We need more babies

To have more babies you shall turn societies into 1800s, prohibit abortions, communism, feminism, freemasonry and satanism, make Christianity the State Religion
Now THAT was good! Especially the part about making Christianity the State Religion. However, it doesn't apply to Sweden where female priests outnumber male priests and same-sex marriages are encouraged in the church more than heterosexual relationships. But of course, Sweden allows homosexuals to adopt babies so it's six of one and a half dozen of the other. This fact alone must justify Sweden's support of Ukraine, a country that is described as a "baby factory" where Swedish homos rent Ukrainian wombs and buy babies from them.

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Than no babies

Read the Great Book How to Have more Babies

I have read it cover to cover twice in my life. And I have made babies. And helped those babies become compassionate, intelligent adults.

I have also studied history. When the Church is in charge the people suffer. The Dark Ages, the Spanish Inquisition, and more. Can you name a single time a theocracy was a good thing?
This is just another because i said so argument.

If you want kids go out and have kids if you don't don't.

Don't go around telling people they have to have children just because you think you have to have children
We'd probably need an incentive program to increase the birth rate. The tricky part is to get the right people to have more babies and not the wrong people.

No. We do not need to spend tax dollars because you are afraid of brown people.

People will have kids when they have kids. The gov't does NOT need to be involved.
This isn't just a North Korea thing, it's something needed in many, many countries. Even here in America. We need more American women to have more babies.

---Kim Jong Un openly weeps as he urges North Korean women to have more babies---

well get busy then
Incentives will not cover the hundreds of thousands of dollars it will cost to raise a child.

And having a child completely changes your life.

But you want people to do it, not because they WANT a child, but so you won't see too many brown people.
Incentives will not cover the hundreds of thousands of dollars it will cost to raise a child.

And having a child completely changes your life.

But you want people to do it, not because they WANT a child, but so you won't see too many brown people.

The fear of brown people is very prevalent among a certain political group
Money shouldn't have anything to do with raising a child.

Yes. Unless you are an alcoholic or crackhead.

That may be the issue here.

It shouldn't? Not sure how that works. If you are raising a child you have to spend significant amounts of moey.
Money shouldn't have anything to do with raising a child.
It shouldn't?
No, it shouldn't. We are speaking in conjunction with an education.
Not sure how that works.
I understand that.
If you are raising a child you have to spend significant amounts of moey.
Student loans and state allowances take care of most of it. I have two sons who are adults now but also a 16-year-old son who's just started "high school" and lives with us at home. With his student loan and our family allowances, his upkeep is hardly noticeable.
No, it shouldn't. We are speaking in conjunction with an education.

I understand that.

Student loans and state allowances take care of most of it. I have two sons who are adults now but also a 16-year-old son who's just started "high school" and lives with us at home. With his student loan and our family allowances, his upkeep is hardly noticeable.

College is the least of it. Providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, transportation and more costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
College is the least of it. Providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, transportation and more costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I may have misled you by unintentional omission. I'm sure that student loans and family allowances don't apply to your country. That's why I underlined, "Money shouldn't have anything to do with it".
I may have misled you by unintentional omission. I'm sure that student loans and family allowances don't apply to your country. That's why I underlined, "Money shouldn't have anything to do with it".

Whether it should or not is irrelevant. I does cost a lot of money to raise a child.

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