We really dodged a big bullet with Palin.

I think she's been too badly bruised by the press to run for the presidency in 2016. I do think she has a good chance to become an Alaskan senator or representative.

She's been through the tough stuff, and she's still standing. I believe she's tougher than many give her credit for.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. I really believe if she ran in 2016, she'd win. In fact, I think she could have taken 2012.
Im all for her running every year.

it would be so fun to watch a Nikki and Sarah ticket, You liberals would have a heat attack with that.
She's been through the tough stuff, and she's still standing. I believe she's tougher than many give her credit for.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. I really believe if she ran in 2016, she'd win. In fact, I think she could have taken 2012.
Im all for her running every year.

it would be so fun to watch a Nikki and Sarah ticket, You liberals would have a heat attack with that.

Its us Republican's who would have a heart attack! maybe a stroke too. A Haley/Palin ticket would end the race before it even started. Why are we constantly putting up candidates with no chance of winning and thinking that it cant be beat?
Did she die? Did I miss something? Because if she's not dead, you didn't dodge anything. She's plenty young. She could run in 2016.

I think she's been too badly bruised by the press to run for the presidency in 2016. I do think she has a good chance to become an Alaskan senator or representative.

She's been through the tough stuff, and she's still standing. I believe she's tougher than many give her credit for.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. I really believe if she ran in 2016, she'd win. In fact, I think she could have taken 2012.

you can't win national elections by just having your base vote for you. you need the rational, independents to win. she can't get those.
I don't think Palin could become president unless she became a congressperson first and started refashioning herself. Politics are full of reinvention and second chances. That being said, if Palin ran against Joe Biden in the next election then she might stand a chance.
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I don't think Palin could become president unless she became a congressperson first and started refashioning herself. Politics are full of reinvention and second chances. That being said, if Palin ran against Joe Biden in the next election then she might stand a chance.

Do a poll then. My vote Uncle Joe.
I hope she stays in the newscycle for a long time muhahahahaha. If I were a rich Progressive, I'd pay her to tweet zany rw stuff
Did she die? Did I miss something? Because if she's not dead, you didn't dodge anything. She's plenty young. She could run in 2016.

I think she's been too badly bruised by the press to run for the presidency in 2016. I do think she has a good chance to become an Alaskan senator or representative.

She's been through the tough stuff, and she's still standing. I believe she's tougher than many give her credit for.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. I really believe if she ran in 2016, she'd win. In fact, I think she could have taken 2012.

Most polls had obama winning by 12 or 13 percent, some by as much as 20 and that would be before they debated. I couldnt imagine a more embarrassing situation than a ticket headed by Palin, it would look like we just gave up on politics.
I think she's been too badly bruised by the press to run for the presidency in 2016. I do think she has a good chance to become an Alaskan senator or representative.

She's been through the tough stuff, and she's still standing. I believe she's tougher than many give her credit for.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. I really believe if she ran in 2016, she'd win. In fact, I think she could have taken 2012.

Most polls had obama winning by 12 or 13 percent, some by as much as 20 and that would be before they debated. I couldnt imagine a more embarrassing situation than a ticket headed by Palin, it would look like we just gave up on politics.

I'm not sure I understand. Obama is running for a third term?
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She's been through the tough stuff, and she's still standing. I believe she's tougher than many give her credit for.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. I really believe if she ran in 2016, she'd win. In fact, I think she could have taken 2012.

Most polls had obama winning by 12 or 13 percent, some by as much as 20 and that would be before they debated. I couldnt imagine a more embarrassing situation than a ticket headed by Palin, it would look like we just gave up on politics.

I'm not sure I understand. Obama is running for a third term?

The poster said that she could have won in 12'. I was responding to that. I think shes done too much damage to run anywhere other than Alaska
Most polls had obama winning by 12 or 13 percent, some by as much as 20 and that would be before they debated. I couldnt imagine a more embarrassing situation than a ticket headed by Palin, it would look like we just gave up on politics.

I'm not sure I understand. Obama is running for a third term?

The poster said that she could have won in 12'. I was responding to that. I think shes done too much damage to run anywhere other than Alaska

My bad.
I don't think Palin could become president unless she became a congressperson first and started refashioning herself. Politics are full of reinvention and second chances. That being said, if Palin ran against Joe Biden in the next election then she might stand a chance.

You’re such a bind partisan, you can’t see the truth.
I don't think Palin could become president unless she became a congressperson first and started refashioning herself. Politics are full of reinvention and second chances. That being said, if Palin ran against Joe Biden in the next election then she might stand a chance.

You’re such a bind partisan, you can’t see the truth.

And whats the truth Clayton? Youre attacking a man who has been defending her, with class I might add. Try and act like youve heard of respect. now im going to show you none.. What do you think? Palins gonna ride in on her moose and turn the economy around? the only votes she would get are from people who either a. refuse to vote democrat or b. place social conservatism over financial logic. Either way, you can have my left foot before I place a vote for her because Im not voting dem and i understand math
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I don't think Palin could become president unless she became a congressperson first and started refashioning herself. Politics are full of reinvention and second chances. That being said, if Palin ran against Joe Biden in the next election then she might stand a chance.

You’re such a bind partisan, you can’t see the truth.

Thanks for explaining.
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I don't think Palin could become president unless she became a congressperson first and started refashioning herself. Politics are full of reinvention and second chances. That being said, if Palin ran against Joe Biden in the next election then she might stand a chance.

You’re such a bind partisan, you can’t see the truth.

And whats the truth Clayton? Youre attacking a man who has been defending her, with class I might add. Try and act like youve heard of respect. now im going to show you none.. What do you think? Palins gonna ride in on her moose and turn the economy around? the only votes she would get are from people who either a. refuse to vote democrat or b. place social conservatism over financial logic. Either way, you can have my left foot before I place a vote for her because Im not voting dem and i understand math

Actually..............Obama DIDN'T have to ride a moose, and yet the economy is turning around.

Even in spite of the GOP, the unemployment rate has dropped from 9 percent to around 7 percent. Not only that, but the housing market is up, and the DOW has reached record profits (more than twice what it was when Obama took the presidency).

Why does everyone think that Obama is taking down the country? Jobs are up, as well as most of the economy, yet everyone wants to say he's messing this country up.

Obama has done a good job, and probably better than what McStupid and the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil could have ever thought about doing.
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I don't think Palin could become president unless she became a congressperson first and started refashioning herself. Politics are full of reinvention and second chances. That being said, if Palin ran against Joe Biden in the next election then she might stand a chance.

You’re such a bind partisan, you can’t see the truth.

coming from one themselves, that is FUNNY
As we see the Anthony (weenie) Weiner is Reinventing himself and they will probably put him back in office...lol

so ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE..so suck it up you Palin hater buttercups.
as for dodging a bullet you should be slapped and ridiculed talking about Palin when you have that Buffoon BIDEN next in line..

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