We need to fix America's lack of information


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Merritt Island, FL
Instead of getting big dicks and our panties in a wad over the spying shit and this and that, we should focus on providing ways to inform the voters. (The spying stuff was common knowledge for a very long time. Now there is noise over it.)

A proposed way would to have a government funded, privately ran website/news source by college students. To prevent bias privately and governmentaly. The college students would be compromised of groups per state and will be chosen/cycled through every 6 months.

The tasks of the groups will consist of:
*Providing the original text of each proposed law/bill
*Providing a summary of each proposed bill/law
*Providing the cause and effects of choosing to enact the law/not enacting the law

The groups will perform their duties for county laws and state laws.
For federal laws, they will hold meetings every 1-2 weeks nationwide and perform their duties for national bills/laws.

The last responsibility for the groups will be to Provide political background for each political candidate (On a county, state, and federal level), provide what each candidate is for, and provide cause and effect details for each candidate.

Candidates defined on a federal level should only consist of who is running for senate, house, and for president.

Also, make election day a federal holiday. Power to the people!
Sorry to have to tell you this, but your fellow Americans have a 30 second attention span.
Not bad in theory - but most wingnuts have the attention span of a housefly. Plus, wingnut radio/TV would just distort the hell out of it.
Instead of getting big dicks and our panties in a wad over the spying shit and this and that, we should focus on providing ways to inform the voters. (The spying stuff was common knowledge for a very long time. Now there is noise over it.)

A proposed way would to have a government funded, privately ran website/news source by college students. To prevent bias privately and governmentaly. The college students would be compromised of groups per state and will be chosen/cycled through every 6 months.

The tasks of the groups will consist of:
*Providing the original text of each proposed law/bill
*Providing a summary of each proposed bill/law
*Providing the cause and effects of choosing to enact the law/not enacting the law

The groups will perform their duties for county laws and state laws.
For federal laws, they will hold meetings every 1-2 weeks nationwide and perform their duties for national bills/laws.

The last responsibility for the groups will be to Provide political background for each political candidate (On a county, state, and federal level), provide what each candidate is for, and provide cause and effect details for each candidate.

Candidates defined on a federal level should only consist of who is running for senate, house, and for president.

Also, make election day a federal holiday. Power to the people!

Didn't a bunch of bed wetters drool when your moonbat messiah pledged to have a transparent govt', post bills online for public view and discussion, as well as end the practice of lobbyists influencing the government?

It's funny that you bought it, funnier still that you support that asshole even now, and absolutely hysterical you're talking about "political background for each political candidate" since you're not bothered at all your messiah wasn't vetted by anyone beyond hitlary's campaign staff.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5t8GdxFYBU]Barack Obama "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk" - YouTube[/ame]

The scope of this spying was not known prior to these leaks. This is a nice talking point, but entirely untrue.
I think we should start by educating K-12 that the USA is a republic and not a democracy and what the difference is between the two.

Then when they ask their parents why they have given up their rights the parents can fumble for an answer.
Instead of getting big dicks and our panties in a wad over the spying shit and this and that, we should focus on providing ways to inform the voters. (The spying stuff was common knowledge for a very long time. Now there is noise over it.)

A proposed way would to have a government funded, privately ran website/news source by college students. To prevent bias privately and governmentaly. The college students would be compromised of groups per state and will be chosen/cycled through every 6 months.

The tasks of the groups will consist of:
*Providing the original text of each proposed law/bill
*Providing a summary of each proposed bill/law
*Providing the cause and effects of choosing to enact the law/not enacting the law

The groups will perform their duties for county laws and state laws.
For federal laws, they will hold meetings every 1-2 weeks nationwide and perform their duties for national bills/laws.

The last responsibility for the groups will be to Provide political background for each political candidate (On a county, state, and federal level), provide what each candidate is for, and provide cause and effect details for each candidate.

Candidates defined on a federal level should only consist of who is running for senate, house, and for president.

Also, make election day a federal holiday. Power to the people!

Someone once promised me that any new legislation would be viewable online for a certain amount of time before it was brought up for a vote


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