WE need to stop the virus they said

You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.


I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.


You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors. Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

ya mean the vaccine libs denied there would be by this time

And now refuse to give him credit for doing what THEY said would be impossible
Slow day on the Hunter Biden laptop front eh? Why else drag out this tired BS?
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors. Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

ya mean the vaccine libs denied there would by this time

You just can't shut it off can you? Through this ordeal America desperately needed republicans to cut the crap and get real long enough to get through all this they just couldn't do it. With the level of control Trump has over his followers he could have had you all wearing masks and taking precautions like reasonable people. The pandemic would be a lot more under control and he would have been reelected.

Who says we arent taking precautions simply cause we disagree with the efficacy of masks,,,,,,with quotes from Fakey himself casting doubt on them

I've encountered enough of you hand-shaking, close talking fucks to know for a fact Trumpbots are super-spreaders without the common decency to keep their germs to themselves.

View attachment 435344

Then you should run to your safe room to protect you from the COVID pandemic.

Do you need some crayons or a puppy to hug?



Fuck off troll. I'd do anything to protect my wife, she would almost certainly have a bad time if she got it and I couldn't take bringing it home to her.


Then stay home troll.


New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, and California, the states run by Cuomo, Murphy, Wolf, Pritzker, and Newsom, who pushed infected patients into nursing homes, account for some 40,000 deaths among nursing home patients. These numbers are incomplete because of the deliberate obstruction of some of these administrations, notably those of Cuomo, Murphy, and Pritzker, when providing accurate and comprehensive statistics of these deaths.
But after all the agonizing from Democrats, activists, and the media over outbreaks in prisons, 149 federal inmates out of 124,538, and 551 state prison inmates out of some 1.2 million died.
Democrat Governors Freed the Criminals and Killed the Elderly - Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles
I'd like to know how many died by released criminals too.
Why can’t we ask for proof?
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

Hadn’t hit the nursing home either!
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.


I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.




  • 1609393591688.png
    18.5 KB · Views: 19
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors. Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

ya mean the vaccine libs denied there would by this time

You just can't shut it off can you? Through this ordeal America desperately needed republicans to cut the crap and get real long enough to get through all this they just couldn't do it. With the level of control Trump has over his followers he could have had you all wearing masks and taking precautions like reasonable people. The pandemic would be a lot more under control and he would have been reelected.

Who says we arent taking precautions simply cause we disagree with the efficacy of masks,,,,,,with quotes from Fakey himself casting doubt on them

I've encountered enough of you hand-shaking, close talking fucks to know for a fact Trumpbots are super-spreaders without the common decency to keep their germs to themselves.


Let me enlighten you...LIBTARD..

I followed your gods instructions, wore a mask, social distanced, and all of the other demands they made...

I can tell you this is not the seasonal spread of pneumonia. CSS (Cytokine Storm Syndrome) is rare, or at least it was until COVID hit. This virus causes the human body to eat itself. My wife died of suffocation when her bronchioles and alveoli were destroyed by inflammation and fluid. My wife died on Dec 13th and her mother died three days earlier on Dec 10th. I was ill from November 15 through December 10. I required supportive oxygen and medications. I survived the infection they did not and it could be months before I am back at work.

Worse still is we wore masks, used early shopping to avoid crowds, and every other option including quarantine to avoid getting this virus. Masks do not work! its a lie and four doctors agreed with that assessment... We still do not know how or where we contracted the virus. This virus doesn't care about your political affiliation... I am living this nightmare and you fuckers don't have a clue!

Take your ignorance and go fuck yourself...
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.


You're wrong idiot.

You don't have to work.

So your bitching about everyone else because you're scared is just you being a whiney bitch.


You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.

I see you let your ignorance override commonsense...

The CDC admits that over 87% of people who contract COVID wore mask all or most of the time outside their houses... YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! the fact you revel in the deaths of other really pisses me off... I cant say what I would do if we were in the same room as I would be permanently banned.

You idiots are inciting a war that you are going to lose....
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.

I see you let your ignorance override commonsense...

The CDC admits that over 87% of people who contract COVID wore mask all or most of the time outside their houses... YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! the fact you revel in the deaths of other really pisses me off... I cant say what I would do if we were in the same room as I would be permanently banned.

You idiots are inciting a war that you are going to lose....

I already said I don't care if you get sick and die. What more do you want? Just try not to spread it around to the non-assholes before you go.
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.

I see you let your ignorance override commonsense...

The CDC admits that over 87% of people who contract COVID wore mask all or most of the time outside their houses... YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! the fact you revel in the deaths of other really pisses me off... I cant say what I would do if we were in the same room as I would be permanently banned.

You idiots are inciting a war that you are going to lose....

I already said I don't care if you get sick and die. What more do you want? Just try not to spread it around to the non-assholes before you go.

You really are a stupid fucker who will eat any shit your masters tell you to.

Let me just say I hope you are stricken with this and you do not survive... Your mask isn't going to stop anything.. keep fucking with it....
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.

View attachment 435359

You're wrong idiot.

You don't have to work.

So your bitching about everyone else because you're scared is just you being a whiney bitch.



I do have to work. Never been busier or made more money than I am right now. Most people are considerate enough to stay back but at least once a week I encounter someone who wants to shake my hand and talk in my face. Are you one of those? If so then fuck you too.
You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.

I see you let your ignorance override commonsense...

The CDC admits that over 87% of people who contract COVID wore mask all or most of the time outside their houses... YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! the fact you revel in the deaths of other really pisses me off... I cant say what I would do if we were in the same room as I would be permanently banned.

You idiots are inciting a war that you are going to lose....

I already said I don't care if you get sick and die. What more do you want? Just try not to spread it around to the non-assholes before you go.

You really are a stupid fucker who will eat any shit your masters tell you to.

Let me just say I hope you are stricken with this and you do not survive... Your mask isn't going to stop anything.. keep fucking with it....

I'll be OK.
I do have to work. Never been busier or made more money than I am right now. Most people are considerate enough to stay back but at least once a week I encounter someone who wants to shake my hand and talk in my face. Are you one of those? If so then fuck you too.

You're the one who said you'd do anything to keep your wife safe therefore you lied and are more than willing to risk her life all over your love of money.

That makes you not only a liar but a...


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You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors. Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

ya mean the vaccine libs denied there would by this time

You just can't shut it off can you? Through this ordeal America desperately needed republicans to cut the crap and get real long enough to get through all this they just couldn't do it. With the level of control Trump has over his followers he could have had you all wearing masks and taking precautions like reasonable people. The pandemic would be a lot more under control and he would have been reelected.

Who says we arent taking precautions simply cause we disagree with the efficacy of masks,,,,,,with quotes from Fakey himself casting doubt on them

I've encountered enough of you hand-shaking, close talking fucks to know for a fact Trumpbots are super-spreaders without the common decency to keep their germs to themselves.


Let me enlighten you...LIBTARD..

I followed your gods instructions, wore a mask, social distanced, and all of the other demands they made...

I can tell you this is not the seasonal spread of pneumonia. CSS (Cytokine Storm Syndrome) is rare, or at least it was until COVID hit. This virus causes the human body to eat itself. My wife died of suffocation when her bronchioles and alveoli were destroyed by inflammation and fluid. My wife died on Dec 13th and her mother died three days earlier on Dec 10th. I was ill from November 15 through December 10. I required supportive oxygen and medications. I survived the infection they did not and it could be months before I am back at work.

Worse still is we wore masks, used early shopping to avoid crowds, and every other option including quarantine to avoid getting this virus. Masks do not work! its a lie and four doctors agreed with that assessment... We still do not know how or where we contracted the virus. This virus doesn't care about your political affiliation... I am living this nightmare and you fuckers don't have a clue!

Take your ignorance and go fuck yourself...

Sorry for your loss. That leads me to believe this may have more to do with the 5G technologies then an actual virus. If you watch this video. This doctor sums it up very well.

You don't get to say the virus is a hoax in one thread and say it's deadly in another. Pick one and stick with it.
View attachment 435326

You don't get to say that it's a highly contagious deadly pandemic then get to say it was a simple mistake sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes.



Why are you only saddened and outraged over the people who died under very specific circumstances in states with democratic governors? Thousands of people have died in red states for various reasons that can be directly linked to local public health policy. Does it matter to you? The slow disorderly roll out of the vaccine with no nationwide standards is going to cost lives as well. Are you even a little upset about that?

View attachment 435340

Thousands of people have died all over the country in both red and blue states.

They so do every day and not necessarily from COVID.

Why are you attempting to make this into a political blue/Democrat and red/Republican issue?

Every state has the right to manage the issue in its own way however putting sick people in a facility where people are already in poor health is either the height of ineptness or the height of corruption.



You already said you're mad at the democrats only.

View attachment 435349

I never mentioned blue or Democrats until you brought it up Sherlock.

Perhaps you should get tested for COVID to see if it's affecting your mental processes.



Been going around with this shit for a year now. The nursing home tragedy is a leftover from a time when the pandemic had not hit rural America so hard yet and you were still allowed to lament deaths. These days the front line of the pandemic is everywhere with continuing bad decisions costing lives everywhere. If you want to make this discussion non partisan you first have to take issue with bad decisions being made right now rather than continuing to rehash a bad decision a year ago. The learning curve has been steep but some people will never learn.

View attachment 435355

I'll post it again since you appear to be a slow learner.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish.

In other words if you are so worried about it STAY HOME and order what you need on line.

Trust me you will not be missed at morning coffee at the local restaurant.



Understand this troll. I have to work and I do every single day of the week. The assholes who just can't stay out of my space deserve to get sick and die. If the Trumpbots were only risking their own lives and heath I'd say more power to you go out and catch your death but they are being about as considerate as a drunk driver and I rejoice every time a mask denier croaks.

I see you let your ignorance override commonsense...

The CDC admits that over 87% of people who contract COVID wore mask all or most of the time outside their houses... YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! the fact you revel in the deaths of other really pisses me off... I cant say what I would do if we were in the same room as I would be permanently banned.

You idiots are inciting a war that you are going to lose....


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