“We’re going to lose this [f-ing] thing. Why don’t they get it?” Obama Campaign Mgr


One of the partisan blabbers (they all run together for me) yesterday was talking about a "Romney landslide". Right now the polls are neck and neck, with Obama having the Electoral College advantage. So what is the theory here - my only guess is that Romney hasn't spent a lot of money yet, and that he'll build momentum after the conventions.

Is that the thinking here?

he has a mountain of money from the wealthy and the republicans cheat in elections.

The dems have to have a big lead to win

One of the partisan blabbers (they all run together for me) yesterday was talking about a "Romney landslide". Right now the polls are neck and neck, with Obama having the Electoral College advantage. So what is the theory here - my only guess is that Romney hasn't spent a lot of money yet, and that he'll build momentum after the conventions.

Is that the thinking here?


I don't pay attention to polls. To many variables.

This one could be correct or not. Hard to tell.

If Barry's campaign folks are having doubts this early then its possible Romney could win in a landslide.

I, for one, hope so.
The campaigns are constantly gathering info from every state and getting info and trends fed to them. They know how they are tracking on areas they are supposed to be strong and weak and if support is rising or falling.

They also watch approval ratings in numerous categories and various groups. These are markers and indicators on how they are doing in certain subset groups. They could be seeing something in all the data that is disturbing or trending badly.

One of the partisan blabbers (they all run together for me) yesterday was talking about a "Romney landslide". Right now the polls are neck and neck, with Obama having the Electoral College advantage. So what is the theory here - my only guess is that Romney hasn't spent a lot of money yet, and that he'll build momentum after the conventions.

Is that the thinking here?


I sincerely hope so.

These guys have got to stay on there toes. Romney has a vast amount of money and a lazy Obama camp could mean a Romney victory.

One of the partisan blabbers (they all run together for me) yesterday was talking about a "Romney landslide". Right now the polls are neck and neck, with Obama having the Electoral College advantage. So what is the theory here - my only guess is that Romney hasn't spent a lot of money yet, and that he'll build momentum after the conventions.

Is that the thinking here?


I sincerely hope so.

These guys have got to stay on there toes. Romney has a vast amount of money and a lazy Obama camp could mean a Romney victory.

I dunno. Most of the polls are something like 47-45, with one guy or the other in the lead, and I have a hard time believing that so many people are still undecided. Should be interesting to see if all those ads can move the needle this far into the game.


One of the partisan blabbers (they all run together for me) yesterday was talking about a "Romney landslide". Right now the polls are neck and neck, with Obama having the Electoral College advantage. So what is the theory here - my only guess is that Romney hasn't spent a lot of money yet, and that he'll build momentum after the conventions.

Is that the thinking here?


Not really.

When a POTUS has approval below 50%, history says the undecideds flock to the challenger.

Barry is in deep, deep.... Obama. They all know it.

One of the partisan blabbers (they all run together for me) yesterday was talking about a "Romney landslide". Right now the polls are neck and neck, with Obama having the Electoral College advantage. So what is the theory here - my only guess is that Romney hasn't spent a lot of money yet, and that he'll build momentum after the conventions.

Is that the thinking here?


I sincerely hope so.

These guys have got to stay on there toes. Romney has a vast amount of money and a lazy Obama camp could mean a Romney victory.

I don't think they are lazy. I think they are surprised/confused that it isn't as easy as it was in 2008.
Early spending has lead into deficit spending for Obama while Romney has watched his pennies and will torch the airways when it counts most, just before the election, and after the convention.

It may be called better organization, better plans or better fiscal planning, but I call it an eye on what would happen in an administation.

One of the partisan blabbers (they all run together for me) yesterday was talking about a "Romney landslide". Right now the polls are neck and neck, with Obama having the Electoral College advantage. So what is the theory here - my only guess is that Romney hasn't spent a lot of money yet, and that he'll build momentum after the conventions.

Is that the thinking here?


Not really.

When a POTUS has approval below 50%, history says the undecideds flock to the challenger.

Barry is in deep, deep.... Obama. They all know it.

Although I am unclear what the quotation in the thread title refers to. It would seem from the article that Rahm was talking about demonizing the super PACs as a strategy, and that they would lose that argument if they went for it. Not that the Obama campaign would lose its bid for re-election.

Anyway, polls showed Carter and Reagan tied neck and neck and it was a landslide. Partly there is bias in the news orgs wantign polls to show a close race to increase readership. Partly it is because of respondent bias: a lot of people wont admit they wont vote for Obama.
Whatever. Look at the money. Romney has been breaking records for the last 3 months. Obama has been in the red every month for the last three months. That ought to tell people something.
Whilst there may only be 5% undecided, people should note that in Obama's 'landslide,' had about 3.5% more of voters gone for McCain, then McCain would have won the popular vote.
We’re going to lose this [f-ing] thing. Why don’t they get it?” Obama Campaign Mgr

Being a liar and a turd does not help.....

4 more years of the obamanation and you will end up like this car.......

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