We need to address cultural problems among the black youth and white youth in America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
We must reject the poisonous fire, left wing BLM arguments. They suggest that young black commit crimes because they’re poor. That is an evil way to think. Because here in Southeast Asia, where there are some very poor people, they don’t go around committing crimes and beating the hell out of old women. It’s because of the Buddhist culture, the beautiful culture of Cambodia and Tyler. You see that’s what being a liberal is all about appreciating different cultures. Now those cultures are better than what we have this filth in America.

In 2018, based on data from the FBI’s Uniform
Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, black people
were overrepresented among persons arrested for
nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal
violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation
in the U.S. population (

In addition all one has to do is look at the photographs of mass school shooters in the USA in the past 20 years. It’s almost always young white men of whom are lonely, hooked on marijuana and antidepressants. Just look at the pictures very specifically were not talking about mass shootings in general. Were talking mass school shootings One of The most evil things one could do.

We need America do to address these problems. Clearly we have a poisonous BLM radical feminist Culture in this country that has denigrated America. And that’s why we have graffiti on the subways, that’s why American cities are dangerous today. That’s why we have the highest rate of single young men in this country’s history.

Look at the beautiful work our black and white grandparents did in this country. School shootings were unheard of in 1932 or 1957… look up the stats we could all see there was no school shootings. Maybe one a year if that. Even mass shootings in general were almost nonexistent in the American past.
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We need to have Hollywood produce films about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, and show these heroic men in the positive light. Show how they’re beautiful life helped to give us the country we have today. We need our teachers and media to instill pride in America.

Unfortunately today much of the media and Hollywood is instilling negative thoughts and flat out propaganda about “white supremacy” in America. It is very poisonous and it clearly has led to a spike in crime , drug use and depression in America.

It really is quite simple. You see if a young white boy thinks that he has no chance of finding a girlfriend, if he’s playing video games all day and smoking marijuana he’s going to be more susceptible to committing a school shooting.

If a young black boy is told by poisonous BLM leaders how evil American history is, that young boy won’t really have much to look up to, and he might even tell himself “man I’m entitled to rob a store or attack somebody for money”

So we need to have Christian values, family values, and American traditions prevail. And we will American will prevail, because we always do.
The OP is useful in one way, as he's the first to let you know what Moscow's latest propaganda push is.
We must reject the poisonous fire, left wing BLM arguments. They suggest that young black commit crimes because they’re poor. That is an evil way to think. Because here in Southeast Asia, where there are some very poor people, they don’t go around committing crimes and beating the hell out of old women. It’s because of the Buddhist culture, the beautiful culture of Cambodia and Tyler. You see that’s what being a liberal is all about appreciating different cultures. Now those cultures are better than what we have this filth in America.

In 2018, based on data from the FBI’s Uniform
Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, black people
were overrepresented among persons arrested for
nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal
violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation
in the U.S. population (

In addition all one has to do is look at the photographs of mass school shooters in the USA in the past 20 years. It’s almost always young white men of whom are lonely, hooked on marijuana and antidepressants. Just look at the pictures very specifically were not talking about mass shootings in general. Were talking mass school shootings One of The most evil things one could do.

We need America do to address these problems. Clearly we have a poisonous BLM radical feminist Culture in this country that has denigrated America. And that’s why we have graffiti on the subways, that’s why American cities are dangerous today. That’s why we have the highest rate of single young men in this country’s history.

Look at the beautiful work our black and white grandparents did in this country. School shootings were unheard of in 1932 or 1957… look up the stats we could all see there was no school shootings. Maybe one a year if that. Even mass shootings in general were almost nonexistent in the American past.
Stay keen, good friend. Your words here risk giving the appearance that you are very out of touch, with reality, and that you are gleefully-brainwashed by America's big media ---when it elaborately psyched you into viewing Blacks as subhuman or savage:

Please, take a moment to reflect on these veracities:

Stay keen, good friend. Your words here risk giving the appearance that you are very out of touch, with reality, and that you are gleefully-brainwashed by America's big media ---when it elaborately psyched you into viewing Blacks as subhuman or savage:

Please, take a moment to reflect on these veracities:
You realize this fool is a Russian Troll, right?

Unless you're a Russian Troll, too, and you hope to meet your borscht quota.
We must reject the poisonous fire, left wing BLM arguments. They suggest that young black commit crimes because they’re poor. That is an evil way to think. Because here in Southeast Asia, where there are some very poor people, they don’t go around committing crimes and beating the hell out of old women. It’s because of the Buddhist culture, the beautiful culture of Cambodia and Tyler. You see that’s what being a liberal is all about appreciating different cultures. Now those cultures are better than what we have this filth in America.

In 2018, based on data from the FBI’s Uniform
Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, black people
were overrepresented among persons arrested for
nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal
violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation
in the U.S. population (

In addition all one has to do is look at the photographs of mass school shooters in the USA in the past 20 years. It’s almost always young white men of whom are lonely, hooked on marijuana and antidepressants. Just look at the pictures very specifically were not talking about mass shootings in general. Were talking mass school shootings One of The most evil things one could do.

We need America do to address these problems. Clearly we have a poisonous BLM radical feminist Culture in this country that has denigrated America. And that’s why we have graffiti on the subways, that’s why American cities are dangerous today. That’s why we have the highest rate of single young men in this country’s history.

Look at the beautiful work our black and white grandparents did in this country. School shootings were unheard of in 1932 or 1957… look up the stats we could all see there was no school shootings. Maybe one a year if that. Even mass shootings in general were almost nonexistent in the American past.
FDR was a terribly bad influence on these very problems, why do you have his picture. Biden has unwittingly promosted this with his attacks on the family and his foolish view that if you take away a gun from a mass killer he is no longer a mass killer.
The root problem --- because I've studied this --- is the breakdown of the family so that 1/4 of boys grow up with no father. Abortion has made this very much worse as it pits a mother against her own flesh and blood. and Homsexuality has cheapened the whole idea of family. This is not a family , It is disgusting

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