason for aiding and abetting Al Qaeda. Should solve the problem.

who do you think trained their leadership asswipe? :eusa_eh: Reagan (R) armed & trained the mujhadeen, the remnants of which formed Al Qaeda. Read some history before you vomit forth that nonsense that you always seem to do :thup:

you say that Reagan's policies were all wrong, but you praise obama for doing the same things? are you totally :cuckoo: ?
The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

You lost the Presidency again, lost the senate again, and lost the House popular vote but held onto it by the skin of your teeth due to gerrymandering. Could it be any worse for you people?

And, he would be elected again if not for term limits.

This board is very heavily loaded with radical far right nutters. Most of the US does not "think" the way this bunch does.

They'll lose again next time too.

And, thank gawd for that!
The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

You lost the Presidency again, lost the senate again, and lost the House popular vote but held onto it by the skin of your teeth due to gerrymandering. Could it be any worse for you people?

And, he would be elected again if not for term limits.

This board is very heavily loaded with radical far right nutters. Most of the US does not "think" the way this bunch does.

They'll lose again next time too.

And, thank gawd for that!

Thats the "catch" ;) Repubs have no viable Presidential candidates :( :boohoo:
The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

You lost the Presidency again, lost the senate again, and lost the House popular vote but held onto it by the skin of your teeth due to gerrymandering. Could it be any worse for you people?

And, he would be elected again if not for term limits.

This board is very heavily loaded with radical far right nutters. Most of the US does not "think" the way this bunch does.

They'll lose again next time too.

And, thank gawd for that!

why not just make him king for life and put a shrine in the center of every city where you can go an worship him?

It is amazing how you guys can ignore all of his failures and incompetence. Now you who oppose war are drooling for more blood letting in the mid east.

Liberalism is truly a mental disease, one only needs to monitor a few of the libs on this board to verify that.
The people havs spoken TWICE & the Righties here are STILL baffled :dunno: You people & your party have the same two tired old ideas :yawn: The same two ideas that you've had for the last 40 years and the people aren't buying your invisible hand, pixie dust that just turns out to be welfare for the rich.

You lost the Presidency again, lost the senate again, and lost the House popular vote but held onto it by the skin of your teeth due to gerrymandering. Could it be any worse for you people?

And, he would be elected again if not for term limits.

This board is very heavily loaded with radical far right nutters. Most of the US does not "think" the way this bunch does.

They'll lose again next time too.

And, thank gawd for that!

Thats the "catch" ;) Repubs have no viable Presidential candidates :( :boohoo:

and who do you have? Hillybilly the screaming banshee? the old dried up hag who watched while bubba got BJ's in the oval office and failed to save americans in Benghazi?

I really hope you run her. I can't wait for the GOP ads showing her screaming and doing her fake black accent.
First, most of the American people do not want a "real president" they just want their political party's candidate to win. Fortunately our political parties tell us the characteristics that make a "real president" and strangely enough they match the candidate they're running to a tee.
But suppose the parties did not tell us what makes a real president and we had to figure it out on our very own, what would be the factors that make a great president? Do we have any idea?
First, most of the American people do not want a "real president" they just want their political party's candidate to win. Fortunately our political parties tell us the characteristics that make a "real president" and strangely enough they match the candidate they're running to a tee.
But suppose the parties did not tell us what makes a real president and we had to figure it out on our very own, what would be the factors that make a great president? Do we have any idea?

Number One characteristic--------honesty.
This is an interesting thread.

You can tell how desperate the Liberals are by how often they pound Bush--almost 5 years since he has been gone. One desperate leftist ghoul has even gone back and dug Reagan up.

There are regular claims on this board that "Liberalism is a mental disease" and that is not just an epithet, it is because many of us believe it is true. We see, we read, and we are baffled by, good evidence of phycopathology based in guilt, jealousy, and a grossly misguided sense of superiority.

Obama sucks. That is the proposition.

I think you Socialists should defend you man or admit he is wrong and likely a fool.
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To the younger generation, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to come of age in the USA with arguably the worst, most un-American POTUS in our history.

All Obama cared about was trampling our liberties and putting the state in charge of your every decision. Having fun in this Obama economy? His domestic policy gives us an economy that is asleep; his foreign policy has left the Middle East in shambles. Our people were murdered in Benghazi, he blamed a video. He removed the leadership of Egypt and Libya and replaced them with chaos. He said that use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "red line" and now he's waffling, trying to fit everyone with his Obama Context Filter and only ends up looking like a weak leader.

We had a real leaders, real men as President in this country; men who risked their lives in honor and defense of this nation, men who were not afraid to take a stand for what they believed, for Liberty, for justice, instead we have a weasel. A weasel who revels in bringing our economy down with our world standing.

There was a time when the Russian empire trembled before the will of a US President, now they call our SecState a liar and they have told us they have a red line we shouldn't cross

I can't imagine Ronald Reagan saying, "oh it was Congress that said to "tear down this wall'"

I'm sorry that you grew up under this "leadership" we can and will do better

Isn't Affirmative Action great? The only reason he was ever President is because of his skin color. If he was white he would be John Edwards.

The reality is that even after being in office for years, Obama is still unqualified to be President. He reminds me of certain government employees I've worked with over the years: people that sit in their chair for eight hours a day and don't do shit. Totally worthless people that everyone else avoids and other people just pick up the slack. But hey, those people bring "diversity" to the team. Unfortunately with the President there is no one to really pick up the slack, and we've seen the results.

and Bush jr would have been Gomer Pyle.
We can start by executing the entire Obama Regime for Treason for aiding and abetting Al Qaeda. Should solve the problem.

who do you think trained their leadership asswipe? :eusa_eh: Reagan (R) armed & trained the mujhadeen, the remnants of which formed Al Qaeda. Read some history before you vomit forth that nonsense that you always seem to do :thup:

you say that Reagan's policies were all wrong, but you praise obama for doing the same things? are you totally :cuckoo: ?

The remnants of Reagan's mujahdeen did not form al quaeda, the remnants of the mujahedeen first joined the Taliban, then formed the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban.

Al quaeda was formed in Peshawar, Pakistan by Osama Bin Laden who did not go to Iraq and only went to Afghanistan after he was forced out of the Sudan. Then al quaeda was moved to Afghanistan.

The Taliban and al quaeda are not the same. They are two different entities. The Taliban was founded by Mullah Omar in Afghanistan. Al Quaeda by Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan.
Difference Between Taliban and Al qaeda | Difference Between | Taliban vs Al qaeda
Good lord......Progressives you are all pathetic. NONE of you can be honest about this president. His policies are yours. They fail. Yet instead of owning up to it you lie and blame others....I use to liken progressives to children . They are worse Children can learn from their mistakes they are like sociopaths with narcissistic tendencies.

Obama is the most incompetent president ever. He is proof that professors teach instead of do for a reason.

lol irony
To the younger generation, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to come of age in the USA with arguably the worst, most un-American POTUS in our history.

All Obama cared about was trampling our liberties and putting the state in charge of your every decision. Having fun in this Obama economy? His domestic policy gives us an economy that is asleep; his foreign policy has left the Middle East in shambles. Our people were murdered in Benghazi, he blamed a video. He removed the leadership of Egypt and Libya and replaced them with chaos. He said that use of chemical weapons in Syria was a "red line" and now he's waffling, trying to fit everyone with his Obama Context Filter and only ends up looking like a weak leader.

We had a real leaders, real men as President in this country; men who risked their lives in honor and defense of this nation, men who were not afraid to take a stand for what they believed, for Liberty, for justice, instead we have a weasel. A weasel who revels in bringing our economy down with our world standing.

There was a time when the Russian empire trembled before the will of a US President, now they call our SecState a liar and they have told us they have a red line we shouldn't cross

I can't imagine Ronald Reagan saying, "oh it was Congress that said to "tear down this wall'"

I'm sorry that you grew up under this "leadership" we can and will do better

How is Obama anti-American?
Good lord......Progressives you are all pathetic. NONE of you can be honest about this president. His policies are yours. They fail. Yet instead of owning up to it you lie and blame others....I use to liken progressives to children . They are worse Children can learn from their mistakes they are like sociopaths with narcissistic tendencies.

Obama is the most incompetent president ever. He is proof that professors teach instead of do for a reason.

lol irony

You need to look up that word

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