Zone1 We need LESS snitching

Full honesty I have probably reported a couple dozen times over my years here but let's be honest.

We gain NOTHING by crying to the mods about others. All we create is more unnecessary scrutiny.

Mod the pedos, mod the spamers, mod the CLEAR racist bs. But do we really need mods to play goalie because someone from the opposite side stole our Preparation H?

Report less, Adult more

I got warned for calling an admitted drug user a drug user.... good grief, noobs
So, in other words, you are wanting them to do a complete about face from their current pattern of protecting the pedos, protecting the spammers and protecting the biggest racist in the forum while punishing those who confront them.

They certainly protect the enablers, it makes one wonder why
One more random post about the Astros.

I hate that team. Cheating twats.

Nevertheless, I have to say I admire old Dusty Baker. To him I only say one thing:

Apparently right handed but left master eye. He will never be a good shot except for the time he puts a big .44 mag against his own head.

He did shoot himself and didn't miss. He was a bit creepy, in any case. Most left wing 'journalists' are.
Just out of curiosity, can you report a DM? In true Trump supporter fashion I’ve gotten called a c**t many times in DMs. I guess they were having PMs…
Wow, that's pathetic.
What's pathetic is this boards inability to post on topic without constantly calling each other Nazis or pedos or any other manner of outlandish names. Call me that kind of shit you can expect to be reported. Don't like it find the fucking ignore feature

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